King of Glory: Brother, let's have dinner

Chapter 244 It's easy to change but old people's hearts

Chapter 244 It's easy to change but old people's hearts

After such a day, less than three months later, they returned to Datang, but this time they did not come to Chang'an, but Phoenix Mountain. The Phoenix flower on this mountain was one of the plants that Ming Shiyin wanted to get. Elixir.

When the elixir was first born, it was irrigated with the essence of the sun and the moon, and surrounded by the guards of coveted beasts.

Naturally, there are hardships and dangers, but they are nothing compared to being at sea or on land, where Kayn can easily pick them all by himself, and then return safely.

However, on the way, he met an old friend.

At that time, Li Bai and Daji also happened to pass by on their way to the former site of the Yin and Shang Dynasties.

Now, he still really knows that the demon concubine who brought disaster to the country and the people and everyone got it back then is actually just a stupid and cute little fox who can't even find her own master.

Li Bai's mood was indescribably complicated.

But she didn't care about it herself, because in the past she was only following the orders of her master. The real demon concubine was the half-blood demon lying in the coffin, and she was just a puppet without a heart.

The first time she felt the difference between a puppet and a human was that when King Zhou and his most beloved woman went to the underworld together at the end, she even felt a little bit of envy.

Even if you risk the world's disapproval, even if you are a faint king, you will be infamous for thousands of years, and you will fail the people of the world, but you will always be the same to her.

Everyone thought that the master's plan was successful, and King Zhou regarded her as the real Daji, but when she was with King Zhou, she knew very well that he had already recognized her, and she was not, but just a substitute.

Even if it is a substitute, if you can find a trace of her in her, he is also the one who is willing to be used.

From then on, although she didn't understand love, she also knew that she was different from ordinary people.

She is just a puppet, how can she desire to have normal emotions like a human?
When they met each other, it was indescribably awkward.

Seeing the two of them holding hands, Li Bai only smiled slightly.

"Brother Li Bai..." Gu Nian thought that they would meet again one day, but never thought that they would be so caught off guard.

It's like, if you did something wrong, you were caught on the spot.

Even though they had broken up long ago, that sense of guilt was always with her.

Kayn's heart was also raised, but he just said: "Congratulations!"

Daji didn't understand the undercurrents between the three of them, but she felt a little happy when she saw Gu Nian, because she taught her the method, and later she didn't let others bully her, and later Li Bai became more and more aware that there was no such thing as before. Indulge and get drunk.

"We meet again, thank you for teaching me last time..."

She came over to talk to Gu Nian after rambling on, such a heartless little Daji, innocent like a blank sheet of paper, Gu Nian couldn't help but smile.

At this time, Kayn noticed Daji's existence. Seeing her appearance, he was stunned for a moment, and he didn't know what to think of. Then he felt relieved and said to Li Bai: "I owe you a favor. You can ask for a condition at any time, even if Go up the mountain of knives and down the pan of oil, and never refuse!"

Hearing this, Li Bai laughed angrily, and there was an extra bit of annoyance in this smile.

"You think too highly of yourself. What you can do, I can't do? In terms of the purity of swordsmanship, I am stronger than you."

Then he glanced at Gu Nian again, and said lightly, "I didn't lose to you, I just lost to..."

Gu Nian lowered her head.

Li Bai originally wanted to ask whether she treated him with genuine affection or a lie, this has always been the most entangled question in his mind.

Because he was still unwilling to believe that so many things would change in half a year.

But at this moment, he suddenly didn't want to ask anymore, what's the point of being so entangled in some things?

Waiting for leisure to change but the old people's mind, but the old people's mind is easy to change.

"In the future, I hope we won't see each other again!" He turned and left, but when he saw Daji was still a little dazed, he came over and pulled her away.

He left very eagerly, and Daji felt a little pain in his hand.

But still trot along the way to follow the past.

Until later, he stopped, already separated by a long distance, they took two different roads.

When she came back to her senses, she found that Daji's wrist was a little red.

"Does it hurt you? Why don't you say it hurts?"

She shook her head: "It's okay, it doesn't hurt very much. Isn't that girl you're thinking about? She is in front of you, why don't you talk to her more and go away?"

He glanced at her and wanted to laugh, but he couldn't.

"You know again? Obviously you don't know anything."

Daji retorted: "Although I don't know anything, I do understand one thing. If you like someone, you have to try hard to let her see how good you are to her."

He froze for a moment, it's not that he didn't try hard, if hard work can save love, he can do anything.

But love is not just one person's hard work.

Seeing that he didn't speak, she plucked up her courage and said, "Do you remember? Did I tell you that King Zhou liked his concubine very much? Although everyone said he was a bad person, I felt that in the eyes of that woman , he is not a bad person, I saw the two of them embrace each other in the end, with smiles on their faces..."

"Fool!" Li Bai looked at her and sighed.

Only people who don't understand anything would persuade him like this, but what he persuaded was counterproductive.

Falling in love is a matter between two people, so King Zhou and the real "Daji" empress will have no hesitation.

But when he was still in place, she had already chosen to give up.

Perhaps, he could also choose to use Kayn's method, resorting to all means, and even using conspiracy. With her heart, she would stay by his side because of guilt.

But he didn't want that kind of feeling, and he didn't bother to use tricks in front of love.

Seeing the two of them together now, her expression is not forced, her eyes are tender and tender, with deep roots of love.

When the two of them were together at first, although they were happy, their relationship didn't settle down much, so this kind of relationship couldn't afford to go through storms.

"From now on, don't talk about her anymore. She has already found a lover, so why should I stay where I am?" he said to Daji.

Daji was a little dazed, but still nodded.


After this incident, Kayn found that Gu Nian's mood was depressed for a while.

They finally got together. When he came to Datang this time, he was actually very afraid that she would recall the past, and even made a detour, not wanting to pass through Chang'an.That is, I don't want her to think about the little things with Li Bai.

But sometimes the fate is so wonderful, obviously bypassed, but met again.

In front of Li Bai, he felt that he had lost.

In terms of heart and tolerance, he is not as good as him.

If he could do it all over again, at that time, without the temptation of the magic armor, he might not have made the decision at that time, but if that was the case, there would be no possibility between him and Gu Nian.

So, sometimes, he is grateful for his choice.

(End of this chapter)

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