King of Glory: Brother, let's have dinner

Chapter 158 Broke up before it even started

Chapter 158 Broke up before it even started

Shou Yue was surprised, "How do you know? When Uncle Su Lie was young, he was indeed number one..."

Later, he abandoned literature and went to martial arts, which is really surprising.

He was originally a child of a family, and he was the number one scholar in the imperial examination. He should have a bright future, but he chose the completely opposite path. To guard the Great Wall, he also wanted to protect his hometown.

How many times, Gongsunli recalled, when we met for the first time, she was still a disgusting mixed-race orphan wandering the streets of Chang'an, after she was hungry, she stole buns from the store and was chased by people all over the street At that time, he was the one who pulled her out from the crowd where everyone was shouting and beating her, and he was the one who gently stroked the tip of her hair, telling her that even a mixed-blood demon can live a normal life like an ordinary person, so stealing It was wrong, and then took her to a restaurant, where she ate the happiest full meal in her life...

At that time, he originally wanted to take her away, but she thought of her little friend, her messy appearance, and her humble self-esteem, so she refused.

It was many days later that she found out about him with her friends.

It turned out that he was the young number one scholar, the object of many girls' dreams.

He is literary and gentle, a kind and extremely gentle person.

She approached him secretly, but felt that she was just a down and out orphan, and being close to him was just a burden. During that time, she was very depressed, until she met Ming Shiyin later.

The husband gave her a job and taught her skills. When she first entered the teaching workshop and performed dances on the stage, all the men in the audience looked straight at her.

She was surprised by her beauty, and realized that there are still so many people in this world who are willing to spend a lot of money for her.

She felt a little complacent in her heart, feeling that she was closer to him.

She waited day by day, waiting for the day when she would meet him again.

Little did they know, he suddenly resigned overnight, ran away from home, gave up his bright future, and never heard from him again.

Gongsunli never thought that he went to the Great Wall and became a guard of the Great Wall.

At this moment, when she heard Shou Yue's words about Su Lie, she couldn't help crying.

"I want to find him, he is full of danger now, I want to save him!"

Gongsunli's words made Shouyue and the others look at each other in blank dismay.

Everyone didn't know about this period of past, including Gu Nian, who even wanted to match Ah Li and keep the contract at one point.

"A Li, Uncle Su Lie and you..." Shou Yue was a little dazed.

"He is my lover, I like him!" She swore when she was very young that she would marry him when she grew up.

At this moment, seeing everyone's strange eyes, Gongsunli was a little stunned, and she suddenly had a bad premonition.

"Is he already married?"

If so, her waiting would be in vain.

"That's not true!" Shou Yue shook his head, but it was hard to tell her that Uncle Su Lie actually had a confidante.

Sure enough, when he kept the promise and said no, Gongsunli fell into a burst of excitement.

"I knew he didn't, I must find him!"

After she finished speaking, with a bang, Pei Qinhu, who had just walked in from the door, dropped a food box in his hand to the ground.

That's Tang Ji's dessert, Gongsunli's favorite on weekdays.

At this time, everyone's eyes looked over, and so did Gongsunli.

She and Pei Qinhu looked at each other, and the latter's eyes flickered a little.

Gongsunli looked at him, somewhat disappointed.

Perhaps, she really regards Pei Qinhu as a friend. Others don't know her identity, but she knows it.

He was also a soldier who came out of the Great Wall Guards, but he was arrested for being a traitor and fled all the way to Chang'an City, hiding his name, and then he came to work under the master's hands.

Since Shou promised that Su Lie was originally a member of the Great Wall Guards, and a commander-in-chief whose status was not low, why did he never mention it to her?

In fact, he already knew who the person she was looking for was, but he never explained.

This time, her lover encountered an unprecedented crisis on the Great Wall. If she hadn't overheard Shou Yue and the others mentioning it, she might not have known where he was for the rest of her life.

Years of friendship, at this moment, there is a feeling of crisis.

She didn't know how to face Pei Qinhu.

After Pei Qinhu saw her eyes, he instantly understood what she was thinking.

At the beginning, he really wanted to tell, but later on, it was out of selfishness. He felt that he probably fell in love with Ah Li and didn't want her to find the so-called "lover". On the other hand, she didn't know at all. Even if he said it, did the husband really ask her to find the person she loves?

No, sir, not so!
The estrangement between the two people and the subtle atmosphere that surged out were more or less obvious to everyone.

But I don't understand why this is so, only Gu Nianruo thinks.

"A Li, even if you know that Su Lie is the person you like, we all know that he is in danger now, but now the gate of Chang'an City has been closed tightly, and no one can get out. Let's wait for the news with peace of mind!" Gu Nian persuaded.

This news made Gongsunli somewhat depressed, she wished she could fly to the Great Wall as soon as possible.

But she also understood that if possible, Gu Nian and the others would have left immediately.

Instead of sitting here and waiting dryly.

"I will think of a way!" In the end, Gongsunli didn't want to sit still!

At the first moment, she thought of Ming Shiyin and wanted to ask Ming Shiyin for help. She stood up and wanted to rush back to the next door.

Everyone was puzzled, Shou Yue wanted to stop her, but finally stretched out his hand, and stopped in mid-air.

Gu Nian still sat still.

She probably guessed what Gongsunli was thinking, and she also wanted her to find out what was going on with Ming Shiyin.

So he also stood up and followed.

The others remained silent.

Luna felt emotional, "Sister Ah Li actually likes Uncle Su Lie, it's incredible."

Reg's whole body was like an eggplant beaten by frost.

I feel like I'm falling in love before I'm in love.

"How could Ah Li like Su Lie? Ah Li is still young, Su Lie is already an uncle...uncle and loli..."

With a bang, Reg gave Kayn a hammer on the head.

"Brother, why did you hit me?" He just felt unhappy.

He had just come to Chang'an City, and finally fell in love with a girl, but it turned out that the girl actually had someone he liked, and he was already very sad.

Don't let me complain.

"Hmph, even if people don't like Su Lie, they can't like you!" Kayn said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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