The cold medicine of rebirth is poisonous

Chapter 99 The Legend of Explosive Body

Chapter 99 The Legend of Explosive Body (Part [-])
Howling Wind and Thunder Art?It sounds very cool!Cen Xueluo didn't understand, she raised her slender eyebrows slightly, and looked at the purple mist suspiciously, as if she wanted to see Li's expression through the purple mist.

For a long time, Ziwu remained motionless, staying there quietly in a floating state, as if she really regarded herself as a cloud without life for decoration.

Cen Xueluo couldn't help but slashed with a light blue wind blade.Now Cen Xueluo was very familiar with launching the wind blade. With a thought, a tiny and thin wind blade condensed from his fingertips.

To Cen Xueluo's surprise, the wind blade was sent out, but Li didn't dodge it. Cen Xueluo didn't use much force. The wind blade hit the purple mist and the airflow created a long and thin gap, and then the air flow near Li When the tip of the nose dissipated it was gone.

Li Xiaoxiao's figure appeared in the purple mist, his expression seemed a little dazed, his eyes were lost in memories, and he didn't react until the wind blade was about to hit the tip of his nose.Blinking his big eyes a few times, his eyelashes were as long as a small brush, Li looked at the wind blade dissipating in the air in shock and anger, and swished the purple mist in the air twice before stopping angrily : "Are you going to kill me?"

I obviously took back the wind blade in time, okay?Cen Xueluo looked at Li opposite with black lines all over her head.What's with that guy's accusing expression as if he was about to be murdered?Menopause syndrome and serious?

Facing Cen Xueluo's gloomy and suspicious gaze, Li Li clenched his hands into two pink fists and crossed them in front of his chest, with a vigilant expression on his face: "I'm not the kind of person who can be subdued by force. There's no such thing as happiness!"

Are you addicted to acting?Cen Xueluo was furious, and finally roared unbearably: "Don't make me feel useless! Tell me honestly what's wrong with that "Sao Feng Lei Jue"!"

"I really have no sense of humor!" Li put his hands down feeling bored, his little face was full of disdain, "You are yelling, you are yelling at me! You are not ladylike at all!"

Whoosh, two wind blades shining with ice blue light appeared in Cen Xueluo's hands, and the tips of the wind blades aimed at Li.

"Okay, okay. I said it's not enough!" Li secretly glanced at the two murderous wind blades, and muttered unwillingly, "Luo, you are getting less and less cute... Good! Good! I'll say it right away! You put the wind blade back first!"

Seeing the wind blade disappearing into the air, Li finally felt relieved, patted his chest with his small hand, and said with a smile: "It's okay to tell you, this Xiaofengleijue was quite famous in the cultivation world back then! Cultivation Everyone who uses this technique is an all-powerful master, and they are good at defeating the strong with the weak. That boy Lei Tian became famous in one fell swoop when he challenged a master at the Nascent Soul stage in the middle stage of Jindan!"

"Who is Lei Tian?"

"Oh, it was the head of Leimen in the past. He was young and promising, but his temper was too violent. It's a pity that the sky was jealous of the talents and died young..." Li sighed, "but then Lei Tian's younger brother took over Leimen , continue to flourish, and the situation is very good. When many people thought that Leimen would rise, Lei Tian’s younger brother also died. Later, the boy who took over Leimen, Lei Bupo, was much worse, with poor management and a hot temper. There are conflicts with people at every turn, so this promising sect has been depressed. Oh, this book was given to me by Lei Bupo, no, I can’t say yes, but I exchanged it with him for a high-grade pill. It’s a pity. It's a pity...the high-grade pills couldn't save him. After Lei Bupo died, Leimen fell down and scattered, and completely disappeared in the cultivation world..."

Li babbled about the past events in the cultivation world, and from time to time boasted how many good karmas he had formed at that time, and his confidantes were all over the world, but Cen Xueluo still heard the problem, and pointed it out sharply: "You mean that you have cultivated "" Are all the people in Sao Feng Lei Jue dead?"

"Hey, I really deserve to be the one chosen by Mingli! I can see the problem right away!" Li was amazed, and stretched out his small hands to wrap his arms quite proudly, with a stinking look on his face.

"How did he die?" Cen Xueluo gritted her teeth and asked every word.

Cen Xueluo stared at him coldly, and couldn't help rubbing his arms, and said in a nonchalant tone, "How else can I die, just explode!"

This is a human life, how can it be said so lightly!Thinking of the possibility that Mo Yifan would suddenly explode and die one day, Cen Xueluo couldn't restrain his anger.Thanks to the fact that I was still encouraging Mo Yifan to work hard and strive to surpass Qi Long and the others today, I just gave him hope and wanted to tell him the unfortunate truth, this... How could I just open my mouth!
"Is there no way to avoid it? If I tell him to stop cultivating now, will he be fine?" Cen Xueluo asked with difficulty, hoping to get a glimmer of hope from Li, even if it was a small chance, he would be fine. strive for.

"There is no such possibility!" Li was silent for a while, and replied in a very low voice, "The people of Leimen were all dead! Spare me! I guess that although this kind of domineering exercise can be done quickly, it requires a lot of destructive power and endurance of the body, and it can even affect a person's temperament, making people gradually lose their rationality and become irritable. And when the mental oppression exceeds the limit that the human body can bear, you will explode and die. Even if you stop practicing, the internal force is still expanding and destroying the body, and finally..."

hateful!Cen Xueluo clenched her fists, her body trembling slightly: "Can't you think of other ways? Maybe it can be avoided... No! There must be a way to avoid it! Definitely!"

"Actually, I've been thinking about it for a long time today, and there is a feasible method, but I don't know how likely it is to succeed." Li seemed a little guilty, his eyes flickered, avoiding Cen Xueluo's gaze, and whispered.

Ignoring Li's guilty expression, Cen Xueluo asked anxiously like a drowning person grabbing a driftwood, "What can I do?"

"The Xiaofengleijue is a strong technique, it is of the fire attribute, and the cold poison in your body happens to be cold in nature. If you use this kind of cold poison to suppress the tyrannical aura of the Xiaofengleijue, you may not explode... "Li hesitated for a moment, but still spoke out his suggestion.

Cen Xueluo was dumbfounded. After a while, she quietly asked, "But what about after being poisoned by the cold? Won't he die from the poison?"

"Oh, you're so stupid!" In a hurry, he floated in front of Cen Xueluo and explained, "That kid's skills are still low, and he hasn't even entered the edge of the cultivation world. Far away, you forced the cold poison in his body to him, just to suppress the thunder fire breath in his body, enough for him to last to the Jindan stage, at most, he will explode when he advances to the Nascent Soul stage. And this period of time is enough You have cultivated to a higher level and searched for more rare and rare herbs, won't you be able to refine more elixir at that time?"

In fact, both Cen Xueluo and Li knew that this was just a last resort, but anyone who had other hopes should not choose this path.And the only benefit of doing so was probably to fulfill Cen Xueluo and help her get rid of the cold poison.

Cen Xueluo was a little confused, and sat on the ground without saying a word, with her head lowered. Although her face was expressionless, her long eyelashes kept trembling, reflecting the entanglement in her heart.

At this time, Li didn't dare to disturb Cen Xueluo, so he lowered the purple mist and stood quietly beside Cen Xueluo, waiting for her final decision.

"Can the cold poison be forced into someone else's body?" After a long while, Cen Xueluo's cold voice finally rang out faintly, with a hint of doubt, "Then before you told me that I had to go to the realm of cultivation to unravel it? I didn't just Is it enough to find someone to force the cold poison out?"

Li's expression was a bit awkward, he unconsciously reached out and rubbed his nose and explained: "Actually, I was also selfish at the time, I hope you will work hard and go to the realm of cultivation to help me recover my body as soon as possible. But cold poison is not a casual You can force it out by finding just one person. The person you are looking for must be able to fully accept all the cold poison in your body, otherwise the person will die when you are halfway forced, and all the cold poison will flow back into your heart. Sometimes, I'm afraid that your life is in danger."

Cen Xueluo said "Oh", then closed her mouth again, her eyes were empty and out of focus, and she fell into deep thought again.

1 minute, 2 minutes, half an hour... an hour... Cen Xueluo remained motionless in that position, like a lifeless stone sculpture.

After Li Jing waited for half an hour, then drove the purple mist around the space five times, turned a few somersaults, and finished reading a collection of prose poems, Cen Xueluo finally let out a long breath.She stretched, stood up slowly, stretched her arms and legs, and said to Li who was close to her, "When can I transfer the poison to Mo Yifan?"

Seeing that Cen Xueluo had finally figured it out and made up his mind, Li couldn't help but smile, and said back, "No rush, his skill is too weak and his body is not strong enough, at least wait until he reaches the innate level." At the seventh level, the cold poison will be forced on him. It is estimated that at that time his strength will be comparable to that of the innate ninth level, and the cold poison will just suppress the tyrannical aura in his body."

"I see." After Cen Xueluo finished speaking, she left Li's space.

At this time, the sky has turned slightly pale, and the brand new sun is slowly rising from the east, bringing dawn to this world mixed with beauty, darkness and growing numbness.

Cen Xueluo stood at the window, quietly looking at the rising sun, watching the world outside the window brighten up bit by bit, but her heart couldn't become as clear as the world outside. The hands were tightly clenched into fists, and the veins on the back of the white hands were slightly raised.Mo Yifan, I'm sorry!Please persevere until the moment when I have the ability to save you!must!

(End of this chapter)

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