King of Glory: Brother, let's have dinner

Chapter 205 Ming Shiyin is about to come out, let's run!

Chapter 205 Ming Shiyin is about to come out, let's run!
As for Chang'an City, she must leave, and the sooner the better.

During the meal, Gu Nian ate a little absent-mindedly.

After eating, Li Yuanfang patted his stomach and left contentedly, and continued to do things. Gu Nian called Kane and Reg over and told him about leaving!
"Angela is afraid of being found by Arthur. I offended that Ming Shiyin. Now they are all in Chang'an City. We all have to leave. It's just that the goal of the four of us together is too big. It's better to act separately. After leaving the city gate Converge!"

There are now four gates.

They would rather take some detours and meet up, and they would not be able to attract the attention of others.

"Why don't I go with Niannian. You two go together?" Angela suggested.

But this proposal was directly rejected by Gu Nian.

"We all have to leave one by one. Western faces are easy to attract people's attention. If we go together in twos, it's no different from the four of us walking together! If you get out and meet up, you will be at Wulipo."

Gu Nian's words made Reg retort: ​​"But what if someone can't get away?"

For a moment, Gu Nian and Angela looked at each other in blank dismay. In fact, only she and Angela need to leave here.

Even Reg and Kane, they didn't commit any serious crimes.

Being so nervous now, it seemed as if the two of them were forced to follow them to the end of the world.

Kane has not spoken, but at the critical moment, Gu Nian took a look at Angela.

Said: "How about this, Angela and I will go first, and the two elder brothers will stay in Chang'an City for one more day. If we have already left, we will wait at Wulipo. With the two of you taking care of it. How's it going?"

This proposal is good, but it would be too unsafe for Gu Nian and Angela to leave separately!
Kane and Reg are also worried.

So in the end, Gu Nian decided not to leave!

She forced Reg to contribute her own men's clothing, and then deliberately thickened her eyebrows. The skin color was not white and greasy, but turned into a sallow color, so the beauty would be reduced a bit, but this not enough……

After a lot of makeup and disguise, I turned myself into a slightly handsome young man with buck teeth. As for Angela's red hair, it was directly dyed black. La is extremely unwilling to become so ugly with such a signature type, but Gu Nian can't stop her from looking at her very coldly.

Whether to go or not is her will, no one is forcing her, but if she doesn't go, Arthur will definitely find her sooner or later.

In addition, no matter how they escaped, the red-clothed and red-haired signs along the way were too conspicuous, so they had to give up.

Even the black-rimmed glasses representing wisdom were taken off.

Angela was furious, she was finally turned into a beautiful little lady by Gu Nian, and she put on a veil again, so that she had a bit of Tang Dynasty woman's style.

That's it, Gu Nian took her hand: "Remember, after you walk out, you will be my wife and I will be your husband-in-law, don't talk about it!"

Angela rolled her eyes silently.

"Your attitude is wrong, call me a gentleman!"

Gu Nian straightened her body, and suddenly felt Angela staring at her chest non-stop, she was a little guilty and embarrassed.

"I can't see it, can I?"

"Well, fortunately you are young!" Angela said bluntly.

Gu Nian is a little unhappy, is she young?She can obviously grow longer, and it can't be seen today because she is corseted.

I silently complained in my heart, you are no bigger than me!
As for Kane and Reg, the two of them looked at her and teased each other with words, and they took it as a kind of fun.

But I don't know that my brother's heart is extremely worried.

Even though Gu Nian's performances were flawless, flaws could be seen in their eyes, and they were always worried that they would be caught by the soldiers defending the city.

But when they set off, the two of them were not allowed to follow.

Because I was afraid that if they followed them out, they would be watched, and if they watched the two of them, they would not be able to leave.

Therefore, neither of them can show their feet.

In fact, Gu Nian's worries were really not superfluous, and he didn't know what consensus was reached between Ming Shiyin and Wu Zetian. In the final analysis, he was released.

But the well-known layman Mudan in Chang'an City is gone, he can't show his true face to others now, he wears a mask to show others during the day, but at night he has to endure the pain of bone erosion.

The Empress was able to let him go, of course she knew that with his current strength, he would not be able to cause too much trouble.

And his wings that should have been broken were all broken, and the rest of Yi Xing and Yang Yuhuan were watched again.

Yi Xing is his little apprentice, he will not take the initiative to find him, and implicate him. Although Yang Yuhuan was used by him before, she herself has no desires and desires, and she does not obey him very much.

The Empress is well aware of his weakness, and at the same time, he cannot leave Chang'an half a step, so she is willing to let him out!
As for after being released, of course Ming Shiyin couldn't wait to come to her as Gu Nian had imagined.

Even when she and Angela pretended to be young couples and wanted to escape, it was under his control.

It's just that you can't follow too closely.

How could he win Gu Nian, but he was not necessarily Angela's opponent. It has to be said that the empress's ban was too threatening to him, and his divination for more than half a year also took a lot of effort.

So far, the strength is only a half of the peak!

So, as soon as Angela and Gu Nian left, the two of them joined the queue at the city gate to leave the city. Facing the patrolling soldiers, they were calm and composed, and almost concealed it.

But it's not just how it works, it's just a little bit worse.

The legion of paladins is approaching.

"Angela, how long are you going to mess around?" Arthur didn't know Angela was going to run until he got the letter.

He knew that Angela was in Chang'an City, but he didn't know that he was coming, and she wanted to avoid him.

Does she know that it is dangerous for a little girl to run around in this chaotic world.

As soon as he came, Angela knew it was over.

I wish I could bury my head in Gu Nian's chest, pretending that he couldn't see her.

But he had already arrived, ignored Gu Nian, and pulled her over directly.

Under everyone's strange eyes, he circled her into his arms.

"Old Arthur, you are going too far, I don't want to go with you!"

"Don't worry, I need you very much right now!"

He was very powerful, and when Angela was furious on the street, he always ignored her wishes and treated her like a little girl.

She is not a little girl, she will let him know how powerful she is, and she won't be able to run away anyway, so why not fight him as soon as possible!
At this moment, Angela and Arthur started fighting, and innocent people fled in all directions.

Even the soldiers guarding the city drew their swords immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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