Chapter 170

If she could find Ming Shiyin's evidence, she might be able to persuade Di Renjie to cooperate with her!
Thinking of this, she quickly walked out from the back door of Dali Temple.

Di Renjie is very busy now, but it doesn't mean that he has nothing to gain, and even the more the other party moves, the more he can perceive the other party's existence.

As an experienced case-handling expert, he can naturally know that the unrest in Chang'an City is actually someone pulling a long line to catch a big fish.

But now, it is not him who is eager, but the other party. The other party throws out so many things at once because he wants to make Chang'an city chaotic.

But with him, the Empress, Zhong Kui, and Master Mozi in Chang'an City, there will be no chaos.

If they can't make a mess, the only one who can make a mess is the other party.


Gu Nian did not return home immediately, but went to see Li Bai instead.

Xu didn't know that Gu Nian would come over at this moment. When she came, Master Lu Ban was still studying things, and the whole yard was full of large and small equipment.

Even the house has been altered.

Master Lu Ban was probably afraid that he would be disturbed, so he didn't greet Gu Nian when he saw her, but Lu Ban No. [-] greeted her as soon as he entered the door.

"Hee hee, Miss Fox, hello!"

His mouth became sweeter, and Gu Nian saw that his appearance became more and more like a normal human child, probably because he always went to the moat these days, fearing that the appearance of Luban No. [-] would arouse others' vigilance, so Master Luban He changed his appearance again.

It's cute, but the walking posture is already a bit flat.

Gu Nian went over and touched his head, and asked, "Where is Li Bai?"

"He's in the room, probably sleeping, Miss Fox, I'm bored here, can you take me out to play?"

He knew how to negotiate with Gu Nian.

Gu Nian said: "I don't have time now, I'll take you to play sometime!"

Gu Nian thought, Luna and Reg are quite boring at home, if you bring Luban No. [-], they will probably be able to play, even if they can't play, it's like helping to raise a child!
Hearing what Fang Chen said, Luban No. [-] was still very sensible and had to give way to Gu Nian!

As Luban No. [-] said, Li Bai is still resting in the room at this time!
Gu Nian knew that he was busy at night and was trying to catch up on sleep during the day, so she didn't want to come over and disturb him too much in normal times.

But now, because something really happened, she needed him to take her into the palace to check the information of Prince Peony.

It is impossible for ordinary people to have too much contact with the secrets of the royal family. Even if they are told, they are just some rumors and facsimiles.

What's more, since ancient times, the emperor's family affairs have not been discussed by ordinary people.

So Gu Niansi thought about it, the real history is only recorded in the palace.

After bypassing the corridor and the garden, we finally came to the wing.

This house is very big, when Gu Nian came to the door of his room, he was still a little hesitant, at this point in time, he didn't know whether to wake him up or not.

Just as he was about to wait, a voice came from inside.


His tone was a little wary.

It seemed that she hadn't slept, but Gu Nian opened the door, only to see the cold light of a Qinglian sword coming out of it, which happened to rest on her neck.

He was a little surprised when the two met each other.

Immediately he breathed a sigh of relief, and inserted the sword back.

"Nian Nian, it's you!"

He was really happy that she could come to him now.

Gu Nian was taken aback at first, and felt a little wronged in his heart, but when he saw the black and blue under his eyes, his heart ached.

"It's me. The matter of Noah's Ark can't be rushed for a while, there's no need to exhaust your body!"

Her tone was soft and waxy, as if cold spring water had soaked into his heart and lungs, which instantly made him feel at ease.

Then he took her hand and said, "I knew you loved me. It would be great if you married me sooner. Your husband wouldn't have to work so hard, would he?"

"Bah, where did you learn to be glib?" Gu Nian glared at him.

But seeing him yawning, he swallowed what he originally wanted to say.

"By the way, what's the matter with you coming to see me at this time?" She knew she was fine and wouldn't come to him at this hour. They both agreed to meet at night.

Gu Nian shook his head: "It's okay, you go to sleep first!"

If there's anything to do, let's wait until he wakes up!

"Really?" He asked suspiciously.

"It's not urgent!" She reassured him.

So he took her hand with peace of mind and said: "Then you sleep with me! Anyway, you are not allowed to leave now!"

"Okay, I'll read a book in the room! Wait for you to wake up!"

Gu Nian was soft-hearted and did not refuse, so he secretly kissed her on the cheek.

Before she could react, he had already run away.

Then she blushed again, but it wasn't a big deal, she said to herself.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly. There are many travel notes and ancient books in his room, which are really convenient for her to understand the layout of the entire King's Continent.

He has traveled to many places over the years, including the deserts of the Western Regions, the ruins of the Yin and Shang Dynasties, and the place of origin. Originally, he had a plan to go to the Western Continent in the future.

This character suits me very well, only if I walk around once, can I travel through time in vain.

Unknowingly, she read the travel notes for an afternoon, and was attracted by the many places in the King's Continent that he recorded, and was also amazed by his talent.

Until he grabbed her tail from behind and asked with a smile, "Are you surprised by your husband's talent?"

When he woke up, he saw that the sky outside had turned dark, and subconsciously thought she had left, but when he looked up, she was still sitting in the room quietly reading a book.

Under the light, her beautiful face became softer and softer. She smiled, as if she was attracted by the scene described in the book.

For some reason, from the very beginning when she said she would take the book to read, he had a premonition that she would like it.

Perhaps this is the place where the two cherish each other, because of their personalities, they can come together.

He just hopes that there will be someone in the world of mortals who can accompany him to travel all over the world.

Gu Nian rarely interrupted his narcissism, but rather flattered him.

"Yes, I was amazed by you. Are you hungry? I originally planned to cook for you, but I was so fascinated by it that I forgot the time!" Gu Nian apologized, this point should be cooking .

"I was hungry at first, but I was full when I saw you. Now I finally understand why the ancients had the word beautiful and delicious?"

Gu Nian: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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