King of Glory: Brother, let's have dinner

Chapter 252 Angela, I'll Protect You

Chapter 252 Angela, I'll Protect You

The following days will be the time for the whole family to reunite happily. This time is not much, but everyone tacitly cherishes it.

When Gu Nian left the early stage, Angela ran back from the imperial capital in a hurry. It is said that she still escaped.

As soon as she came back, she went straight to the Star Family, because she knew that Gu Nian was back, but as soon as she came in, she saw her packing some things.

Angela was stunned, "As soon as I come back, you are going to leave? You are too heartless, I still think this time, I can talk to you more!"

At this time, seeing Angela Gu Nian was naturally happy, she stretched out her hand and hugged her immediately.

"I originally planned to visit you in the capital, but I didn't expect you to come back so early, where is Arthur?"

As soon as Arthur was mentioned, Angela's expression became a little unnatural.

I don't know what's wrong with these two people, and Gu Nian doesn't even know that she sneaked back this time. Arthur is already in a hurry, but he just created a new kingdom, and the empire still needs him. It can only function normally if it exists, and he can't put everything down to find her very capriciously.

"Tonight, I want to sleep with you!" Angela said willfully.

Now she has a lot of things she wants to share with others, and she doesn't have any friends around her, so some things are blocked.Only Gu Nian could tell.

She said this, but Kayn was standing at the door.

Angela also glanced at him, and then said to Gu Nian: "You can't value sex over friends, if you are this kind of person, I will ignore you for the rest of my life!"

"Okay, okay!" Gu Nian burst out laughing, it seemed that she was really in a hurry, if she wasn't in a hurry, she wouldn't say such things to her.

She looked at Kayn with soothing eyes. Kayn's eyes were somewhat resentful, but he still left the two of them with private time, and closed the door by the way.

As soon as the others left, Gu Nian asked: "As soon as you came back, it must not be because of me. Tell me, what happened?"

If Angela really came back because of her, she might have followed Kayn and the others early in the morning, but it happened not, she came back later.

Angela was stared at her a little tight, and she honestly confessed: "Arthur wants me to be the queen..."

She never knew that he dared to think so much.

"What do you think?" Gu Nian asked back.

"What did I think? He was so nasty, anyway, anyway, I ran back." She was startled.But she didn't admit it.

In fact, she doesn't really care about everything. She always feels that there is a generation gap with them, including Arthur, who is much older than her in terms of physical age, but she is a wizard who has lived for many years psychologically. She has no common language.

"If you want to go out to play, take me away too, don't worry, I won't make trouble for you, I will have fun by myself!" Now she has a kind of evasive mentality.

But Gu Nian could tell that she was not very repulsed by Arthur.

It just felt like Arthur shouldn't be doing this, and seemed offended, but what made it even more difficult for her to accept was that she didn't seem to be disgusted either.

She didn't think that she would fall in love with a junior, the former Master of the Holy Sword overlapped with the current Arthur's face, which made her feel a little panicked, she was at a loss, and started to flee.

Gu Nian also had this kind of ostrich mentality.

"Let me ask you, do you really dislike him? Or just can't accept the gap between you and him?" Gu Nian looked directly into Angela's eyes.

Like, this word, Angela didn't think she would have it.

Especially for Arthur, it felt like he had escaped from that person's control after thousands of years. He had already reincarnated, but she still fell into his hands, but if it was annoying, it didn't seem to be.

If you hate a person, it is impossible to take the initiative to help him with so many things.

She was a little confused, and Gu Nian smiled: "You always say that I am hesitant about emotions. When it's my turn, why are you so blinded? Angela, with your temperament, if you If you don't like him, if he confesses to you, you won't run away in a hurry, but calmly and calmly, don't you take it seriously?"

She is a chic and comfortable witch, with her ability, she can go anywhere, why was she at a loss by a confession, and started to flee in a hurry, this is not her style, but she just did that .

Gu Nian's words gave her a sudden enlightenment.

"Think about it, are you more impatient or happier these days when you are with him? Do you hate him, or do you unconsciously raise the corners of your mouth when you think about him? You can think about this question slowly , I won’t bother you. When you think it through, you will probably have an answer in your heart. Angela, I’m someone who has been here to give you a piece of advice. There is no age gap in relationships. If you are a coward, you will take many, many detours .”

She herself is an example.

Worrying about gains and losses, taking care of one thing and losing another, trying to take care of everything, but lost a lot of things in the end.

Angela heard Gu Nian's words, and Arthur's face appeared in her mind. His gentleness, his care, and even his domineering made her want to laugh.

"Angela, I will protect you! Just follow me."

For the first time, he was just a paladin in the land of warriors. He had just obtained the holy sword and hadn't exerted its power yet, so he dared to speak boldly to protect her.

"Angela, why are you alone? I am your guardian and will always take care of you!"

take care of?What does he take care of?
How did she mock him in the first place?
She said: "You are not my father and brother, what kind of guardian are you? And you don't have any eccentricities. If you pick up a little girl on the side of the road, you have to be someone's guardian, right? Have you ever been someone else's guardian?" Dad's idea, I don't have the will to be someone's daughter?"

As soon as she finished speaking, he looked a little uncomfortable.

Later, I saw her eyes full of helplessness and a little connivance.

When the Paladin Legion was formed, he was very busy and had no time to take care of her. She came out to have fun by herself, and just happened to see a young man with a blushing face sending her flowers, so she deliberately teased her .

As a result, he saw it later, and she was still a little mocking at the time. Seeing this scene, he would definitely come back and criticize her, but she didn't take it seriously at the time.

Who knew that later, he taught the young man a lesson, and told her painstakingly, don't believe what those young boys say, they are all lies.

(End of this chapter)

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