King of Glory: Brother, let's have dinner

Chapter 200 Can I see Ming Shiyin once?

Chapter 200 Can You See Ming Shiyin

From the beginning to the end, she was vigilant towards him, and if he hadn't made a move against Xuan Ce and the Great Wall guards later, she would really not have wanted to confront such a person.

She's back, there are some things, it's time to figure it out!

Originally thinking of settling Angela, the second brother and the fifth brother first, they went to Wangchun Tower.

When Hong Mei saw her, she cried again: "Sister, when I heard that something happened to you, I was scared out of my wits, just come back now..."

Gu Nian is also a little sentimental, but the most urgent thing is the issue of accommodation.

Fortunately, Hong Mei took out the accounts of Wangchunlou, Wangchunlou's profit is very objective, although Gu Nian has left, but still has Yuan Fang, Li Bai and the others to take care of them, they did not dare to provoke trouble, Wangchunlou's business is still going on It was huge, and Hong Mei took half of the half-year profit, and the remaining half was hers, and Hongmei kept all the money in the bank for her.

Afterwards, they all were withdrawn, and Gu Nian handed over the money to Reg and Kane.

"Trouble second brother and fifth brother to find a house."

Kane looked at her with a premonition of what she was going to do.

"What about you?" he asked.

Sure enough, Gu Nian said: "I have something, I need to ask Master Di, just let Angela stay with me."

She knew that the two elder brothers would not be at ease if they were not accompanied, even though Li Yuanfang was still involved.

Reg showed somewhat uneasy and wanted to say something, but Kane held him back.

"it is good!"

There are some things that cannot be stopped, so let her go.

Li Yuanfang took her to Dali Temple. At this time, Di Renjie had just returned from entering the palace, and he was dressed in official robes.

After getting off the horse, he saw Gu Nian at a glance.

Li Yuanfang said quickly, "Master Di, Sister Fox wants to see you!"

"Come in with me!" Seeing Gu Nian's furrowed brows, Di Renjie let go.

It's good to be back, there are some problems that he really needs to understand.

Angela also went in, but after arriving at Dali Temple, Di Renjie left her in the hall, and took Gu Nian into the inner hall for a detailed talk.

Although Angela's eyes lingered on the two of them for a while, she felt a little unwilling, but she had no choice but to give up.

"Where's Ah Kai?" When there were only two people left, Di Renjie looked directly into her eyebrows and asked.

Gu Nian thought that he was looking for his existence, after all, he was the one who turned the entire Chang'an city upside down.

"I don't know..." In front of Di Renjie, you can't lie, you can only answer honestly.

"He was responsible for several cases in Chang'an City..."

Di Renjie talked about old things, Gu Nian remembered that because she saw him killing innocent people indiscriminately, she was thinking about leaving Chang'an City quickly.

As a result, Di Renjie changed the subject and said: "Later, after careful inspection, I found that those people had traces marked by Western demons. The demons have been different in the past six months, but our investigation methods are difficult to distinguish. Chang'an Patrols day and night are rare now, but other cities have flooded with these demons, it would have been nice if A Kai was here, after all we blamed him wrongly..."

Gu Nian stared at him blankly for a long while, at first she thought he was out of his mind and killed someone just to lure her out.

But I didn't expect that there are these twists and turns.

"If you knew about it back then, you should have said it. We have already revoked the order to hunt him down. If there hadn't been a fight that day, maybe the enemy wouldn't have had an opportunity..."

This is a stain in Di Renjie's case-solving career, not strictly speaking. At the beginning they determined that Kayn did it, but they didn't know that there was a reversal. They just wanted to arrest him and brought him to justice. They never expected him to resist like this .

So much happened that day.

Di Renjie felt a little sorry.

In fact, Gu Nian didn't believe him subconsciously at the beginning, thinking that he was corrupted by demons, but now that he thinks about it, the reason why he chose to let go was inconvenient, probably just because he wanted to see her attitude.

And her last choice to let him live was to extend a hand to him from hell, and he firmly grasped it.

Her thoughts wandered, she thought a lot, and unconsciously her chest ached again.

"Miss Gu..." It was Di Renjie's voice that pulled her back again.

"Oh, Di Renjie, please continue."

Although Di Renjie felt that her expression was a bit strange, he continued: "If you have news about A Kai, be sure to let him come back. Datang needs him, and the Great Wall also needs him. By the way, there is one more thing, I I heard from Li Bai that you were the first to see through Ming Shiyin's identity, how did you suspect him?"

This is exactly what Di Renjie didn't understand.

"My lord Di is also suspicious, but I haven't found any evidence. I went to see the tomb of the princess with Li Bai the other day, saw someone cleaning it, and smelled the fragrance of fine peony wine. Only Ming Shiyin can make the peony wine in the entire Chang'an city. It happened to be brewed, we dug it in the yard, and we planned to tell Master Di, but it turned out to be a step too late..."

When Di Renjie suspected Ming Shiyin before, it was not that he had never visited the tomb of the princess, but at that time everything was as usual, and there was no trace of anyone cleaning it.

I guess it was at that time that Ming Shiyin was not yet full-fledged, and felt that he could not compete with the court, so he didn't want to reveal any clues.

Later, seeing that every step of the way was smooth, there were some carelessness.

After Di Renjie thought for a while, he understood the key point.

He has investigated, and when there are more and more things, he can only investigate one trivial matter one by one. It is not that he did not suspect Ming Shiyin, but at that time, as the sheriff of Chang'an City, he did not dare to put all his eggs in one basket without evidence. Pointing to Ming Shiyin.

Sighing a little, fortunately, after Gu Nian and Li Bai saw through it, they had a chance to fight back later.

All Ming Shiyin's advantage lies in his step-by-step strategy. As the black hand behind the scenes, as long as he doesn't reveal Lushan's true colors, he will always have the opportunity to lead them by the nose.But once his face is seen through, his identity cannot be exposed, which is so terrifying.

It's just that person, after all, made the Empress feel extremely sorry.

His status is special, and it is uneasy not to deal with it. It would be a pity to just kill him.

Besides, he still has the number of days in his hands!

His painstaking hexagrams were still very accurate, and at this point the empress was reluctant to kill him.

"Master Di, can I go see Ming Shiyin?"

Di Renjie was not surprised by Gu Nian's request, "Originally he is a felon in the court, so you shouldn't see him, but I can let you see him, and I have agreed in advance not to get too close to him. I don't know where I learned the technique, it's a bit evil!"

(End of this chapter)

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