King of Glory: Brother, let's have dinner

Chapter 198 Get the Book from Heaven and Return to Chang'an

Chapter 198 Get the Book from Heaven and Return to Chang'an
The opportunity that Angela said came soon, because she couldn't see Zhuge Liang, and couldn't find any reason to persuade Zhuge Liang.

Originally, they planned to give up on themselves, but Liu Chan stole the Tianshu.

Not only Zhuge has the fragments of the heavenly book, but Liu Bei also has a piece. Through the heavenly book, Liu Bei saw the scene of the three marriages in Taoyuan in the past. Now he values ​​loyalty very much, so he naturally won over Zhang Fei, Guan Yu and others. Now he has many good talents under his command, and there are so many wise and monster military advisers like Zhuge. Although the territory of Shu Kingdom is small, it has become stronger day by day.

Liu Chan stole the heavenly book because he knew that Angela needed it. The young master finally fell in love with someone, and wished to give her the best things in the world. This time, even his father's heavenly book dare to steal.

In fact, he finished using it with Angela in his arms, and then returned the heavenly book.

The boy is not very old, but his feelings are pure and passionate, and he looks at Angela very hotly, only looking at her feels very uncomfortable, obviously he has lived for a long, long time, and his face has been cultivated a lot It's thick, but facing such a passionate and pure emotion from the young man, I still feel a little contemptuous of myself from the bottom of my heart.

As if taking advantage of his feelings, but contemptuous contempt, Angela knocked him out a moment later.

By the way, holding the heavenly book, he immediately asked Gu Nian and others to pack up their things and run away.

Usually, Liu Bei and the military division also sent people to monitor them, but Liu Chan chose the day when the front line was in a military emergency, and everyone's attention was on the front line. Common people, and some generals who defended the city.

This made it easier for Angela and the others to escape.

Anyway, Gu Nian didn't have time to inform Li Bai, and the four of them ran all the way desperately.

Running out of the closed city, you have to run out of the borders of the Shu Kingdom, traveling day and night, in order to avoid being recognized by others, you have to disguise yourself!
Gu Nian was puzzled at first, but later Angela said that she had taken away the bible, which also shocked Gu Nian. Everyone knew the seriousness of this matter.

If this is caught back, several people can't eat and walk around!
When I asked again later, Liu Chan stole it out by himself, and Angela ran away after abducting it, so Gu Nian didn't know what to say.

"If you do this, Liu Chan will suffer!"

"Liu Bei's own son, no matter what, I won't kill him. Besides, do you think I took out the heavenly book just for myself? It's good for you and the Star Family!" Angela also knew I'm sorry Liu Chan, but getting the heavenly book can relieve the side effects caused by the residual consciousness of the original body, and the research on the fragments of the heavenly book, no matter how bad it is, can also improve the strength.

Angela desperately wants to return to her peak strength, and she is determined to get the shards of the book this day!
But Gu Nian was taken aback when she heard that she said it was for herself: "Me?"

"Nonsense, aren't you unable to practice now? You see that both Zhuge Liang and Liu Bei have obtained fragments of the Heavenly Book. It's not like you don't know Shu's attainments in mechanism art. Everyone wants to get the fragments of the Heavenly Book. If you can If you collect all of them, how can you dominate the world?"

A cunning light flashed in Angela's eyes. Although it is not necessary to dominate the world, who would dislike the higher their own strength?
Gu Nian did not expect that Angela had such a meaning.

"It's not that I haven't thought about returning it to them, but let's study it first!"

As for when to pay it back, of course, they have to wait for their research to be thorough before paying it back.

As for Kane and Reg, they are silent because they know that the shard of the book is closely related to the curse of their own family. They are selfish, and no one wants to study it.

On the territory of Shu Kingdom, Liu Bei soon realized what this prodigal son Liu Chan had done.

Manpower was sent, and all parties were arrested, even Li Bai was implicated.

This is a later story, they slipped away fast, and Angela was a wizard, and whenever the large troops came after them, she used tricks to make them take more detours.

Instead, those chasing soldiers couldn't catch up.

Ten days later, they came to the border of Datang.

But it was not safe at the border, and after many days of rushing, they returned to Chang'an City.

Returning to Chang'an again, Gu Nian really felt what is called right and wrong.

On the streets of Chang'an, people come and go, but the bustling remains.

It seemed that the chaos that happened half a year ago only existed in her memory, and no one here remembered it.

But in fact, the people of Chang'an all remember the disaster half a year ago, the biggest crisis in the history of Chang'an city.

That day, the guards of Chang'an City rioted and the city gates were opened wide because there were traitors on their side, and then thugs and demons swarmed in.

Those monsters should have come from outside the customs. When the common people heard that the Great Wall had fallen, everyone fell into chaos.

This kind of riot lasted for a long time, so no one cared where Kayn went with Gu Nian.

In the end, it was the Empress who united with Master Mozi, Li Bai stood up and recommended Master Lu Ban, and the two masters worked together to defend the city of Chang'an.

Ming Shiyin's plan failed.

But what made the empress furious was that the Yaotian organization had already infiltrated into the imperial court unknowingly.

His eyeliner is everywhere. If Li Bai didn't know Ming Shiyin's identity, I guess the Empress would not have suspected Ming Shiyin, after all, she used to trust him so much.

But it was this trust that made what he did to him so heartbreaking.

The Yaotian organization was wiped out, and all the followers under him were uprooted. Even Gongsunli, Pei Qinhu and others were affected. However, Di Renjie handled the case impartially, knowing that they were working for Ming Shiyin, but he did not participate in this plan. Let them pay off their merits and go to the Great Wall to support them.

Originally, Pei Qinhu was also a member of the Great Wall Guards.

In Ming Shiyin's plan, the original Great Wall was also a part of it.

Now that they stepped into Chang'an City again, Gu Nian and the others all showed their true colors, but they were all faces of foreigners, they had already been spotted by the eyeliner, and the eyes of the two behind them followed like a shadow, Gu Nian and the others knew it, but they didn't really care.

This is a spy sent by Di Renjie.

After returning, they suddenly found that even though they stayed in Chang'an City for a long time, they still don't know where to settle down.

He wanted to find an inn, but Reg took out the key and proposed to return to the original small courtyard.

Gu Nian was a little surprised. Although the landlord of the small courtyard was not Ming Shiyin, Gu Nian tacitly agreed that the house must belong to Ming Shiyin. After he was taken away, did the empress not seize his property?

However, Gu Nian wanted to go back and have a look, and did not deny Reg's proposal.

(End of this chapter)

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