Chapter 174
"Fifth Brother, put down your sword, or I'll be rude!"

Reg wanted to laugh, but found he couldn't!

"Luna, ask your beloved brother, what did he do to Lucy?"

Luna looked at Kayn inexplicably, "Brother?"

Just a moment later, he jumped out of the yard and ran away.

Reg didn't have time to catch up.

But for some reason, he ran away, but he breathed a sigh of relief, because he didn't have any confidence in a real fight.

"Fifth brother, what happened?" Luna could see that something was wrong no matter how innocent she was, everything was weird tonight.

But no one said a word. In fact, after Kayn left like this, Reg calmed down instead.

This matter has something to do with Lucy's feelings, so if she said it directly, it would embarrass her. She probably felt very sad when she encountered such a thing.

"It's nothing, you go and see Lucy, and stay with her tonight!" No matter how much Reg loves Lucy, there are differences between men and women, and some things can't comfort her.

But Luna is different.

Luna nodded upon hearing that.

Shou Yue saw this scene and found it quite weird.

But he doesn't know what's wrong, as an elder brother, he will love the person who is connected by blood in his own way, so what about A Kai?
Why did he see Niannian crying today?
Logically, he wouldn't bully Nian Nian, right?
Baili kept the promise, confused, but it was already dark, and it was not easy for him to enter Gu Nian's room to comfort her, so he had to give up.

Finally, Luna walked in.

When Gu Nian was crying sadly, he heard a knock on the door!

"Sister, you are coming in. I will sleep with you tonight."

She knocked on the door twice, Gu Nian finally opened the door, tears dried, still looking a little red and swollen, Luna hugged a pillow and walked in.

At this moment, he raised his head and took a careful look at Gu Nian: "Did brother bully you?"

Gu Nian's eyes darkened.

"It's nothing."

"Brother, he left suddenly. I feel that everything has changed when I came to the east this time." Luna is actually very smart, and she can feel that there is something wrong with the atmosphere between them. It's different.

But she has always believed that as long as the fragments of the heavenly book are found and the curse is resolved, then their family can still return to the past.

But now it seems that something has blocked the relationship between them.

Gu Nian did not expect that she would be so sensitive.

Just hug Luna!
But still look complicated, yes ah, many things have changed.

It made her afraid and made her feel strange.

It's not that she has no feelings for Kayn, but this kind of feeling is based on her trust, admiration, and admiration for him.

She sees him as her elder brother, someone she can rely on.

They are the only ones who have just arrived in the country of Tang Dynasty, this unfamiliar territory, and they are the only ones who depend on each other for life, and they both regard each other as very important people.

It never occurred to her that the relationship between them would deteriorate.

It never occurred to me that it would develop into what it is today.

What are they now?
Torn off the face of pseudo-brothers and sisters, they are nothing.

She no longer has a brother.

There is no longer the person she was thinking of and wanted to find back then.

There is also one more person who keeps saying that he likes her, loves her but acts against her will.

What will she do to face him in the future?
After Gu Nian coaxed Luna to sleep, she closed her eyes until dawn.

Early the next day, I packed some things and said to Reg: "Fifth Brother, I'm staying in a restaurant during this period of time. If you have anything to do, come to Wangchunlou to find me!"

"Lucy..." Reg felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

Thinking about Lucy because of her brother, don't they even trust them?
But still nodded: "Okay!"

Seeing Shouyue and Luna's gazes, she bit the bullet and left.

When I went out, I saw the door next door was open.

Yi Xing came out of it, and was a little surprised to see Gu Nian leaving with a burden.

"Are you going?"

"No, it's just that my restaurant is a bit busy. I just want to help out. During this time, if you want to eat, let Brother Shouyue cook for you. The food he cooks is also delicious!" Gu Nian smiled laugh.

Yixing glanced at her lightly, such pure eyes seemed to be able to see into the depths of a person's heart.

He could see that she seemed to be trying to force a smile.

But when he came back to his senses, the person had already gone far.

Back in the courtyard, Ming Shiyin said, "Going away?"

"Let's go!" Yi Xing looked at Ming Shiyin, trying to see some emotion from his face.It's a pity that he didn't. He never showed his emotions. He was always gentle, refined, and restrained.

"Master, did you already know that she would leave?" He finally couldn't help asking.

"Maybe!" He was still watering the peony flowers carefully.

Yi Xing felt a little uncomfortable, one was A Li, the other was Gu Nian...

It seems that these people are just pawns in his hands, he never cares about the relationship between them, he only cares about his own purpose.

"Master, if you say that the happiness you find for me is at the expense of other people's happiness, I don't think I need it!" He said.

Apologize for his father and regain the honor of his ancestors.

He can do all these things by himself, and he is no longer the ignorant child who just cried.

He also has his own ability. Even though the road ahead is bumpy, he will do his best to pursue it and will never sacrifice the interests of others.

Ming Shiyin raised his head and glanced at him lightly, and smiled mockingly: "When I was young, I was as ignorant as you! I thought that after I taught you how to play chess, you shouldn't be so simple and straightforward. After a few small favors and small favors, did you speak for her?"

"Yes, she is just a small favor to me? What about Ah Li? What do you think of sister Ah Li?"

He is so cold.

Everything is calculated, and the hexagrams are always exhaustive.

Sure enough, Yi Xing couldn't hear any answer from him.

He even wanted to ask if it was just a part of his plan together with him, just because he was a descendant of the Duke of England, which played a great role in his calculation of the Tang royal family, not because he was his apprentice.

But he didn't ask, he was afraid that if he did, the answer he would get would be so naked and straightforward, making it even more embarrassing!

Gu Nian came to the restaurant with her luggage, but Hong Mei was taken aback.

"Sister, are you moving house?"

(End of this chapter)

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