Chapter 169 Prince Peony
It's a pity that his words didn't have any effect on Kayn, he just gave him a contemptuous glance.

Reg thought to himself, he really has nothing to worry about, but so what, everyone is living together now, and there are Luna and Shouyue, so doesn't he care about anything?
He'll be staring at him anyway.

Besides, Gu Nian, after finishing her breakfast, went out alone.

She was going to inquire about Ming Shiyin's news, and it was inconvenient to bring anyone with her. Reg originally wanted to follow her, but later found that Kayin didn't go out with her, so he didn't follow.

Gu Nian first went to Dali Temple to find Li Yuanfang.

Li Yuanfang was very surprised when he heard her intention.

"Do you brothers and sisters like to inquire about people so much? You want to inquire about Ming Shiyin, but it will be difficult..." Li Yuanfang frowned, showing a look of bitterness and hatred at a young age.

Gu Nian heard a bit of trickery from his words: "You mean, my brother has also inquired about someone from you, who has he inquired about with you?"

Gu Nian's words made Li Yuanfang show a little embarrassment.

He seems to have said the wrong thing.

"It's impossible for me to tell you, as a secret agent, I have my own ethics!"

Gu Nian glanced at him suspiciously, and then said, "If you don't tell me, I can probably figure it out, maybe he asked you about Li Bai some time ago?"

Immediately, Li Yuanfang looked at Gu Nian in disbelief, she had guessed it all.

Looking at his expression, Gu Nian also knew that he was right.

But this matter is over, and it's meaningless to guess right, so she changed the subject.

"Okay, let me be serious, I want all the information of Ming Shiyin, and I will give you a lifetime free membership of Wangchunlou."

The food in Wangchun Tower is indeed delicious, but they only let the young lady in.

But if you are a lifetime free member, and you can still enter and leave the Wangchun Building, then you are really making a lot of money.

"Agreed, you wait here, I'll go in and look for information!" Li Yuanfang disappeared in an instant.

It ran really fast.

Gu Nian waited outside for a while, then he greeted Gu Nian and said, "Come in, Lord Di is not here right now!"

Unexpectedly, he actually wanted her to enter Dali Temple.

Li Yuanfang had taken care of everything beforehand, and the other guards just turned a blind eye when they saw Gu Nian coming in.

Li Yuanfang quietly told Gu Nian: "Sister Fox, you can leave secretly through the back door later."

He brought her to the archive room, and after opening the door of the archive room, he took out a file.

On the yellow paper on the top, there is a coded word written in uppercase, and the lowercase Peony Layman is unknown at the bottom.

It's rather mysterious.

At this time, Li Yuanfang had already closed all the doors and windows, and said to the wind outside: "Hurry up and take a look, I will give you time for a stick of incense. To be honest, this Ming Shiyin is also something we adults pay close attention to. The target is that he has not been able to find his weakness."

After Li Yuanfang finished speaking, he had already gone out, Gu Nian opened the file and took a look.

The dossier that I thought was very thick actually only had two thin pages.

The information recorded above is that the crown prince has been doing it for many years, and was instructed by the hexagrams of the layman Mudan for his treason. In the end, he couldn't bear it and wanted to kill the layman Mudan. Of course, the layman Mudan himself didn't die, but fell to the ground. A peony flower bloomed on it.

This matter has always been talked about in Chang'an City.

Later, Ming Shiyin reappeared in Chang'an, again as a layman of Peony, which made people think of these two things, the empress recruited him into the palace, and treated him with courtesy, and once wanted to make him a master of the state, but He declined all of them.

The above file should have been written by Di Renjie, and he expressed two doubts.

First, since the prince is a prince, he really shouldn't have the intention of treason. After Mudan Layman, everyone knew that the prince had the intention of treason, and then Taizong took action to suppress the prince's treason. Living.

I am very concerned about this doubt. Although it is recorded in the history books, as a prince, he is already the heir of the country. As long as he keeps himself safe, the future of the Tang Dynasty will definitely belong to him. Why do he want to plot against him?
It was said in history that he was jealous of the second prince, but Emperor Taizong was a wise king, he could clearly distinguish the gap between the prince and the prince, even if the second prince was excellent, he would not allow the second prince to threaten the status of the prince.

The second is, if the Mudan layman back then was really Ming Shiyin himself.

The first time he came, he took a crown prince with him, and the second time he came to Chang'an City, he must have other peonies in his arms.

Di Renjie has always been very wary of this person, but the empress loves talents, even though he gently reminded the empress not to trust this person too much, the empress still loves Ming Shiyin very much.

After all, there is no other news on this dossier.

Can this be considered Tantra?
Gu Nian was a little discouraged, it seemed that there was no result, this trip might be wasted.

Just when she was about to close the file, she found a small piece of paper in the bag, on which was a torn page of records.

The Xuanwu Gate Incident.

Taizong personally killed his own brothers.

Among them is Prince Peony...

Prince Peony Cheng also loved peony flowers especially throughout his life, because peony is also the boudoir name of the princess.


Gu Nian's gaze suddenly became sharper. Di Renjie mixed the torn corner of this page of the scroll into it, because he suspected that Ming Shiyin had any connection with Prince Peony?
It is even possible that he himself is Prince Peony himself?
If so, then he must be very unwilling to the present world.

Including that he has an explanation for what the prince did back then, and even now has a motive for wanting to disturb the world!
Di Renjie, as a master case handler, pays attention to evidence in everything. Although he has doubts in his heart, he will not say it easily.

Gu Nian felt that if Ming Shiyin was the latter, then everything would be extremely difficult?

In this way, as the most powerful army guarding Datang, the Great Wall Guards is bound to eradicate them!

At this time, Li Yuanfang coughed from outside, as if to remind her to leave quickly!
After Gu Nian put his things back together, he walked out.

"Sister Fox, hurry up, Lord Di has come back, you go through the back door now!" Li Yuanfang felt a little flustered.

He trusted Gu Nian to show her such an important secret scroll, if Mr. Di found out, he would not have enough heads to chop off.

Gu Nian knew in her heart that if she stayed here now, Di Renjie would only doubt her motives.

 ps: The speculation about Ming Shiyin's identity does not represent the official story background of Glory of Kings, and the background of the story does not mention his identity.This is just the opinion of this book!

  Not to mention history, if you want to know history, go to history books!
(End of this chapter)

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