Chapter 212 Her Tangle
The corners of Gu Nian's mouth curled up slightly, "Thank you, Second Brother!"

"Thank you, as long as you want to go back, the second brother will take you back!" Kane's eyes were so tender that water could flow from his eyes.

Gu Nian didn't notice this, but she realized that she found many reasons to avoid going to Jixia Academy, just because Kayn told her before that he was going back to the Land of Warriors.

Later, when Angela came back, she couldn't help but complained to her: "Why did you come up with the same thing? Didn't you agree that we would go to Jixia together? If you go back to the land of warriors What should I do?"

When Gu Nian saw Angela, it was as if she had found a savior. She felt a little conflicted in her heart, and wanted to find someone to talk to, so she took her hand and said, "Angela, see if I'm hopeless." gone?"

"What's the matter?" Angela was a little frightened by her words, and quickly touched her forehead.

Gu Nian then said to Angela: "I seem to like Kayn."

Angela fixed her for a while, then said lightly: "I know!"

"You know?" Gu Nian thought, she just confirmed it today, she was not very sure before.

"It's obvious." Angela rolled her eyes. This person is called "the authorities are obsessed with the bystanders, and the bystanders are clear." Seeing her distraught appearance, she couldn't help but said, "Isn't it because of him that you returned to the Land of Warriors?"

Gu Nian nodded: "He said he was going back to the Land of Warriors, and wanted to go to the Forbidden Area to help me find the Nightmare Flower."

"He didn't say to take you there?" Angela asked again.

Gu Nian nodded.

Angela couldn't help but licked her head with one finger: "If he doesn't take you, you have to run behind his ass? You have been doing this all the time? You What's going on in your head?"

Gu Nian was dumbfounded?
Did she always do this?

"Then what should I do?"

Angela rubbed her chin, "You have already taken the initiative. Instead of letting Kane take you back, it is better to let him take you back. Anyway, there are only two of you on the way. Since you are both husband and wife, let's talk about it." It's fine if you don't."

How could it be so easy, Gu Nian thought to himself.

"I used to say a lot of harsh things to him, but now he doesn't care about me anymore. Besides, he didn't mention it, so I just followed him, wouldn't it be embarrassing?"

After all, I was a little angry and arrogant in my heart.

So Angela was stunned, stood up and sighed old-fashionedly: "I don't know either!"

Gu Nian saw Arthur coming to find Angela in a hurry, Angela's expression was a little irritable, she was a savage and unreasonable little loli, but she was dragged away without saying a word.

Angela was a little annoyed, and didn't know what Arthur said in her ear, so she smiled again.

Gu Nian felt that she was alone and a little lonely.

Dog food or something, it's really annoying.

She knew that she was a little tangled up now, but she didn't know what to be tangled up about.

It may be because she despises her hypocrisy, or it may be because she doesn't know when she started to like him, whether it was in the small mountain village or earlier.

Either way, it made her feel a little embarrassed.

She decided that if it took several months on the way back with Kane this time, it would be enough for her to figure out the relationship between her and him.

She didn't plan to go with him either. If she still likes his feelings for him in the Land of Warriors, then it would be good to write off the past and start from scratch.

Thinking of this, Gu Nian felt relieved a lot.

She had figured to some extent that he would come again at night, and she was still dozing off, but then she tossed and turned, and when it was dawn, no one came, feeling ashamed, she covered her head and fell asleep.

When I woke up, I heard movement outside.

Especially the laughing voice in the yard, the door was opened immediately and walked out.

She thought it was Kayn, but it wasn't Kayn, it was another teenager she didn't know at all.

The facial features are exquisite and beautiful, which blurs the concept of men and women, and even has exquisite makeup, which makes her a girl amazed, but the voice she speaks has a bit of a monster.

In King's Continent, she has seen many good-looking people.But few people gave her the same feeling as him.

Her temperament was so strange that she didn't look like a normal person, and somehow reminded her of Ming Shiyin.

Subconsciously, there was some vigilance, and when she was hesitating, Reg spoke.

"Lucy, it's my younger sister. She has been ill recently, otherwise, the appetizers she made are delicious!"

When Reg saw Gu Nian coming out, there was a happy smile on his face.

"Lucy, come here, let me introduce you, my friend, his name is Xiaoshan."

Xiao Shan, Gu Nian racked his brains and never heard of a hero named Xiao Shan in Glory of Kings, so he breathed a sigh of relief. Now she seems to be a little startled by Ming Shiyin, and everyone finds it particularly suspicious.

"Hello!" When we met, we greeted each other.

The other party's eyes fell on her very peacefully, neither looking too much nor showing inappropriate expressions.

This made Gu Nian relax a lot, and felt that he was making too much fuss.

"Hello!" The other party smiled shyly, like a young man who is not good at words.

Reg said: "Xiaoshan really knows a lot about mechanics, and he is also very knowledgeable in swordsmanship. He is really a genius."

After speaking, the two chatted again, but Gu Nian couldn't get in a word.

Although I have some doubts in my heart, after all, both of them have attainments, and they will not be unknown people no matter what.

But seeing that Reg finally made a friend and was so happy, Gu Nian didn't bother to care so much, because they will leave soon after all.

Seeing that the weather was fine and her health improved a lot, she couldn't bear it any longer and went out for a stroll.

Thinking back to when she and Kayin first came to Chang'an, she and Kayin saw everything new, but now Chang'an is still prosperous, but things are different, and many scenes look lively, but they lack interest.

After shopping for a while, I felt bored and wanted to go back.

But he didn't expect to bump into Li Bai. He was drunk and was teased in the street.

"Isn't this the famous Sword Immortal? Can you write poetry when you're drunk?"

"Can write and write, not only can you write poems, but you can also go to the bottom of the water to fish for the moon?"


Fishing for the moon in the water is about two days ago, on the bank of the moat, he jumped into the water to fish for the moon because he was drunk.

He used to be such a proud and high-spirited person.

Just as he was about to step forward, a small figure came out of it and supported him.

(End of this chapter)

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