King of Glory: Brother, let's have dinner

Chapter 191 But I'm Your Lover

Chapter 191 But I'm Your Lover
Reg also said: "Brother, since you have recovered your memory, how dare you treat Lucy like this, have you forgotten how she treated you?"

He didn't forget, every bit of what happened in the Land of Warriors, or the scenes that happened in the Great Wall Guard Army and later in Chang'an City.

It was because I didn't forget that I was shocked to realize that my feelings for her had reached the point of being hopeless.

It turns out that I really can't let go!

What he was carrying was not only a curse, but also this heavy feeling. He even dragged her into the water, knowing that it was the abyss of hell, but he wanted two people to go forward together.

"Go away, don't force me to do it!" His cold words made Reg feel sad.

Brother, seems to have changed.

But how could he become like this?

In the past, he could convince himself with amnesia, but now?

Both sides did not act rashly, but an imminent battle could break out at any time!

In fact, when Angela and Gu Nian passed by, a terrible fight broke out on the street!

The collision of sword qi and sword intent set off the stone bricks on the ground and collided layer by layer to produce violent sparks.

And Kane is manipulating the mechanism, shooting in from time to time, making it hard to guard against.

"Akai..." Gu Nian wanted to rush up, but was held back by Angela.

"You're crazy!" Didn't you see that the entire street was empty?

Once this kind of destructive battle happened, ordinary people would not be able to stand among them, and would just become victims in an instant. Did she think he was still a magician?

Gu Nian didn't dare to move, but shouted: "Stop! Stop it!"

After all, her voice caught the attention of others. Kayn saw her presence, swept across with a strong sword energy, and then retracted the sword and flew towards Gu Nian.

But Li Bai also came over when he heard the words.

At the same time, they all stopped in front of her.

However, Kayn grabbed her waist, as if swearing his sovereignty.


Gu Nian saw Li Bai, she had some impressions of him, but she couldn't remember who he was, some images flashed in her mind, like the images of them being together once, she felt a little sad in her heart, it wasn't heart-piercing Pain, but a slow dull ache.

She turned to look at Kayn, and Kayn held her waist tightly, and at this moment, he was flustered.

It was as if his fate, his life and death judgment were all in her mind.

But she didn't say anything, even Kane and Reg, she seemed to have forgotten it.

"Lucy, brother said you are his wife, that's impossible, right?" Reg asked loudly.

Gu Nian's mind was very chaotic, she intuited that her past and her memory were not as simple as Kayn told her.

But she also has a kind of evasive psychology. If what A Kai said is all false, then what are they doing for the past six months?
"Yes, I am his wife!"

A tight string on Li Bai's body broke.

"Nian Nian, but I'm your lover. We agreed on two years, and I'll marry you two years later, and you accepted my dowry..." His eyes were a little moist.

He picked up Mingwei in his hand.

"This sword was given to you by me, and Jian Sui was woven by you and given to me..."

I don't know why, the more he talked, the more she felt the weight in her chest, as if she couldn't breathe.

She had a vague feeling that what he said was true.

But why is this so?
Angela's eyes swept over them, and she was surprised by Li Bai's words at this moment. If he is really Lucy's lover, then Ah Kai...

She looked at Kayn, and the corners of her lips twitched slightly: "A Kai, is what he said true?"

Kayn really wanted to tell her that it was all fake, but his eyes touched the teardrops in the corner of her eyes, so she had already shed tears before she knew it. The moment Li Bai appeared, he was flustered, because his love was stolen, And they used to be a couple in love.

There seemed to be a thousand words in his forbearing eyes, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"I see." His dodge made her want to laugh.

It turned out that the happiness she thought she had was wrapped in layers of lies.

Thinking of the medicine Angela mentioned, she asked him, "Did you cause my amnesia?"

"Nian Nian, don't you believe me?" He looked up at her now, like a drowning man grabbing a straw.

He doesn't care what other people think, he only cares about what she thinks.


Along the way, she was steadfast, even if there were many doubts about his words, she chose to believe them.

How can we be together if we don't believe it?

She trusted him so much because he was so kind to her, even if she was uneasy in her heart, she dared not show disbelief for fear of hurting his heart.

"Amnesia?" Kane Reg and the others looked at Gu Nian at this moment.

It suddenly dawned on her that if it wasn't for amnesia, she didn't respond to why they were together.

If it wasn't for amnesia, why didn't she contact them for half a year?
Thinking of this, the bad premonition in Kane's heart became stronger and stronger.

"Nian Nian, let's get out of here, let's go back, you don't owe anyone now. Go back and find our memories together." Li Bai clenched his fists at this moment, he didn't dare to show any expression of grief, as for this In half a year, he didn't want to care about anything that happened.

All he knew was that his girl had been cheated on.

Kayn's actions are too despicable!
But he couldn't choose revenge, because he knew that besides love, he also had a certain status in her heart, she was so emotional.

Otherwise, he would not have been injured so badly that day.

"No, no one can take her away!" It was also impossible for him to let someone take her away from him.

Thinking of this, the magic blade condensed with traces of evil.

But all of this was interrupted by Angela!
"Okay, okay, what are you arguing about? You are all going to take her away, have you asked her opinion?" Angela felt that Gu Nian was a little pitiful.

Both sides were stared at by her.

She came over directly and took Gu Nian's hand.

"I, take her to recover her memory. As for who she chooses to be with after recovering her memory, that's her business. It's really annoying!"

She was a little irritable, and every time she met Gu Nian, nothing good happened.

But who made her sleep for too long, she has never met anyone who is pleasing to the eye, Gu Nian is a friend who she finds very pleasing to the eye and can talk to.

Angela's presence broke the tense atmosphere between the two parties.

Kayn was naturally unwilling to let her take him away.

But Gu Nian grabbed Angela's hand as if grabbing a life-saving straw, "I'll go with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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