King of Glory: Brother, let's have dinner

Chapter 245 I Can't Live Without You

Chapter 245 I Can't Live Without You

But in fact, Gu Nian's depression did not last long.

Just realized that his mood was a bit wrong.

So I hugged him.

"A armor."

"Do you regret it?" He has never dared to ask this question, for fear that the answer is not what he wants to hear.

But at this moment, he wanted to know what she was thinking.

Perhaps, the appearance of love is such that people are insatiably greedy. They obviously want to get everything about her, including her heart.

"Well, I regret it." Gu Nian said.

His entire body was stiff, and this answer almost made him feel as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

It seems that the next second sank into hell again.

"A Kai, the answer to a question has troubled me for a long time, until now I understand the meaning behind that answer, do you want to know that question?" she asked.

"What's the problem?" he asked as she expected.

"That is, if one day the two of you are in danger at the same time and there is only one chance to survive, what will I do? The answer I get every time is that I will save him regardless of my own safety, but I will also share with you. Go to the underworld. When I think of my life, if you don't exist, my life in this world is meaningless."

She did the same. She hadn't understood her intentions before, but today's scene made her understand.

"Nian Nian..." At this moment, he hugged her back, and even a thousand words could not satisfy the satisfaction in his heart.

With her words, what is there for him to care about?

"Akai, after this matter is over, Luna also came back from studying at Jixia College to inherit the family business, so the two of us will travel around the world, shall we? Live the life we ​​want." She thought, most of the time he didn't do anything for him. The only waywardness to live by myself is also because of her.

But even this outrage was enough to make him feel guilty.

Without the shackles of the curse and the responsibilities of the family, maybe he would be happier, and her happiness was because she hoped that he would be happy.

"it is good."

The Star Family belongs to Luna, and only she belongs to him.

He has already begun to imagine that day will come.

"You can also give birth to a few more little foxes."

Gu Nian gave him a blank look: "I'm not going to give birth!"

But thinking about it, if he could give birth to a little bun like him, a sweet smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Tell me, are you eating dry vinegar these days?" she asked.

Although she was cultivating, she didn't fail to sense that he seemed a little unhappy.

But I didn't think much about it at the time, and now that I think about it, it should be.

"Yeah, I know it shouldn't be, but when I think of you practicing with others, I'm not happy." Even though I know that Ming Shiyin can't do anything, he's just a primordial spirit.

Gu Nian knew that he was a little jealous king.

I used to be jealous too, but I didn't expect that Ming Shiyin is just a wisp of soul now, and he would be jealous. No wonder he would be so unhappy when he saw Li Bai.

"Akai, I only like you."

Feelings are a matter of course, and these words come out naturally.

Perhaps in the past, the feelings she gave him were too vague, which caused him to be very unconfident in this relationship, and that's why he is so sensitive now.

In this case, let her take the initiative and speak out her love happily.

As expected, after finishing speaking, he directly hugged her and turned her around several times.

"Nian Nian, I also like you very much. In this life, I will never like anyone else, except you, there is no one else who will make me fall in love like this."

So at that time, he knew it was wrong, but he was willing to make a mistake to the end.

In the final analysis, he was not that open-minded enough to give her up.

He couldn't watch her being held by another man and bless her.

At this moment, staring at each other is a glance of ten thousand years.

It's a pity that Ming Shiyin disturbed them so much.

"Ahem, when the two of you are showing your affection, can you consider that there are other people around you?"

No wonder, Ah Kai hated Ming Shiyin a little, and Gu Nian really wanted to hit him.

It's a pity that I can't fight.

"Knowing that you know you are a light bulb, do you still have to stand up to dislike others?" Gu Nian couldn't help muttering.

"Heh!" He smiled half a smile, as if he was teasing her past duplicity.

Gu Nian thought again, the scene when he ran to the Chang'an Sky Prison and whipped him with a whip.

Some regrets, I lost my mind and went crazy to provoke such a person.

Therefore, now that he has suffered retribution, he can't get rid of it even if he wants to.

The struggle between her and Ming Shiyin was never evenly matched, but she was crushed to death from the very beginning.

Therefore, when she and Kayn are very close to each other, they can only look at each other to enjoy their eyes.

As for the others, I dare not even think about it.

After that, she had to be urged by Ming Shiyin to practice, not to mention that after practicing, she felt more and more that she had made great progress.

After that, they went to many places, such as the land of Chu and Han, Yanran, Qin, and even broke into the place of origin.

But that time, something big happened.

The origin of the King Continent is said to be the place where the gods are. For the first time, Gu Nian also saw a man with a third eye. He is Yang Jian, the successor chosen by Nuwa to protect the peace of the world.

He was also the one who sent them out. In fact, the place of origin didn't have what Ming Shiyin wanted.

But Gu Nian suspected that Ming Shiyin had other plans, but he didn't say that after that time, Gu Nian was seriously injured, and Ming Shiyin was the same.

The two of them practiced the exercises together, and gradually, there was a tacit understanding of the same mind.

Gu Nian didn't know anything about Ming Shiyin like before, but the more he was like this, the more he felt that he was gloomy and not as gentle as he appeared.

What he wants may not necessarily be Datang's world.

But she couldn't control that much anymore, the only thing left was to raise the last elixir, and they would be able to get rid of Ming Shiyin.

And the last elixir is in Jixia College.

At this time, it has been three years since they left the Land of Warriors.

In the past three years, the curse has not occurred, Kayn's temperament has remained calm, and his skill has increased greatly. Because of these, even though Gu Nian knew that Ming Shiyin had some selfish intentions, he was willing to find an elixir for him.

Today's Jixia College has closed the channel to take in students, and the next time to recruit students will be half a year later.

Many students from all over the world have even rented houses in the town next to Jixia College, preparing to take the exam in half a year.

Most of the people who came were young heroes, or even young geniuses, they were everywhere, amazing!

 The book is almost over, drawing to a close.

  Originally, at the beginning, there was a particularly grand and ambitious composition, but the plan could not keep up with the changes. Halfway through the writing, I became inexplicably irritable. For example, Gongsun was separated from the person he loved. Now the answer is Li Xin.In the future, Tianmei will produce heroes like Shangguan Wan'er...

  With the speed of this hero, maybe one day, Tianmei will also arrange a childhood sweetheart for Kai. After all, the official has also denied that Kai's feelings for Hua Mulan are not a triangle relationship, but a comrade-in-arms relationship~ so everything will be in the future It's possible, but I'm only writing fanfic.

  This story was originally just a sweet pet that wanted to be a couple for a lifetime, but the entanglement later turned into glass shards.

  Doujin is doujin. I hope people don’t hate A Kai or Ming Shiyin because of this. In fact, they are all very good. The male god in the canyon, brother Li Bai is also very good. When I wrote about him, I thought it was very beautiful, and even moved. NP thoughts.But np is unfair. What others pay is single-minded, and then the heroine is half-hearted, so I am sorry for these male gods.

  So with a choice, Li Bai was let go.

  As a result, Kai became a bad guy.

  In fact, I really like Ah Kai very much. The original intention of writing this book is because of Ming Shiyin's voice, he said that the ending of Kai and Luna starts with parting and ends with parting.So I hope that apart from the comrades who fought side by side, Brother Kai can have someone who can accompany him in all weathers and trust him so that he will not be alone.

(End of this chapter)

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