King of Glory: Brother, let's have dinner

Chapter 204 The news she least wants to hear

Chapter 204 The news she least wants to hear
There used to be two paladins, when patrolling,
Of course, the important purpose of Arthur coming to the east to find Angela is that the rise of demons in the west has reached an uncontrollable level.

The holy church was destroyed, and the dark church appeared on earth.

Satan is resurrected and vows to turn the world into hell.

These are only prophecies, but some of them have been fulfilled, and many places are occupied by ghosts and demons.Once these demons or ghosts are attached to people, it is difficult for the Paladin Legion to detect them.Attacked by demons, then possessed, and then ambushed by the Paladin Legion, nearly killing one of their squads.

It was also thanks to the legion led by Athena who arrived in time to kill those two people.

If Arthur wanted to prevent the further development of the temptation, he had to use new powers. He knew that Angela, as a witch, had the ability to distinguish these ghosts and demons.

He also needs Angela's help right now.

When they arrived at the border of Datang, there was still no trace of Angela, but their group was mighty and mighty, attracting many people to watch.

Not long after, the magistrate of Chang'an City came to greet him.

Arthur confronts the Empress as Lord of the Land of Warriors.

After Angela ran back in one breath, she was not very relieved, and locked the door tightly.

Gu Nian was a little surprised when he saw it: "What's wrong?"

She has stopped training at this moment, but is still cooking.

Angela sighed in great distress: "I saw Arthur..."

"Who?" Gu Nian was startled.

"Old Arthur." She looked a little dejected.

"Oh!" Gu Nian was a little surprised after all: "Why did he come here? Did he come to you specially?"

She stared at Angela, and Angela nodded: "He is looking for news about me everywhere, I guess he will know that I am here soon."

"You always say, what about me? It's your turn to meet Arthur. Why is it like a mouse meeting a cat? It doesn't mean that you are no longer affected by the thoughts of the original owner of this body, and neither is Arthur. Do you feel anything?" Gu Nian said teasingly.

Angela glared at her, saying so, but she was guilty.

She ran out in one breath, without saying hello to him.

"He knows my identity..."

He knew her identity, she was not an ordinary girl, but a witch, and she was the famous witch Merlin back then.

Both history and unofficial history have recorded her entanglement with King Arthur, and she helped "that person" expand the territory of the empire.

But it was also because of that person that he was completely sealed.

He replaced that person as the new Master of the Holy Sword.

Angela also knew that he was not the original "Arthur", but some things were afraid of anger.

Gu Nian didn't know what to say, even she herself was in a mess, so it was hard to point Angela.

"So what now? What are you going to do?"

"Why don't we leave Chang'an City!"

Leaving now, pretending to mix in the crowd and leaving the city, leaving Chang'an City, whether they go west and return to the west, or go east and continue forward, it doesn't matter if they go to other places.

Gu Nian thought for a while, "Then let's talk about it when the brothers come back!"

Angela nodded.

If they leave Chang'an City, Angela knows that Kane and Reg will definitely go back to the Land of Warriors, and she doesn't want to go back for the time being.

Unexpectedly, after going out, Kane brought back a Li Yuanfang.

From afar, I could smell the aroma in the kitchen.

Li Yuanfang came in at meal time. Today, Master Di entered the palace, and he has a little leisure time, so he can finally come here to eat in a fair manner.

Of course, this time he also brought back a piece of news that left Gu Nian dumbfounded.

"Miss Fox, the food you cook is still so delicious." Li Yuanfang praised without hesitation.

Gu Nian saw his staring eyes, and knew that this kid was greedy. Fortunately, she also liked Yuan Fang.

"You came just in time, have you eaten yet? If not, add a pair of chopsticks."

These words reached Li Yuanfang's heart, he was still hungry.

He was not polite at the moment: "Sister Fox, I got a big news today, and I came here in a hurry to tell you that I haven't eaten yet!"

Gu Nian asked Angela to set up an extra pair of chopsticks, and when the last bowl of soup was served, she took off her apron, looked at Li Yuanfang and said, "What's the big deal, tell me about it?"

In her heart, she was unwilling to believe it. After all, she had experienced so many things, and now it was very difficult to have anything, which made her feel turbulent.

But I heard Li Yuanfang say: "Not long after you met Ming Shiyin last time, the empress also met him, and she probably asked him for a fortune-telling. After the empress came out, she asked Master Di a word, saying how big is Ming Shiyin if you let go of it?" If Ming Shiyin’s kung fu is abolished, so what if he stays with him to do things? Master Di said that he can’t let go, and the empress said to let her think about it, but he has been taken away this morning. It doesn't look good, I reckon His Majesty is determined to let Ming Shiyin go!"

Gu Nian almost choked on a mouthful of food!

If Ming Shiyin, an evildoer, is released, based on his temperament, if she ruined his good deeds, he will find her to settle the score no matter what, right?

"Is what you said true?" Gu Nian still didn't believe it.

"It's absolutely true. I wanted to tell you two days ago, but I just got free today, so I hurried over here. Sister Fox, do you have a grudge against him?"

There is hatred, of course there is hatred!
Ten days ago she had whipped him severely.

Thinking of him spending his whole life in the dungeon, she liked his jokes.

It's good now, the words are too full, and the person is very likely to be released!

I don't know how he fooled Her Majesty the Queen, why did he let him out?
But they don't know that at present, including the prophecies about the Satanic demons in the west and the arrival of Arthur, they have all been calculated by Ming Shiyin.

His hexagrams are exhaustive. Wu Zetian would not dare to use such a person in peacetime, after all, his identity is so special.

But right now, it has to be used.

Because she needs such a talent, bound by her side, for her to use.

Of course, she will not let Ming Shiyin have the same opportunity as before, and she can turn her hands into clouds and rain.

What she wants is that he cannot escape from her palm.

They both know each other's intentions, but one is unable to stand the prison environment, and the other wants to display their greatest ambitions.

So everyone took a step back!
Thinking about this, it is impossible to leave Chang'an City.

"Thank you, Yuan Fang, you told me a very important news!"

(End of this chapter)

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