Chapter 253 My Lady Witch
Then, she saw, one night, he was painting an oil painting in her sleep.

The girl in that painting is not as cunning and mean as before, but she is beautiful when she sleeps, like an angel in the world.

When she found this painting, she teased him: "Old Arthur, didn't you agree to be my guardian? But how can there be a guardian like you, you secretly painted me while I was sleeping?" The portrait was taken to your own room, you didn’t do something bad secretly at night, did you? You’re disgusting!”

He was speechless by what she said, and she liked the way he was at a loss in front of her, like a big fool.

"In the future, don't be my guardian anymore, because you are not qualified!"

After she said this, she couldn't see his existence for several days.

During that time, Arthur also thought he was a pervert. He would have unreasonable thoughts about a little girl. She was still so young?

So she became estranged from her, but she played tricks on him. If he didn't look for her, she took the initiative to look for him.

I tried my best to sarcasm and ridicule, wanting to see him in a mess.

"Angela, I know I was wrong, you are right, you should have a better life, so I found two other guardians for you..." He brought back two middle-aged couples with kind faces, They were unable to have their own children due to physical reasons, so Arthur wanted to entrust Angela to their care so that she could enjoy the love of father and mother.

She was angry, what did he think of her as a pet?Can he throw it away at will?

She didn't go, and she didn't want to see Arthur, but her body couldn't leave him for too long.

He quarreled badly with her, and even said that he wanted her to leave him, so she would die.

She frightened him.

He compromised.He kept her by his side, and specially arranged for a maid to take care of him, but for a long time, he himself did not come to see her.

Probably to avoid embarrassment between each other!

But Angela didn't take it seriously, Arthur was just a junior to her, how could she not know the little girls in front of her?
It's just that she feels that falling in love with her is a serious sin, but she thinks narcissistically, she is very beautiful, and she is ice-snow smart, eccentric, so why don't you like her?

What's more, Arthur himself was just a young man who had never been in love, so he felt that he was a pervert. Seeing him being tortured day by day, she was a little excited at first, but then she felt bored.

He took the initiative to talk to him, and his tone became much gentler. After that day, they returned to their usual routine.

Until the day of the Colosseum, when she met Gu Nian and accidentally used magic, Kayn pointed out her identity, and Arthur began to have some doubts.

After revealing her identity as a witch later, he became much more ecstatic.

She was a thousand-year-old witch, which was more acceptable to him than a little girl who didn't know much about the world.

"Angela, if you say I'm a pervert, I'll be a pervert, and I won't let you leave my side in the future!"

At that time, his gaze was hot, but Angela felt that he was shameless.

But sometimes she still help him involuntarily when he encounters a problem, so he has to push forward. The first time she wanted to escape from him was because he kissed her involuntarily at that time.

In fact, what Gu Nian said was right, she was also a coward emotionally, she had a fight with him for the first time, of course he was only beaten unilaterally, after the beating she humiliated him and then ran away that night, all the way to Eastern world.

In fact, after she ran away, she had some small regrets, but she absolutely couldn't tell Arthur about this thought, otherwise, he would definitely be proud.

So she didn't allow herself to regret, not only that, she also had to find a way to solve the problem of him being tied to her.

That's why I went to the Kingdom of Shu, and that's why I met Gu Nian again.

Later, when he returned to Datang, he followed him. When she saw him at the gate of the city that day, she was a little surprised. He seemed to have lost a lot of weight, and he was a little haggard. Talk to him again.

But he just murmured: "Angela, I won't do anything to you anymore, don't be afraid. I also ask you not to leave me again, okay?"

His tone was so soft that he was so big that he didn't know how to be ashamed in front of the Twelve Knights and other onlookers.

It was like a clingy big dog hanging by her side like this, she really wanted to go over and slap him to knock him unconscious, but then she just said lightly: "Is there something you can't solve? , do you need this wizard to do it yourself?"

"Yes, yes!" He said immediately, "My lord wizard, without you, I would be short of capable officers. Do you know that after you left, the Land of Warriors was invaded by demons?"

In fact, he knew that she had been shaken, but her character was extremely arrogant, and if she pointed it out, she would be very upset, but on the contrary, if she was given a step up, as if she had no other way to ask her for help, she would instead Accept it with peace of mind.

Sure enough, since then, Angela has been willing to go back with him.

Just think about it, if she doesn't like him, she doesn't need to do those things at all.

After returning to the Land of Warriors for several years, he also kept his promise. She was both happy and disappointed. She was glad that he had listened to his words. As for the bit of regret, she didn't understand because What, but she was naturally optimistic and quickly dismissed the idea.

Arthur was weaving a web, waiting for the day when his little girl would grow up, so he could wait.

However, he was also staring at her all the time, protecting her, and making her familiar with and used to his existence.

He had good intentions and approached him intentionally or unintentionally. In fact, it could be seen that her little girl also liked him a little bit. In fact, she hated him very much. Even if other men offended her, she would see through even the slightest thought. If you are happy, you will use magic to tease them.

Only for him, he chose to tolerate time and time again.

Her heart looks hard, but it is actually very soft.

Such a little girl, why doesn't he love her?

So when he entered the capital of the empire, he was busy with everything. He took her hand and walked into the palace. He wanted to share everything with her, including the throne.

But this time, he miscalculated. Angela, who was brave in other aspects, was dull and arrogant in emotions, and chose to run away again!

And they didn't even say hello!
Fortunately, Angela came back to the land of warriors, instead of running to the far east, an unknown country again!
About the bits and pieces of the past, Angela kept thinking about it, and really thought about it all night.

As a result, when I woke up the next day, I was still smiling silly.

(End of this chapter)

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