King of Glory: Brother, let's have dinner

Chapter 144 Do You Think I'm A Man With Two Boats?

Chapter 144 Do You Think I'm A Man With Two Boats?
Gu Nian couldn't help but stood up and pulled Li Bai away!

She actually endured it for a long time. If they had come one day earlier, Li Bai and Reg were playing around, and she would probably find it sweet in her eyes.

But right now, she only has bitterness in her heart.

It's just that the act of directly pulling Li Bai away in front of everyone actually stunned everyone.

Gu Nian didn't care if they misunderstood, and followed him to the door.

Li Bai smiled and said, "What's the matter? Do you miss me? I haven't seen you for a day, but I miss you very much!"

God knows, when he came to look for her, he suddenly found that there were so many people, and he was a little panicked.

There was a smile on his face, and what was reflected in his eyes was her appearance, those beautiful peach eyes, sparkling and very attractive.

"I want to ask you something, do you have to answer me honestly?" Gu Nian looked at him, feeling a little complicated.

She was alone for a whole day, recalling the bits and pieces of their days in her mind, and the progress was indeed a little faster, and everything seemed to be logical, which caught people off guard.

"Ask!" She felt her solemnity.

He naturally restrained his original sloppy attitude.

"The purpose of your coming to Chang'an is for Noah's Ark, right?" Gu Nian stared into his eyes without blinking.

Want to see something from his eyes.

He nodded: "Of course, you knew it early on!"

That night, when he and Marco Polo met, they had a fight over this, and they both misunderstood each other's purpose. Later, he also told her that he came for Noah's Ark.

If it was because of the ark, Gu Nian nodded: "Okay, let me ask you again, why did you break into the palace to find the empress when you came to Chang'an for the first time?"

He didn't know what happened to her today.

"Nian Nian, what are you asking these for?"

"Just answer my question." Gu Nian looked at him and said.

She just wanted to know if he came for Princess Loulan.

This question made him fall into deep thought, and there was a bit of sadness in his eyes.

"Is it because of Loulan Princess Jialan?" she asked.

Immediately saw him change color: "How do you know?"

When he asked this sentence, she laughed unconsciously, "I know you came to Chang'an because of Princess Loulan, Jialan, and I also know that I look a lot like her, that's why you always It's because you're pestering me, you've never been thinking about me, but about her, even if you're looking for Noah's Ark, you're just looking for a way to revive her..."

"Jia Lan is my junior sister. When I first saw you, I really felt that there were similarities between you..."

"So you still wanted me to be your sister at that time?" Gu Nian was furious.

Li Bai nodded, seeing her turn around, he grabbed her by the tail.

Gu Nian was short of breath.

"Let go!"

"Don't let go!" He knew that if he let go without making it clear this time, then maybe the little fox would never talk to him again in this life.

"Yes, maybe I was attracted at first because you are very similar to Jialan, but I know that my feelings for Jialan are completely different from yours!"

When Gu Nian heard this, he patted his hand and snorted coldly, "Hmph, who knows what kind of feelings you have for her?"

She doesn't know about their past.

"So are you jealous?" He didn't get angry when he heard it, but he felt that she was the most duplicity, caring so much in her heart, but acting so calm on the surface.

"What kind of feelings do I have for you, don't you know? According to you, if I want to revive Jialan, why should I work so hard to find a substitute? Or in your mind, I'm just a man with two legs man?"

He is not such a person.

"I..." Gu Nian was at a loss for words for a moment.

"I know I was wrong about hiding Jialan from you, but I didn't even tell many people about it."

Because when he found Jia Lan, she had already been used as a military prostitute and suffered abuse.

Gu Nian did not expect such a story to unfold.

"...After I rescued her, Loulan was gone, and many countries in the Western Regions fell. How could she, who used to be so proud and lofty, endure the destruction of mountains and rivers, the departure of her parents and relatives, and the fact that she was humiliated several times? So she didn't want to live..." Li Bai's voice was also a little choked up: "I promised master to take good care of her, but I still broke my promise. She committed suicide in front of me, but I can't do anything. I hate the Tang cavalry. Cold and ruthless, I also hate why I lingered outside the customs and didn't save her earlier..."

She subconsciously wanted to soothe the sadness in his eyes, and stretched out her hand, but it was held in the palm of her hand.

Even if you want to break free, you can't break free.

"Later, I broke into Datang, Chang'an, and Daming Palace alone! I came here full of hatred, but found that my proud sword intent could not kill the Empress, and I couldn't make her bow her head! But she knew After realizing the purpose of my visit, I was executed within a few days. The generals who burned, murdered and abused the prisoners of war sincerely apologized.

I did not choose to forgive, I am not qualified to forgive.But the empress told me that if the iron cavalry of the Tang Dynasty did not step into the Western Regions, the demons would wantonly harass the borders of the Tang Dynasty and kill the people.The conflict between humans and demons cannot be resolved overnight. Only by defeating the surrender, can there be a day of peaceful coexistence in unity.It's just that the pain caused by this process is inevitable... If she does it all over again, she will do the same. "

The empress is a far-sighted person, ambitious and ambitious, but she is far more than limited to this.

Gu Nian asked back: "So you were persuaded by her?"

"No, she can't convince me. I can't understand her behavior towards the countries of the Western Regions. She has a heart of love for talent, but she promised me that she would give me three chances. If I can defeat her, I can do whatever I want. But Loulan is gone, Jia Lan is dead... Even if I kill her, what's the use of killing her? Now that I have joined the Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty, the country is prosperous and the people are safe and the weather is good. Ordinary people... She said that she would compensate me for high officials and rich salary, maybe it is easier to do things with privileges. But these are not what I want!"

"So, you want to find Noah's Ark, to bring everything back to the past, to revive Jialan, and to keep Loulan from falling?" Gu Nian asked.

Li Bai nodded: "That's what I thought at the beginning. I want to prove that the empress's idea is wrong. Demon seeds are certainly the biggest threat to mankind, but what is wrong with the countries of the Western Regions? They are supposed to suffer such a catastrophe ! But finding Noah's Ark is not easy... and there are legends, whether it can really turn back time is unknown!"

(End of this chapter)

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