Chapter 213 Do You Hate Me?

"Lord Li Bai, let's go back!"

"Little fox?" Looking at her, he did indeed have a fox tail and animal ears.

But then shook his head: "You are not, go away!"

"Hahaha, little beauty, everyone told you to go away!"

"Little beauty, you are also the little girl of Sword Immortal, but people don't like you, it's my brother who wants you to be happy..."

The laughing words around made Gu Nian's heart cold, and the mechanism crossbow was launched into the sky, and then fell down at an extremely fast speed, and the people around ran away like a mouse with their heads in their arms.

"If you don't want to die, get out of here. If I see you insulting Lord Li Bai in the future, you will be welcome!"

Gu Nian's face was stern, but he felt a bit cold and arrogant.

In fact, apart from her aura, she is empty inside, and her strength is also fake, but she is just putting on a pose.

Others didn't know about it, so they acted like beasts, and didn't dare to tease Li Bai for a while.

When the crowd dispersed and Gu Nian stepped forward, he seemed to recognize her.

"Little Fox……"

Originally, I thought he was free and easy, didn't care, it was just a matter of feelings, how could he just let it go, one side let go, the other still brooded, as if he had fallen into a cage and locked himself up up.

Life is full of love and infatuation.

Gu Nian has never felt like an asshole for a moment like now.

She didn't stretch out her hand, but she also ignored the arms she stretched out.

Turning to Daji, he said, "In the future, when you encounter today's incident, do you know what to do?"

"How?" She was a little puzzled.

"Hit them, hit whoever says you, use magic, understand?" Gu Nian didn't think at all that he would teach the little fox in front of him badly.

She nodded half understanding, and then asked, "Are you his lover?"

She looked at her fox tail, then at her own.

The two of them are a little bit alike, but very different.

Daji tends to have a seductive temperament, but her eyebrows and eyes are very clear, ignorant, revealing ignorance of the world.Like a piece of white paper that does not stain any color, it is full of curiosity about many things in this world.

Gu Nian is different, her temperament is weak and pure, and her eyes are also clear, but she can see the essence, soft and strong.

Gu Nian shook her head: "It's not anymore."

She was ashamed to say that she was his lover.

When he was drunk, he couldn't even stand up well, but it was rare for him to recognize people clearly.

"Little fox, did you lie to me? You don't like him, you can't like him..."

What he has been brooding about so far is that he is unswerving in this relationship, but just because of the passage of time, the relationship has quietly changed.

Gu Nian and Daji helped him into a carriage. Hearing the words, they said to him, "I never lied to you. I've empathized with you, and I'm promiscuous. It just shows that you misunderstood the person at the beginning. Li Bai, don't you?" You can be sober, I don't like you anymore, do you need me to say more times?"

She knew that he probably wouldn't be too drunk, even if he was drinking badly, but where is his inner energy, if he doesn't want to get drunk, as long as he lightly uses his inner energy to dissolve the alcohol, it won't matter Where could he be so drunk? What's more, the moment he saw her, he was already sober.

"You are so cruel..."

She is really ruthless.

"Why did you do this to me? Why was it me in the first place?"

He questioned her loudly, leaving her speechless and pale.

He just gritted his teeth and said: "At that time, I was still young, I admired your talent, admired your fame, and felt that it was an enviable thing to be a lover with you, so I was with you. Maybe, Maybe, I just love vanity..."

It's obviously not like this, but she said that as soon as she gritted her teeth. Maybe, he will feel uncomfortable in his heart, but short-term pain is worse than long-term pain.

Love the wrong person, it is true that you will be sad for a while, but after you come to your senses, you will always laugh at that period of the past as nothing more than a blind eye to see the wrong person!

"I don't believe it, Nian Nian."

"Why don't you believe me? How much do you know about me? Don't be self-righteous. Now is the last time I will help you. Don't get drunk on the street in the future. I will feel ashamed because I have such an ex-boyfriend?"

Gritting his teeth, he became ruthless, let go of his hand, and jumped out of the car.

She didn't know what he was thinking.

But at this moment, she suddenly discovered, what qualifications does she have to seek her own happiness?

She found that when she said A Kai was despicable, she also became a despicable person.

Stumbling all the way home, at the intersection, he saw Kayn.

She didn't see him when she wanted to see him, and saw him when she least wanted to see him.

Subconsciously wiped away tears, but heard him say: "Do you hate? Hate me for marrying you that day, hate my deceit at the beginning? Hate that you can't become a family after all?"

hate it?

She hated it at the beginning, but now she hates herself even more.

Because she found that she was not as in love with Li Bai, and hated her even more as if she had fallen in love with him.

She despises herself like this.

Tears fell down involuntarily, and she cried in a mess.

There was a short distance between each other, but there seemed to be a natural barrier. He didn't walk over it, and she didn't approach him.

After a while, he handed her a handkerchief, and after she realized it, he left.

"A armor..."

His back was a little thin and desolate.

"I know I was wrong, and it was a mess."

It was because of his own selfish desires that he abandoned his original responsibilities, family, friends, morality, and etiquette...

Want to seize a moment of happiness.

But now he found that the moment of happiness he grasped was a blunt knife afterward. He saw her pain and entanglement, but it was more painful and sad than her.

He didn't want her to be like this now.

He could not bring her any happiness, but broke her original peaceful life.

The happiness and joy she had was also deprived by him.

He was such a mean and shameless person.

He deserved to be plunged into eternal darkness.

He walked farther and farther until he disappeared. She knew that this time, he might not come back, at least until he found the Nightmare Flower.

But she didn't keep it because she didn't have any face to keep it.

This feeling is so inappropriate and so unbearable.

After here, she found that she was sick again.

She obviously took the elixir, but her body was always hot and cold. She couldn't tell her second brother and fifth brother that they would be on the road in two days.

She also doesn't want more trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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