King of Glory: Brother, let's have dinner

Chapter 190 Don't call me so affectionate

Chapter 190 Don't call me so affectionate

At this moment, when I returned home and saw the empty house, I searched inside and out, but there was no trace of Gu Nian, and I had a bad premonition in my heart.

He was too afraid of losing her, just like he almost did that to her when he came back that evening and saw the group of people in the house.

He swore that he would guard her every step of the way.

But after he left for a while, she disappeared.

He was extremely panicked in his heart, and set off with the magic blade in his hand, walking blankly on the streets of the closed city.

Many ordinary people are celebrating the high victory in the first battle, Zhao Zilong brought the victory, and the gate of the city is wide open, and the army poured in.

He walked in the opposite direction, and thought of some things. The house was locked and there was no sign of struggle, which showed that she was not kidnapped by someone, and she might have left with someone voluntarily.


He had a faint feeling that Angela had never given up these days and had been thinking of contacting her.

However, due to his existence, he refused to meet in person, but it is very likely that they have already contacted in private.

After all, Angela is a witch, and the magic practiced by witches is a little different from them. Although she can't beat him head-on, it is still very possible to contact Gu Nian with some breath-holding tricks secretly while he is not paying attention.

Thinking of this, the hostility between the brows became even heavier.

He didn't know what she said to her, but he also knew that it shouldn't be a good thing.

At this moment, he began to frantically search for Angela's whereabouts, and at the same time his trace was also detected.

"There, Second Brother, I saw Big Brother..."

After arriving in the Kingdom of Shu, it became much easier to find out about Kayn's whereabouts, because they didn't deliberately hide it along the way.

But even so, Reg was still extremely excited to see Kayn again after half a year.


"Do you remember?" Angela was not sure, because Gu Nian's current situation seemed a little special.

Gu Nian went through a lot of fragments in his mind, intermittently, and his head hurts thinking about it.

So he hugged his head.

"Forget it, forget it, forget it." Angela sighed. Logically, it's just ordinary amnesia and injury. She should be able to help her remember it. But the current situation seems to have something else hidden .

"I think you should have been taken some kind of drug before, but I'm not sure about the details." Angela's expression was not very good after using her mental power this time.

When she got up, she almost fell, but Liu Chan pulled her aside, so she glared at him.

As a result, the boy's face turned red.

Liu Chan has always felt that Angela's every move can tug at his heartstrings.

Angela was speechless, didn't she know what this little kid was thinking?At a young age, I just wanted to fall in love. I really don't know what kind of mess is in my mind.

He doesn't know how old she really is now, saying it can scare him to death.

He raised his glasses, and then had an idea, "I have a way to remind you of something."

Gu Nian looked at Angela, and Angela said, "Pieces of the Heavenly Book!"

The fragments of the heavenly book contain a time machine, which can see through the long river of time to view one's own past.

However, the fragments of the Heavenly Book are only in the hands of two people in the closed city, one Zhuge Liang and the other Liu Bei.

Gu Nian was confused, but Angela looked at Liu Chan.

"You, don't look at me like this. It is impossible for my master and father to take out something as important as the fragments of the heavenly book." Although he also wanted to help Angela.

But it's not that I don't know that there are too many people who come to snatch the fragments of the heavenly book, and every time it can set off a bloody storm.

Angela came to Shu Kingdom for the first time. At that time, the city was not closed, but when she was in Rongcheng, she confronted Zhuge Liang once.

That man's strength is unfathomable, and she is no match at all.

What's more, now that a Gu Nian has been added, Gu Nian doesn't have any mental power now, so he is no different from an ordinary person.

No, there is a difference, she looks weaker and helpless than ordinary people.

It's just that Angela is not reconciled, she ran all the way to the present Shu Kingdom, isn't it just to get herself free?

She stared at Gu Nian for a while, and suddenly had an idea.

"You are not from the King's Continent, you are from a ghost from another world..." She couldn't help but said, this point, he didn't believe that Zhuge Liang would not be tempted by this point.

Speaking, Angela took Gu Nian's hand, "Let's go!"

"Where are you going?" Gu Nian went in without knowing!
"Go get your memory back!"


The moment he was discovered, he held the magic blade tightly in his hand, his brows were slightly furrowed, and his blue eyes concealed murderous intent.

After scanning Kane and Reg, his eyes fell on Li Bai.

There are two swords pinned to his waist, one is Qinglian and the other is Mingwei. The fringe on Qinglian's sword is woven by her own hands, implying peace and harmony for a hundred years...

What a disgusting fellow!

"Where did you put Nian Nian?" Li Bai could sense his murderous intent, but he didn't care, even the Qinglian sword was pulled from his waist.

It has been more than half a year, when he did what he did out of covetousness, regret and pain buried him all the time!
Why didn't he find his mind sooner?
If he had known earlier, he would never have been allowed to succeed!
If he had known earlier, he would never have let Gu Nian stand in front of him that day.

His Nian Nian fell down to block such a sword for him!

"Niannian?" Kayn sneered, "Don't call me so affectionate, she is my wife now!"

"Impossible!" Li Bai retorted, it was impossible for her to marry him, "She doesn't like you at all either!"

Those words hit the pain in Kayn's heart.

She doesn't like him.

Even if he wove a big lie, separated her from the past completely, and placed her in an ivory tower life, making her have to depend on him and trust him, she still didn't dare to think that he would fall in love with her.

What kind of emotion she has for him now, even he himself doesn't know, but he doesn't dare to know.

But he knew one thing, he would never let the two of them meet again!

"Brother, if you still have a little bit of conscience, don't forget the agreement between you and me, let Lucy go, and you too!" The moment Kane heard him say that she was his wife, his heart ached. Already had a bad feeling.

But he still bet that he wouldn't do anything to her.

There is no agreement between them, but they have a mutual understanding, because they both know the curse of the family and like her, but they both understand that they have lost the right to compete for her.

Only silent protection is the best result.

(End of this chapter)

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