Chapter 13

There are only a few times in your life when you really have your own time.Most of the time, we are either repeating our own lives or repeating the lives of others.Sometimes I simply set my own survival goal as: to pursue the life of others.In fact, true happiness is not living like others, but being able to live according to one's own wishes.

The days returned to calm, the results of the city's mathematics competition did not come down so quickly, and the enthusiasm of the students who were high-spirited at the beginning gradually cooled down, and they returned to their daily life.

After Lin Yichong participated in the competition, he was like a deflated ball, lost his target, and started fishing for three days and drying the net for two days.

Cen Xueluo didn't have time to take care of Lin Yichong's studies. She could help Lin Yichong for a while, but she couldn't help him forever.If Lin Yichong is willing to live this kind of wasted life and endless repetition, then Cen Xueluo feels that there is no need to push too much, after all, everyone has their own way to go.

People are like this, they often get lost, can't find their goals, and some take other people's goals as their own.

Cen Xueluo recently felt that there was an aura flowing in her body, vaguely like the legendary inner strength. This discovery surprised her, she practiced more diligently every day, and silently controlled the aura to circulate throughout her body when nothing happened. I have been making non-stop production, and every day is extremely fulfilling.

In class during the day, Cen Xueluo pretended to be listening carefully, but she often wandered off, either researching prescriptions or flipping through textbooks. Although it is no problem to do junior high school problems, it is too far away after all, and many knowledge points have been forgotten. Relax After spending the day, she was packing her schoolbag and was about to leave, but Xi Lei who had left first came back in a hurry, with a look of panic on her usual casual face.

"Chongzi." Xi Lei called out breathlessly, glanced at Cen Xueluo inside, and whispered a few words in Lin Yichong's ear.

Lin Yichong's complexion became a little ugly, and he asked in a low voice, "How many people?"

As he said that, Lin Yichong picked up his schoolbag and walked out with Xi Lei. Cen Xueluo vaguely heard Lin Yichong cursing in a low voice: "These bastards actually went to a foreign school for high school!"

After packing her schoolbag, Cen Xueluo got up slowly. At this time, most of the students in the class had left, only a few were chatting and packing.

Walking to the door, Wang Xiaoyan rushed in recklessly, half of her body bumped into Cen Xueluo's body, Cen Xueluo swayed, but Wang Xiaoyan fell to the side, and Cen Xueluo pulled her quickly.

Wang Xiaoyan glanced at Cen Xueluo with surprise in her eyes, as if she didn't understand how she could be knocked down by Cen Xueluo's thin body, but she didn't think too much, and rushed into the class and shouted: "It's not good, Lin Yichong Surrounded by people from other schools."

The rest of the students in the classroom were startled, and a few boys who had a good relationship with Lin Yichong rushed out without even thinking about it.Lin Yichong is usually generous and loyal, so he is very popular in the class and gets along well with each other. When he heard that something happened to him, everyone was very worried, and even the girls hesitated and followed him out.

Cen Xueluo swore that she really didn't mean to join in the fun or follow her to see, but she was walking her way after school normally, but found that she and those classmates were walking in the same direction, and slowly moved over, and sure enough, she saw Lin Yichong and Xi Lei standing together. In front of a large group of strangers, there was an unconcealable panic on his face.

Although a few classmates went to the class, but at that stop, the momentum was somewhat inferior to those from other schools.

There are about 20 students from other schools. They are tall and tall. They look like high school students. The head of the school is about 1.8 meters tall. His face is resolute and stylish, but his eyes are staring at Lin Yichong with a sinister look, like a cheetah ready to go staring at its prey.

On Lin Yichong's side, except for Lin Yichong who are over 1.7 meters tall, the others are as harmless as elementary school students in front of others.

Lin Yichong also knew that he must have been stumped this time, so he wiped his face and said to the classmates who came behind to help, "It's none of your business here, you should go home, don't join in the fun."

"What are you pretending to do!" A boy with a small parted hair couldn't understand Lin Yichong's appearance, so he pushed Lin Yichong when he came up.

Lin Yichong clenched his fists, looked at the group of high school students behind the boy, and said in a rough voice: "Wang Kai, the festivities between the two of us are coming at me, don't talk about so many people."

Wang Kai sneered, quite proudly: "What's the matter, aren't you very annoying? Didn't you want to hit me once every time you see me? Are you okay now?"

"I don't know who is bad! If you are not good, don't go to another school!" Xi Lei couldn't see it, and spat viciously.

"Are you looking for a beating, kid?" A tall and strong boy rushed over from behind and punched Xi Lei in the face.

Xi Lei's glasses were knocked sideways, he staggered a few times, and sat on the ground.

Lin Yichong saw that Xi Lei got a nosebleed, and he couldn't care less when his head got hot. He rushed over and started fighting with that tall and strong boy.

The male students in Class [-] who followed Lin Yichong were also a little ready to move, but the girls screamed, crying in panic.

"Stop fighting, stop fighting."

"Look for the teacher, hurry up..."

"Lin Yichong, oops, stop hitting..."

Cen Xueluo stood at the back, wanting to say something: If you want to fight, you can fight, can you not block the school gate?
Carrying her schoolbag and slowly moving outside, Cen Xueluo carefully dodged those who were fighting, and only wanted to go home early and go back to practice and experiment.Just as she was thinking, Cen Xueluo was suddenly bumped hard by someone. She tilted her body, but immediately turned around deftly. As soon as she stood still, she saw the person who bumped into her staggered and fell on the ground. on the ground.

"Damn it, where did you come from!" The man glared at Cen Xueluo viciously as soon as he fell down, and cursed.

Cen Xueluo innocently grabbed her schoolbag and said, "I'm passing by."

The boy who fell didn't give up, stood up and walked towards Cen Xueluo with a sullen expression, yelling fiercely as he walked, "You don't have eyes, do you? You must be sincere to come here by passing by!"

As he spoke, he pushed towards Cen Xueluo with one hand.

Cen Xueluo looked at the hand reaching out to him, and really wanted to take out a dose of poison from the space and pour it over, but this poison was prepared by him with great difficulty, would it be too wasteful to use it up?

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly stretched out a hand and grabbed the boy's arm firmly, and then a tall figure stood in front of Cen Xueluo, and a low and slightly familiar voice sounded: "Old Wu, don't vent your anger on girls. !"

The boy called the fifth child was stunned for a moment, and he spat unwillingly, and muttered, "You are the only one who pity the fragrance and cherish the jade." After speaking, he turned around and threw himself into the chaos again.

"Why can you pass by everywhere?" At this moment, the person standing in front of Cen Xueluo turned around and said teasingly at Cen Xueluo.

(End of this chapter)

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