Chapter 100
Life in the school is still routine, and students go to school on time just like workers go to work, but workers go to work to make money, but students do spend money to go to school.

Some people have said that at what age one should do what one should do.At the age of teenagers, daily life is going to school, doing homework, watching TV, or falling in love is enough.Although monotonous, but still live very well.I think the reason why many people miss their school days so much is because of the simplicity and purity of those years.

In the past two days, Wen Yuanyuan's mood has been obviously depressed. Several times in the morning, her eyes were swollen, which shows that she shed a lot of tears the night before.Even when Jia Xiaowen and Fang Yuan asked her to go to the toilet together sometimes, she didn't go.

Regarding this phenomenon, Gossip Li explained it this way: "Her grandfather had an accident, she must have no appetite to eat, and shed so many tears, her body lost water, how could there be any leftovers to go to the toilet."

Why do I want to kill this guy so much!While sympathizing with Wen Yuanyuan's experience, Cen Xueluo gritted his teeth and stared angrily at Li who was alive and kicking in the space.

Cen Xueluo felt that she should go over and ask about Grandpa Wen's recent situation, but she was sitting next to the wall with Qi Long next to her, tightly blocking her way out.Qi Long is using the time between classes to catch up on sleep, oh, no, he is using the time to go to school to catch up on sleep.

Staring quietly at this guy who didn't know the students at all, Cen Xueluo hesitated whether to wake Qi Long up, it seemed that this guy didn't sleep last night, he ran to the top of the building to practice in the middle of the night, and he didn't know why.

Fortunately, as soon as Cen Xueluo's gaze rested on Qi Long for five seconds, Qi Long woke up and turned his head to look at Cen Xueluo sleepily.That look seemed to be asking: What do you want me to do?

"Did you become a thief last night?" Cen Xueluo couldn't help but whispered.

"Well, no." Qi Long rubbed his eyes, stretched himself, and then... fell down again.

"Let's go, I want to go out." It seems that you can't go around with this kid, you have to go straight.

Qi Long turned his head in surprise and raised his eyebrows: "Go out? Now?"

"Yeah. Let me go." Cen Xueluo didn't talk nonsense.

"But it's time for class..." Qi Long's voice just finished, as if confirming the authenticity of his words, the class bell rang immediately.

Nima!Cen Xueluo's heart went berserk.This guy has been sleeping and has a sense of time!You are sleeping anyway, is class important to you?Is it important?Why are you so sensitive to class time!
After finally waiting for the third class break, Ouyang Jingyi came over again: "Luoluo, Luoluo." Ouyang Jingyi waved at Cen Xueluo vigorously through Qi Long.

At this time, Qi Long wisely stood up and gave up his seat.

"What's wrong?" Cen Xueluo looked at Ouyang Jingyi unceremoniously sitting on Qi Long's seat, and asked suspiciously.

"Do you still remember that miracle group?" Ouyang Jingyi's eyes were about to light up, "They have come to M City, tomorrow's concert!!! Are you going? Are you going?"

"No...let's go." Cen Xueluo thought about what Kevin said on the phone, and replied hesitantly, "Besides, the concert tickets are very expensive."

Hearing what Cen Xueluo said, Ouyang Jingyi showed a very smug expression: "Don't worry! This time Miracle Group's concert is borrowed from my mother's gymnasium. It's trivial to get two tickets. On me! Let’s go early tomorrow, preferably at noon, maybe we can sneak in and watch their rehearsal. If I can get an autograph and take a group photo, I will be so happy!”

Seeing Ouyang Jingyi's nympho look on her face, Cen Xueluo couldn't help but laugh.Ouyang Jingyi's character is like this, she never pretends to be hypocritical, even if she is showing off or proud, she will show it blatantly.But, do you really want to go tomorrow?What if you see Kevin?Pretending not to know?

The next day, that is, at twelve noon on Saturday, four hours earlier than the concert that started at four in the afternoon, Cen Xueluo realized that he was really thinking too much when he went to the gymnasium.

Although the concert didn't start until [-] p.m., the front, back and even side entrances of the gymnasium were already filled with Miracle fans, most of whom were upright and youthful boys and girls, all of whom took off their usual rigid school uniforms and were full of youth.

Cen Xueluo and Ouyang Jingyi stood in the middle of the crowd, stunned for a while, even Ouyang Jingyi couldn't help sighing, and wrinkled her charming face into a ball: "There are so many people, my Kevin, Paddy, and milo won't notice me!"

(Paddy is the English name of white quinoa. I will not change the name of Kevin. In order not to type English often, Paddy and milo are directly typed into Chinese characters Peidi and Milu. Please forgive me!)

"Don't worry, a cool woman like you is as eye-catching as a firefly in the dark no matter where you are. Your temperament, your figure and your unique bangs make you unable to keep a low profile." Cen Xueluo teased a sentence she heard from the internet, pursing her lips and smiling.

Ouyang Jingyi smiled when she heard the teasing, and happily patted Cen Xueluo and said, "I just like to be friends with honest and tasteful people like you!"

The two girls laughed and quarreled for a while, the crowd suddenly became commotion, and the fans who were resting on the spot began to move towards the road ahead.

The tall and slender Ouyang Jingyi tiptoed to look, and grabbed Cen Xueluo: "Luoluo, they are coming! Go, go!"

Cen Xueluo was passively pushed forward by Ouyang Jingyi. In fact, both of them were not short in height. Suddenly, Luo felt a little nervous and looking forward to it.

Seeing the bright black long-distance Lincoln driving slowly, the guards desperately stopped the crowd to maintain order. Cen Xueluo and Ouyang Jingyi swayed left and right with the crowd, but their eyes kept following the slow car. oncoming car.

Finally, under the expectant eyes of everyone, the car door opened slowly, and the always coquettish Baizhi was the first to show his face.He was wearing a tight black T-shirt and a pair of big sunglasses to cover his charming face. After getting off the car, he waved coquettishly at the crowd, and then there was a burst of "Pedi, Peddy" from the crowd. Shouts.Some girls even held up signs with Peidi's name on them, screaming "Pedi, I love you!"

The second person to get off was Mi Lu, a little lower than Peidi, with blond hair and a pair of big sunglasses, but with a bright smile on his lips all the time, he folded his hands together and gave everyone a friendly smile. Bowing, it seems to be thanking everyone for their enthusiasm.

The enthusiasm of the fans was once again rendered to a climax. While shouting the name of "Milu", many people unconsciously looked at the door of the car, looking forward to the appearance of Captain Kevin.

Kevin is the tallest one in Miracle Group. At the same time, his slender figure and perfect statue-like appearance have always been talked about, especially his lazy appearance, and the occasional naughty smile on the corner of his lips, which makes Chunxin even more The sprouting girl is irresistible.

As soon as Kevin showed up, the crowd boiled up, and the shouting was several times louder in an instant, with the noise index reaching 200 decibels, which made Cen Xueluo frown.

"Kevin! Kevin!" Countless fans shouted the idol's name loudly, moving forward involuntarily, and the guards had to use their strong bodies to resist the surging crowd.

Kevin seemed to be taken aback by such enthusiastic fans. Immediately after getting out of the car, he clasped his hands together and bowed respectfully, then stood up straight and waved to everyone.

Although Kevin wears sunglasses covering half of his face, it doesn't affect his charm at all. His figure, which is comparable to international models, makes people salivate.

"Thank you, thank you!" Mi Lu saw that the captain had also come down, so he waved his hands and shouted loudly. His voice was very pleasant and penetrating, so the general work of interacting with the audience in the group was left to He did it.

"We'll see you at four o'clock in the afternoon!" Mi Lu's words caused countless fans to scream in response, and the decibels were so loud that they almost shattered the window glass.

Kevin still had that lazy smile on his lips, and his short hair stood up on end. He nodded to everyone and then walked towards the side entrance of the stadium under the leadership of the staff.Peidi followed closely behind, and Milu, who had been interacting with fans, was the last to hold the line.

Cen Xueluo's eyes followed Kevin all the time. Although a cultivator has a keen sense, but being stared at by so many people, Kevin must not only pay attention to his own gaze.Cen Xueluo was thinking this, when suddenly Kevin turned his head and glanced around lightly, even through the sunglasses, Cen Xueluo could feel Kevin's gaze sweeping past him.

Kevin glanced sideways seemingly casually, then quickly turned his head and continued to walk forward, his eyes did not stay on Cen Xueluo for even a second, and even his expression did not change at all, as if he was looking at a stranger That's an understatement, and then he just walked through the narrow passage less than five meters in front of Cen Xueluo without stopping.

On the contrary, Peidi, who was following Kevin, spotted Cen Xueluo in the crowd. His gaze stayed there for two seconds, and then his smile became more alluring. He even coquettishly pulled his sunglasses off the bridge of his nose while walking, and pointed at Cen Xueluo. He winked.

With Peidi as the center, the fans in the entire fan-shaped area with a ten-degree deviation from Cen Xueluo's direction were all excited and screamed.

Cen Xueluo was feeling depressed, and was a little annoyed by the noise at this time, so she wanted to drag Ouyang Jingyi to a place where there were fewer people, but Ouyang Jingyi was also waving her hands excitedly, loudly yelling at Cen Xueluo. The ear said: "Luoluo, Peddy really saw me! He fired at me! Wow... Peddy! Peddy..."

Well, at this time, to think about forcibly dragging away a nympho girl in front of a handsome guy is no less difficult than humans emigrating to the moon.Cen Xueluo gave up the thought in her heart and silently lowered her eyes.

Even though he knew that even if they met, Kevin and himself would pretend to be strangers, but Cen Xueluo still felt a deep sense of loss in his heart.

 The old rules, the second watch is at eight o'clock~~ Thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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