King of Glory: Brother, let's have dinner

Chapter 243 Double Cultivation

Chapter 243 Double Cultivation
She knew that there must be abnormal creatures at the bottom of the water, otherwise their ships would not have disappeared, but she really had to worry about whether there would be any problems with him right now.

"Don't worry, he won't die. You should take care of yourself when you have time." He said angrily.

Even so, he drove the peony to a nearby island.

It has been more than a month, and there is an unreal feeling when I step on the land again.

"Don't go in, I don't think this land is safe!" Ming Shiyin said.

In fact, if he didn't give orders, Gu Nian would not go deeper into the island, because she hadn't found Ah Kai yet.

Although he knew in his heart that with his ability, nothing would happen like this, but he still had no confidence in seeing no one in the sea of ​​confusion
"Now you know that you are a burden. You didn't want to stay at home, but you had to run out with him." Ming Shiyin couldn't help but sarcastically.

"It's not because of you, if it's not because you don't need to do this at all." Gu Nian couldn't help feeling somewhat resentful.

"So, you're still a burden. If it wasn't because you took the initiative to provoke me, do you think he needs to work so hard?" He said mockingly.

Gu Nian was speechless.

He knew she was hit by him.

After a while of silence, he said, "If I have a method that can make your cultivation progress faster in a short period of time, do you want to learn it?"

Gu Nian couldn't help being suspicious: "Are you so kind?"

"Of course I won't be so kind, but this method is beneficial to both of you and me. You can improve your cultivation, and I can also improve mine. We will benefit and help each other. At the very least, if we encounter danger in the future You have to know that although I can help you, I am only a primordial spirit, without a physical body, and my spiritual power will soon be exhausted, and I will only rely on you in the end."

Ming Shiyin's words really reached her heart.The place they want to go now is to go through the sea, and there will be snow mountains and volcanoes in the future. The danger they will encounter must be great. Is she always so passive?

Thinking of this, I couldn't help asking: "What method are you talking about?"

"Shuangxiu!" He said lightly.

Fortunately, Gu Nian didn't drink any water, otherwise he almost spit out.

At this moment, Ming Shiyin had appeared in front of her, and gave her a faint look.

Gu Nian shook his head quickly: "I don't practice dual cultivation."

She subconsciously hugged her chest.

In the end, he snorted disdainfully: "What do you think, is it because the double cultivation in the fox's eyes can only see Huanhao? Or do you think I will be interested in you?"

That look of disdain really hit Gu Nian deeply.

She woke up immediately with a jerk, that's right, when he was in Chang'an City, who was not a big beauty around him, A Li, Yang Yuhuan, and Her Majesty the Empress was also a graceful and beautiful woman.

Gu Nian was a little embarrassed, could it be her fault?
She has read too many novels, and felt that the word Shuangxiu was weird, and she just misunderstood it for a while.

As a result, she was once again despised by Ming Shiyin, but he always only liked to tease people, no matter who he was, he never paid attention to them.

She was used to being teased by him.

So, he quickly adjusted his expression: "Then tell me, what do you want me to do?"

After all, he still agreed, Ming Shiyin hooked his lips with an elegant arc.


After a long time, Gu Nian saw it. A huge creature emerged from the water with a head, like a hill. When the creature looked at her, she almost froze.

She didn't realize it until she heard someone stretch out her hand and call her.

"A armor..."

She still saw him, and happened to be held in her arms.

It turned out that under the water, there are indeed demon species raging. They are used to killing people on passing ships and snatching items from some merchant ships.

It's just that this time, Kayn was not very good at water combat, so he had no time to take care of Gu Nian. Fortunately, the demon was killed, and now it was another creature in the ocean that carried him.

Although the appearance looks very scary, but the temperament is docile.

"Can it take us out of here?" Gu Nian looked at the big man with some doubts.

"I don't know, but our ships are gone. If we leave on bamboo rafts, we don't know when we will be able to leave." Traveling by water is probably a headache for him.

Because he was afraid that if another accident happened, he would lose Gu Nian.

Gu Nian felt that Ah Kai must have regretted taking her out.

"I have a way, let it take us away." At this time, Ming Shiyin spoke again, and it was only then that Kayn realized that he had come out on his own initiative.

However, it is also understandable that if he hadn't come out, Gu Nian would not live in peace, so it was not the time to worry.

Gu Nian didn't know about Ming Shiyin's inheritance, but now it seems that it is indeed very powerful.

He was defeated at the hands of the empress at the beginning because he was unreasonable and lacked help, and later he was able to prevent the empress from killing him. Although Di Renjie said that the empress loved talents, Gu Nian felt that there should be some reason.

No matter what, after Gu Nian and Kayn let him try it, this big ocean creature carried them forward.

It was calmer than a ship, and it was safe and sound along the way.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Gu Nian began to cultivate. She already had the brand of peony in her body. It can be said that Ming Shiyin laid the foundation for it, and then cultivated his inheritance. It will get twice the result with half the effort, and she will soon be able to sense the aura around her... …

It was only a few days before they arrived at the legendary Fire Island. They had never been on the island. Kayn had landed on the island by himself, and he also took down the Sun Flame Flower.

It's just that this line of work was very dangerous, and he returned after three days. When he returned, his body was covered with scars.

Gu Nian was very distressed, but he couldn't fight side by side with him. The more he practiced, the more he could understand the gap between them.

Therefore, when he was healing, she practiced harder.

Calculated in this way, it is obvious that they are together most of the time, but the chances of actually talking are much less.

On the contrary, Ming Shiyin spent more and more time communicating with Gu Nian.

"Can you already feel the changes imprinted on your body by the peony flower? But this is only the first step..."

Ming Shiyin's tone was indifferent, but Gu Nian was a little joyful, and he didn't lie to her.

This exercise is really getting twice the result with half the effort.

Of course, Ming Shiyin practiced with her most of the time, and the two of them are now in a complementary relationship, naturally getting twice the result with half the effort.

Although the time is short now, Gu Nian feels that if she continues, she will be able to do better.

There is nothing more exciting than being self-reliant.

Kayn wanted to speak several times, but seeing her turn her head, she said to him, "Akai, thank you for your help, I want to practice today."

With the joyful smile on her face, he didn't want to disturb her interest.

Besides, he also knew that if it wasn't for him, her cultivation would not have been damaged, and now she wouldn't be so addicted to cultivation because of it.

He wouldn't disturb her practice, but he felt that she was getting too close to Ming Shiyin.

However, Ming Shiyin couldn't be chased away, which made him a little annoyed.

(End of this chapter)

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