Chapter 98
Li's yelling tone was very strange, and so was the look on his handsome face.He looked at the silent Mo Yifan in amazement, his eyes seemed to be full of horror and disbelief, as if he suddenly saw a dinosaur that had been extinct for tens of millions of years in a quiet and peaceful town.

Li only yelled, then closed his mouth tightly and stopped talking. Not only was his personality different from before, but he was even terribly quiet, especially since he kept a complicated expression on his face, staring at Mo Yifan like he was looking at Mo Yifan. Like a monster.

Cen Xueluo couldn't ignore this kind of departure, she whispered to Mo Yifan: "You practiced well, I'm so surprised. You adjust your breath first, and I'll protect you. We'll talk about it later."

Seeing Mo Yifan sitting cross-legged and entering the state of breathing adjustment, Cen Xueluo turned his attention and asked Li silently: "Li, what's wrong?"

Li didn't seem to have heard Cen Xueluo's voice, his big bright eyes seemed to be filled with turbulent waves, flickering, his handsome face was even slightly distorted, one could imagine how uneasy he was inside.

With Li's appearance, Cen Xueluo didn't need to guess to know that there must be something wrong with the book he gave Mo Yifan. He looked worriedly at Mo Yifan who was closing his eyes and adjusting his breath, and Cen Xueluo shouted in his heart. Shouted: "Li, what's going on! Is there something wrong with that book? Li!!!"

Li seemed to be woken up and came back to his senses, his eyes moved blankly, realizing his gaffe, Li quickly adjusted his emotions, coughed, and his eyes wandered: "It's nothing, it's nothing. I was just a child, right?" , especially afraid of thunder, especially when there is lightning, it leaves a shadow, so I..."

"Make it up! Keep making it up!" Cen Xueluo pursed her lips and sneered, "Do you remember how old you are? When you were a child?"

Li also felt that what he had made up was a bit outrageous, so he simply turned around and hid his body in the purple mist again, and ran away in the purple mist, saying from a distance: "Hmph, now you know how to talk to me? Why did you go early! "

This narrow-minded thing!What else can you do but avoid problems!Cen Xue stared angrily, if Mo Yifan was not still by her side, she would have jumped into the space to catch Li back and ask him about it.You wait for me!

Flying far away to the corner of the space, he stopped. As soon as he landed on the ground, he couldn't help but sneezed. He stretched out his little hand, rubbed his nose and muttered: "You must be scolding me! This girl It's getting more and more fierce! Hey! I just grabbed it, how could I be an idiot to take this book out? Oh my God! That kid actually learned the basics without a teacher! How unlucky it is to get everything out Get together! What should I do? Ahhh..."

Li held his head and couldn't help crying.

Mo Yifan's breath adjustment lasted for more than two hours, and Cen Xueluo sat quietly and waited at the side, flipping through the "Medical Classics" and paying attention to the movements around him.The more he looked around, the more satisfied Cen Xueluo was with this place.

Although City M has a notoriously bad reputation for Luanshigang in the southern suburbs and the forest farm in the western suburbs, there is an essential difference between the two.The forest farm in the western suburbs is because of the high frequency of underworld fights and criminal cases that make people stop, while the Luanshigang in the southern suburbs...everyone will feel their hairs stand up when they pass by here, and feel the chills invade the bone marrow. Especially when the sky is dark, you can see shadows here from a distance, so the name of haunting spread like wildfire.

However, in the eyes of cultivators, rumors of haunted spirits are just floating clouds. At least in the eyes of Cen Xueluo, this place is remote and no passers-by pass by. The only quiet thing is the chirping of insects and frogs and the sound of wind passing among the chaotic rocks. .This is simply a top-secret place suitable for learning from each other!

Mo Yifan was lucky in his dantian, and slowly restrained his breath. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Cen Xueluo bathed in the moonlight.This 15-year-old girl is sitting on a large flat rock with her knees crossed. She holds her head up slightly, and the soft moonlight casts a golden halo on her fair and delicate face. What, Cen Xueluo stared into the distance with clear black and white eyes, her expression was peaceful and serene, the corners of her mouth curved into a smile, and the night wind blew her long hair from behind, rippling with a fascinating charm.Mo Yifan looked up at the girl who had given him a new life, and was momentarily stunned.

Not long after, Cen Xueluo seemed to sense that Mo Yifan had resigned, and turned his face slightly to look at Mo Yifan.Mo Yifan bumped into that Wang Qingquan unexpectedly, and couldn't help but look away in panic, his heartbeat thundered, causing two imperceptible red clouds to float on his dark face.

Cen Xueluo blinked, her clear eyes reflected the light of the moon, bright as bright stars, she was planning to use this place as a secret sparring venue just now, she had better ask Li to teach herself a few formations to hide this place, so that Didn't he own a secret training base for free?Just like the Qi family's underground training base.When she regained her senses, she felt Mo Yifan's gaze, looked back naturally and asked with a smile, "Is it better?"

"En." Mo Yifan responded, and there was another long silence.Why the more we get along, the more I feel her beauty, and the more I discover her beauty, the more desolate my mood is?It was as if my heart was being torn apart, and I wanted to vent but couldn't vent it, so I had to suffocate in my heart and let those fine wounds slowly rot.

"Okay, let's study the trick we did just now." Cen Xueluo propped up her hands, and jumped off the boulder lightly, like a butterfly flying gently among the flowers.

"Brother Yifan, you really surprised me." Ignoring Li's abnormal reaction, Cen Xueluo sincerely praised Mo Yifan, "I didn't expect that you would achieve such a goal in such a short period of time." Such an achievement! Really amazing!"

"Where. Didn't you get knocked away with just one move?" There was a trace of bitterness on the corners of Mo Yifan's lips, and he lowered his eyes dimly.

"But your training time is short." Cen Xueluo released Mo Yifan, walked up to Mo Yifan and squatted down, and said seriously, "Your current level can be compared with Qi Kai! Kai, do you know? That tall and strong boy, he has been practicing for not one or two years, and now he is only at the third level of innate, and even if your internal strength has not reached the level of innate level three, I am sure that you and You must not be the one he loses!"

Cen Xueluo's words gave Mo Yifan great information. He looked up at Cen Xueluo deeply, and asked expectantly, "What about Qi Yang and Qi Long?"

"Qi Yang is taking the light route." Cen Xueluo thought for a while and analyzed carefully, "So you need to look fast and move faster. I mean you don't need to go fast all the time, but your instant explosive power must be strong ! Qi Long’s level is far above Qi Yang and Qi Kai’s, and it will take a while for you to surpass him. By the way, Brother Yifan, what’s the name of the move you just moved?”

"Ben Lei Wu." Mo Yifan replied in a deep voice.

"Well, it's very appropriate." Cen Xueluo admired, "You and I are not following the same route, but I have a vague feeling that there is more room for this Ben Lei Wu to play. In fact, every move is not something you can practice well. You can use it, but you must understand the true meaning of this move, engrave the move into your head, integrate with your body, and move your body freely. On that day, you will succeed!"

Cen Xueluo's knowledge was also instilled in her back then, especially when she practiced Light Body Technique and Wind Blade hard, the time spent on meditation was less than the time spent on practice.The only thing that made Cen Xueluo dissatisfied was that other people's qinggong had very catchy names, such as floating on the water, stepping on the snow without trace, and walking on the waves, but what about me?Li actually threw himself a light-weight technique and it was over!Even though the name is casual, Cen Xueluo feels that the set of lightness kung fu that Li handed over to her is very extraordinary, even now she dare not say that she has fully comprehended the essence of this set of lightness kung fu.

Cen Xueluo's words gave Mo Yifan a lot of inspiration and encouragement.He nodded slowly full of fighting spirit, his eyes became firm.Qi Long, and that Kevin, sooner or later I will surpass you all!It should be me who stood beside Luoluo and accompanied her through thick and thin!

After settling Mo Yifan's matter, Cen Xueluo returned home. The three brothers of the Qi family all looked at each other, and when they saw Cen Xueluo's return, they all got up and said goodbye.Hao Yuemei was already sleepy and yawning all day long, but because the three teenagers stayed at home, she would say that there was not even a TV in her house that was particularly deserted, and then she would say that the house she lived in had no family atmosphere at all. No, I feel at ease staying here with my aunt even if I don't do anything.

Hao Yuemei was coaxed into laughing non-stop by the sweet-talking Qi Yang, but she also understood in her heart that her daughter must be worried about her safety, so she deliberately let these three teenagers come over to accompany her.It's just that she doesn't know what Luoluo can do to find Mo Yifan at such a late hour.

When Cen Xueluo came back, the three brothers of the Qi family had retired. Seeing her daughter's tired face, Hao Yuemei couldn't ask any more questions, so she asked Cen Xueluo to go to bed early and then went back to her room to rest.

Plug in the deadbolt, and the world is finally quiet!Cen Xueluo's expression changed in an instant, and he jumped into the space with a mask of frost, and shouted at the purple mist in the distance: "Li, come out!"

After calling three times in a row, Li finally drifted over slowly from some corner, but he hid himself in the purple mist and refused to show his face.

"Tell me! What's going on?" Cen Xueluo asked in a cold voice, glancing at Zi Wu who was hiding away.

Ziwu rolled a few times, then contracted and swelled three times, and finally came out with a muffled voice: "It's not my fault! I didn't know that I would get this "Sao Feng Lei Jue" if I randomly picked a book. what!"

 As usual, the second watch is at eight o'clock in the afternoon.In addition, if there are deficiencies in the book, we welcome your comments!Thanks for the support! ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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