Chapter 175 Prince Peony
Gu Nian didn't have a lot of luggage. She put all the silver, jade and other things he left for her at the beginning, and explained to Luna yesterday. Even if Luna didn't understand, Reg and Shou Yue would also understand.

"I just came to see what the restaurant can do for help." Gu Nian said absently.

Hong Mei said: "The business of the restaurant is very good now. The Qingchun Building on the opposite side knows that we are doing women's business and doesn't fight with us, because our family's business is good. It's funny to say, those princes and grandsons always like Sitting in the best private room, looking through the window to see our rich daughter..."

The restaurant has already entered the right track, even if there is no care, it will work.

Hong Mei found another staff to help, so she didn't have to come to the store often except to check the accounts occasionally.

"You, everything is written on your face. Sister, I can see that you are not happy today. Did you quarrel with your family?"

Hong Mei knew that Gu Nian was not good at lying, she said that she came to the store to help, the time when the store was most short of manpower has passed, now there are chefs and assistants, everything in the kitchen is well organized.

Gu Nian didn't even have a chance to make a move when he came here.

So Hong Mei felt that she was lying.

But even if you ask, you can't find out anything, and Gu Nian doesn't answer if you ask.

"Here in the restaurant, there is only an elegant house to rest, but it's not safe to live in at night. If not, you can just go back with me." Hong Mei said, "It just so happens that I'm the only one in my family. Stay with me!"

"How can I trouble my sister, I don't necessarily live here anymore, I just take a rest."

Gu Nian's heart was in a mess. Although Hong Mei had good intentions, she lived a little far away.

Although she didn't want to go back home now, she had to investigate Ming Shiyin's affairs, and Xuan Ce had to help, so it would be more appropriate to live in a restaurant.

Seeing that her persuasion was fruitless, Hong Mei let her go.

Gu Nian lay on the couch in the restaurant for a while, she thought she would not fall asleep, but because she thought too much last night, she couldn't fall asleep, and now she fell asleep very quickly.

When she woke up, there was another person beside her unconsciously.

Startled her.

Li Bai looked beside her for a long time, and when he saw her wake up, he smiled: "Are you awake?"

"When did you come?"

"It's been a while. I heard from Hong Mei that you are resting here, so I came here. She said that you ran away from home today? Why don't you go to my place?" Li Bai touched her fox ears.

At this moment, Gu Nian felt all kinds of grievances in her heart. She held back for a long time, and dared not tell Luna, nor did she tell Hong Mei.

But when she saw him ask, she felt wronged, with tears in her eyes, which shocked him all of a sudden.

"What's wrong? Who bullied you?" Li Bai had never seen such a fragile Gu Nian.

She immediately hugged him.

Perhaps it was because she was eager to comfort her, but such a hug made her feel a lot better.

He then patted her on the back: "I'm here, don't be afraid!"

Although I don't know what happened, seeing her being so attached to him made her feel even more distressed. If something big hadn't happened, she would never have been like this.

Gu Nian hugged him for a while before feeling a sense of security, and gradually relaxed.

"Can you tell me what happened now?" Li Bai asked seriously.

All along, Gu Nian didn't really want to talk about it.

Speaking out will embarrass Kayn, and it will not be easy for him.

Secondly, this is really not a good thing, she is a little overwhelmed and embarrassed to speak.

At this moment, she was a little dazed, but the firm and gentle expression of the man in front of her made her feel trustworthy.

But is she going to speak out?

Her hesitation made him feel pity, and he didn't want to force her to say anything.

If she doesn't want to, forget it.

"It's okay if you don't talk! When you want to talk, just tell me!"

She liked his thoughtfulness very much, at least it gave her a chance to relax at this time.

"Okay!" She smiled slightly.

The smile on his face, although very shallow, has changed a lot from before.

"Don't you really want to know all the information about Prince Peony? I went to the palace today and found it!"

It's lucky to say that the study room that keeps the royal family's secret records was opened today. It should be that the empress left shortly after entering, and someone didn't close it at the first time.

After he sneaked into the palace, he took out all the materials.

Gu Nian was a little dumbfounded when he saw the sealed book.

"Is it okay to do this?"

"I can't control that much, you can open it first and see if there is anything you need?"

Gaozu had four sons, the eldest son was Mudan Prince Cheng, Shaohui had a virtuous name, and the second son was Taizong.

Taizong had military talent and strategy, and that time coincided with the chaos of war.

The incident also originated from Emperor Taizong. Gaozu said at that time that Li Jiacheng is also you, and you are also the loser. If the matter is successful, you will be appointed as the prince.

It was Emperor Taizong who fought the country.

But Gaozu finally broke his promise.

Since ancient times, there has been an orderly hierarchy between seniority and inferiority, so the position of crown prince was still granted, but Taizong was just the king of Qin who was subordinate to him, and he was named General Tiance!

The Xuanwumen incident was originally a battle for the throne!
Winner and loser, in an instant.

The reputation of Prince Peony Cheng is not comparable to that of Emperor Taizong, but it does not mean that he is mediocre and stupid like the rumors from the outside world. On the contrary, he is equally talented and has military exploits before the incident.

It's just that his younger brother is more in the limelight than him, overshadowing his reputation.


There are really very few records here. The Xuanwumen incident is focused on the intolerance of Emperor Taizong and the aggressiveness of his brothers.

But in fact, the arrow is on the string, and both sides have already known that it must be life and death. What is involved is not the lives of one or two, but the wealth of all the brothers who follow, the generals, soldiers and all the supporters of both sides...

At that time, there was no brotherhood to speak of.

Prince Peony wrote very little because Taizong didn't want people to record Prince Peony's things.

But what's interesting is that when the blood clan was in trouble, what Taizong sought was not longevity, but peace of mind.

Because blood can bring the dead back to life!

Although this resurrection is just a walking dead...

But later, the people of the blood clan dug up the tomb, and the peony prince they saw had already rotted away, but peony flowers bloomed in front of the princess' tomb!


(End of this chapter)

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