King of Glory: Brother, let's have dinner

Chapter 157 Is Su Lie the famous No. [-] man in Chang'an?

Chapter 157 Is Su Lie the famous No. [-] man in Chang'an?
"Your Majesty is wrong. From the clues I learned here, Xuan Ce may have been wronged. We are looking for evidence for him, not to exonerate him, but that he is not guilty at all."

Gu Nian's words made the empress stunned for a moment: "Oh?"

Gu Nian then revealed the results of Di Renjie's investigation.

"...Your Majesty, in fact, this matter shouldn't have been revealed at this time. After all, Master Di is still investigating, but the matter of Xuan Ce is too strange. If Zhao Si is in Chang'an City After two or three years, knowing Your Majesty, you treat the mixed-blood demons and human races equally without any discrimination, but he kept showing his real body, instead hiding his true strength and appearance, deliberately wandering around in the streets of the southern district as a rascal , specifically to bully the old and the weak, women and children, that's all. On the day when Xuan Ce and Shou Yue were about to leave, they ran to the west city gate and came to harass them. They have never been to Chang'an City, this is the first time they have come here, and they have never met any enemies before. Why did Zhao Si find Xuan Ce at this critical moment and use it to frame him at the cost of suicide? Unfortunately, , not long after, the Great Wall fell..."

One ring after another, interlocking, one can't help but feel that there is too much secret hidden in it.

Gu Nian didn't believe that everything was a coincidence, she only told the empress her doubts, to see if the empress thought it was a coincidence.

Sure enough, Empress Wu Zetian also fell into deep thought after listening.

"So, what do you mean?" She wanted to see who Gu Nian suspected of having sex with.

"Because, all this may be a conspiracy deliberately targeted at the Great Wall guards. Everyone knows that the lifeblood of the Tang Dynasty rests on the Great Wall. If the Great Wall falls, it will not be a long time before the fall of Chang'an. Therefore, I would like to ask Your Majesty to investigate thoroughly. !"

There is no evidence pointing to anyone, Gu Nian will not easily say that the object of his suspicion is Ming Shiyin.

Because this is too absurd, not to mention that the Empress still trusts Ming Shiyin, raising it rashly will arouse suspicion.

Just saying that she didn't have much contact with the Yin Yaotian organization in the Ming Dynasty, but she knew their hostility and targeted the Great Wall Guards. Others have to doubt her, how did she know the existence of the Yaotian organization.

It can't be said that she knew about it through Glory of the King, right?

It is estimated that everyone regarded her as a psychopath.

Empress Wu Zetian fell into deep thought when she heard the words.

This shows that there should be another force in Chang'an City that is messing up the water. No matter what, she does not allow such a force to exist on her territory, whether it is because of dealing with the Great Wall Guards or to further deal with Chang'an city.

But the Empress is an Empress after all, after pondering for a moment, her expression slowed down.

"Of course I will send people to investigate what you said. I called you here today to reassure you. It's not that I don't want you to go to the Great Wall to save your teammates. It's just that you can stand alone in the midst of thousands of troops. What to do, I have already sent General Li Jing to the Great Wall as reinforcements before, and there should be news in a short time. As for the reason why Chang'an City is closed, it is because of Master Mozi, and now he wants to research a stronger materials to strengthen the walls of Chang'an City..."

Even so, Gu Nian also understood in his heart that the empress would probably not let them leave the Great Wall.

At noon, the Empress left them to have a meal in the palace.

During the period, I asked them about some western customs and the distribution of the empire.

Kayn can't lose his memory, of course he doesn't know anything about it, Gu Nian is actually not much better than him in this respect, she just briefly explained what she knew.

After they left, the Empress fell into deep thought.

"Finally, what is the meaning of the prophecy that the teacher gave me, that Satan came to the world, and the devil wanted to rule the entire Continent of Kings? But I never believed in this, I still hope that the iron cavalry of the Tang Dynasty will set foot in the Western world one day, At that time, all empires and demons will submit to me!"

Empress has always been ambitious.

But now the top priority is, she can't control those things in the western world, it's still the matter of the Great Wall Guards, and she needs to hurry up and follow up!
She sent someone to find Di Renjie again.

After Gu Nian went back, she saw A Li busy in the yard, but the others were not interested. When they saw her and Kayn coming back, they immediately rushed forward to greet her.

"What's the matter? Does Your Majesty agree that we should leave the city?" Shou Yue asked.

Gu Nian shook his head: "Your Majesty did not agree, but before us His Majesty has sent General Li Jing to the Great Wall to support, let us wait for the news in Chang'an City with peace of mind!"

Waiting is the most lengthy and tormenting process. It is the most embarrassing thing to know that a friend is in trouble, but there is no way to save him.

Everyone in the yard looked listless.

The only good news is that Gu Nian told Shou promise that the Empress has ordered a thorough investigation of Xuan Ce's case, and if Master Di takes action, there is a high probability that Xuan Ce will be cleared.

Even so, it's not exactly pleasant.

Gongsunli didn't know how to comfort everyone. She cooked a lot of food, but the appearance was not very good. After serving it out, seeing that everyone had a poor appetite, she blamed herself for not being good at cooking.

It's just that everyone was talking about Mulan and Su Lie at the moment, so worried that they didn't notice her frustration.

"I don't know who will be the first to get the attention of the reinforcements on the side of Sister Mulan and Uncle Su Lie."

"If we set off from Chang'an, there is a high probability that we will go with Sister Mulan first, because she was besieged in the west, and she is a remnant of the ancient country of the Western Regions..."

In other words, what Hua Mulan encountered was not the demon seed but the King of Lanling. In fact, Gu Nian was relieved to hear the news. If it was the King of Lanling, she felt that he would not hurt her.

It's just that she is so proud, and he wants to take off her wings. There may be many twists and turns between these two people.

"Then what about Uncle Su Lie?" What Su Lie encountered was a demon, and he kept his promise and was a little worried.

"Su Lie..." Hearing their discussion, Gongsunli's mind went dark for a while.

"Who are you talking about Su Lie?" She looked at them fixedly.

In fact, it is a fluke in my heart. After all, there are so many people with the same name and surname in the world, maybe it's just that the names are similar.

But she also hoped that he was the one she was looking for.

Everyone was a little surprised at her loss of control.

"Tell me, is he the number one scholar who was once famous in Chang'an?" She asked unwillingly.

(End of this chapter)

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