King of Glory: Brother, let's have dinner

Chapter 199 What are you insisting on

Chapter 199 What are you insisting on

Instead, I came back again, Reg's key could still open the door, and the furnishings in the yard remained unchanged, but the swing under the grape trellis had already been covered with dust, and the peonies in the garden had long since withered without being watered. up.

The stone table in front of her was covered with fallen leaves from the vines, which reminded her clearly of the time when they ate here, as if the laughter from the beginning could still be heard in her ears.

I couldn't help feeling uncomfortable in my heart.

Kane didn't know, Angela didn't know, Reg probably knew something, but he didn't know how to comfort him.

But Gu Nian came back to his senses the next moment.

Because the sound of the pipa came from the next door, as if they knew they were coming back, so they played it specially.

Gu Nian couldn't help but ran to the next door to take a look. There was no A Li, no Pei Qinhu, only Yi Xing and Yang Yuhuan.

The courtyard next door is almost as depressed as my own courtyard. It used to be full of peonies and the flowers bloomed richly, but now there are only branches and leaves left, but no flowers bloom anymore.

However, compared to the other side where there is no one to clean and the yard is empty and dusty, this place is still elegant and clean even though it is bleak.

Yang Yuhuan played the pipa in front of the court, as if unaware of their arrival.

Yixing took over Ming Shiyin's work, watering the peonies, but he didn't know when they would bloom.

In half a year, the young man's already quiet temperament became more and more calm, but there was more melancholy in this calm.

"Are you back?" He raised his head, his eyes were as beautiful as obsidian, but the facial features in his eyes were no longer as bright as the stars.Only the color of ink covered everything.

In half a year, the young man has grown a lot taller, but his figure is still thin, but he has lost a little weight.

Hearing this, Gu Nian nodded, looked at the watering can in his hand, his eyes darkened, and asked, "Where's Ming Shiyin?"

He paused, unexpectedly she was so straightforward, and then said: "It's not right in the sky prison, maybe in a place that we don't even know."

He is a felon of the imperial court, and there are quite a few capable people under the Yaotian organization, the empress will not reveal the address where he is being held.

At this point, it is estimated that only Di Renjie knows where he is.

Anyway, Yixing hasn't found Ming Shiyin in the past six months. Now that Yixing's father has been rehabilitated, and the empress has proclaimed him Duke, but he's gone, the fame and fortune behind him are of no use.

Regarding Yi Xing, the Empress Nian deliberately pardoned him because he was young and did not know Ming Shiyin's plan. However, as Ming Shiyin's apprentice, he had this kind of relationship, so he could not act as a British teacher. The descendants of the Duke attacked the noble.Now he is just an ordinary person.

Simply Yixing never cared about these things!
He and Yang Yuhuan inquired about the master, even if there was a little hope, he was unwilling to give up.

Although Ming Shiyin saved him at the beginning, accepting him as a disciple may not be sincere, and it may even be purely for use.

But Yixing couldn't sit idly by and ignore his affairs.

"I just hope that Her Majesty the Empress doesn't kill him so easily. The account between me and him hasn't been settled yet. He must live well!"

Yang Yuhuan stopped playing the pipa, and Yixing took a deep look at her.

He didn't know what the master had done to her, but he was used to the fact that people would come to him and Yang Yuhuan for misfortune in the past six months, thinking that they always wanted to settle the account of what the master had done.

But Ming Shiyin was not punished for a day, and the news was always suppressed. Even they didn't know what the queen's final result would be.

Seeing that Gu Nian said something, she was about to leave.

Yixing then stopped her: "Miss Gu, no matter what my master has done, I will apologize to you on his behalf."

But never thought that Gu Nian turned around and smiled at him: "He is him, you are you, why do you apologize for him? I have no hostility towards you, but I will not accept your apology."

His eyes darkened, knowing that it would be like this.

Watching them leave helplessly, he was thinking, the master's obsession is so deep, will he regret what he did wrong now?
Gu Nian returned to her yard, saw Reg was packing up, and immediately called him over.

"What are you doing? This house doesn't belong to us. We just need to move anything away. We don't need to clean it up. Let's find another house." Gu Nian acted vigorously, ordinary things don't need to be taken away, but she was in her room I found the original box, which was the "betrothal gift" that Li Bai called.

The land deeds and house deeds in this box are very valuable, so she took them out.

Nothing else was taken away.

Then he asked Reg to return the key to Yi Xing. Yi Xing wanted to speak a few times, but he didn't know what to say.

In the end, he just watched them leave the alley.

Yang Yuhuan sighed: "Sometimes I don't know what you are insisting on."

Yi Xing retorted: "Aren't you also persevering?"

They are all persistently waiting, waiting for the day when the peonies bloom again.

Yang Yuhuan retorted: "It's not because of him, I'm just worried that if I don't follow you, you might starve to death."

Yi Xing was speechless. It seemed that he was the one who did the cooking. How could Sister Yuhuan have the nerve to say that if she didn't follow him, he would starve to death?

However, the master said that we should not be serious about this topic with women.

When Gu Nian walked to the entrance of the alley, he met Li Yuanfang. He was small but had big ears, so he was there immediately.

"Yuan Fang." Gu Nian greeted him.

He ran out immediately.

"Sister Fox, it's really you. I heard their comments, so I guessed it was you, so I went to Wangchunlou to see it, and when I saw you weren't there, I ran here, thinking that you would definitely come back here , Sure enough, I guessed right, you are here!"

Gu Nian touched his big ears, "How is Wangchun Tower now?"

"Okay, it's very good. After you're gone, some people wanted to make trouble in the past, but they were all chased away by Mr. Li Bai. By the way, didn't Mr. Li Bai look for you? Why didn't he come back, and Ah Where's Brother Kai?"

Gu Nian was stunned when Yuan Fang asked the two questions, but it had been more than twenty days, and she had gradually come out of the initial pain.

When Kane tried to stop Yuan Fang, Gu Nian lowered his head and said, "They have something to do and haven't come back yet. I want to find Mr. Di. If you are free, can you introduce me?"

"Of course, Lord Di also said that if you come back, I will take you to him, because he has many puzzles and doubts to ask!"

It was probably about Ming Shiyin, Gu Nian's eyes turned cold.

The Wangqing Pill was given by Ming Shiyin. Maybe he already knew the secret of Kayn long before she could see it.

What she didn't understand was, why did Ming Shiyin make her lose her memory?

(End of this chapter)

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