The cold medicine of rebirth is poisonous

Chapter 14 The Appearance of Mo Yifan

Chapter 14 Mo Yifan's Appearance
When you try your best to find it, you can't find it everywhere; when you look back inadvertently, you find that person is in the dimly lit place.Mo Yifan once tried to find the girl who helped him at that critical moment, but it was like finding a needle in a haystack, he never expected to see her again under such circumstances.

Cen Xueluo raised her head, and realized that the one who helped her was the one who was at the front of the group of students from other schools just now. She felt that she should thank her, but she opened her mouth and didn't know what to say, so she fell silent in the end. .

Mo Yifan didn't really want to be nosy before, but he couldn't bear Wang Kai's ink scribbling in front of his face all the time, and he also promised to give himself and these brothers 300 yuan labor fee afterwards, so he brought his brothers here. 25 to ten, there is no suspense in such a fight with such a disparity in numbers, it is basically beating the kid who offended Wang Kai.Originally, he had been standing on the sidelines and watching, and occasionally someone who didn't have eyes would hit him, and he kicked him away.Just as he was feeling bored, he suddenly heard a voice that he remembered deeply: "I'm passing by."

Mo Yifan looked at Cen Xueluo's blank eyes with amused expression, his sharp face softened: "Why are you here?"

"Ah?" Cen Xueluo stared at Mo Yifan in a daze, and muttered, "I go to school here, why not here?"

"Are you from this school?" Mo Yifan looked up at the door plaque of "Experiment No. [-] Middle School" outside the school gate, and pouted angrily at the besieged people over there, "Do you know them?"

Cen Xueluo nodded honestly: "The one who was beaten was my deskmate."

Mo Yifan was stunned for a moment, and then immediately relieved. This girl is the only one who can do such a thing. When her deskmate is beaten, she can pass by indifferently, just like the day when she saw her head was bleeding The indifferent expression behind him.

Mo Yifan nodded at Cen Xueluo, then turned his head and shouted at the top of his voice, "Stop it!"

The group of people who were blocking Lin Yi and kicking several people in turn were stunned, turned their heads to confirm, and found that it was indeed Mo Yifan who was shouting to stop, so they took a few steps back resentfully.However, Wang Kai was still not reconciled, and made two kicks at Lin Yichong's stomach.

Mo Yifan's eyes turned cold, and he said viciously, "Wang Kai, you're deaf, aren't you?"

The fifth child slapped Wang Kai on the back of the head unceremoniously: "Didn't you hear what Brother Fan said?"

Wang Kai didn't dare to get angry even after being hurt, he ran over and saw Cen Xueluo standing beside Mo Yifan for a while, then he smiled at Mo Yifan and asked, "Brother Fan, what's the matter? "

There was a sneer on Mo Yifan's thin lips: "You are also angry today, shouldn't it be time to show it?"

Wang Kai patted his forehead: "Ah, yes. I just ignored it when I was angry. Brother Fan, don't mind." As he said, he took out three brand new big tickets from his pocket and handed them to Mo Yifan.

Mo Yifan just took the money in front of Cen Xueluo, held it in his hand, and shouted at the person he brought: "Okay, brothers, finish the work, let's withdraw."

Twenty or so people responded, and began to walk out laughingly. Mo Yifan waved at the fifth child, and casually stuffed three big bills over, saying, "Take them to relax."

The fifth child responded with a hippie smile: "Decree."

Seeing that the helper he called was about to leave, Wang Kai was a little dumbfounded: "Brother Fan, I..."

"What is this?" Lao Wuyi pulled Wang Kai's collar aside, "You still want to kill someone. Stop fucking ink."

Mo Yifan watched the figures of those people go away, then withdrew his dark eyes, looked down at the dazed Cen Xueluo and asked, "Do you remember who I am?"

Cen Xueluo shook her head honestly, accidentally caught sight of Lin Yichong and Xi Lei's blood streaming down their faces, and couldn't help walking over.

Mo Yifan followed behind her, neither angry nor annoyed, but with strange eyes.

Lin Yichong and Xi Lei were actually not seriously injured. Both of them were good fighters. As soon as they saw being surrounded and beaten, they immediately protected important parts, so they also suffered from skin trauma, but Xi Lei was smashed out earlier Nosebleed, half of the face was stained with blood, which was a bit scary.On the other hand, some of the other students who came to help but were brutally beaten had bruises and bleeding around their eye sockets and corners of their mouths, and they all cried out.

Lin Yichong didn't say a word, just sat on the ground, hugging his knee with one arm, wiped the skinned corner of his mouth with one hand, and stared at the ground with a gloomy face.What made him angry was not that he was beaten, but that his classmates were beaten together.Seeing all the classmates who were in a state of distress and dying, Lin Yichong felt very uncomfortable.

When he was staring at the ground with his head down, a small white and slender hand stretched out in front of him, and then Cen Xueluo remembered in a cold voice: "Drink it."

Lin Yichong rolled his eyes and saw that what Cen Xueluo was handing over was a porcelain vase with a simple and unique shape. He looked up at Cen Xueluo, only to find that the other person was looking at him with a slight frown.

Reaching out to take the porcelain bottle, Lin Yichong grinned, but pulled the wound, and immediately frowned and squinted his eyes, inhaling again and again.

"Drink it." Cen Xueluo looked at Lin Yichong and found that he didn't have any serious wounds, so he ordered again lightly.

Mo Yifan took a step forward, stood beside Cen Xueluo, stared at the porcelain bottle in Lin Yichong's hand, and asked in a low voice, "Is it the same as the one I drank?"

Hearing this, Cen Xueluo raised her eyebrows in surprise and turned her face to the side. The loose hair around her cheeks was slightly drooping and fluttering in the breeze. She stared at Mo Yifan with eyes as clear as stars, and a smile appeared on the corner of her lips for a while: "Oh it's you."

"You finally remembered." Seeing the sudden smile on Cen Xueluo's usually cold face, Mo Yifan felt breathless and his heart beat a little faster, and then he couldn't help laughing too, "In order to repay you, I invite you to dinner."

Lin Yichong had lowered his head and didn't pay attention to Mo Yifan who was following behind Cen Xueluo. When Mo Yifan showed his face and spoke, Lin Yichong jumped up immediately: "How dare you stay?"

Mo Yifan narrowed his eyes and sneered, "Why don't you dare?"

Lin Yi rushed to his head with blood, and punched him without thinking. Mo Yifan hooked his arm, hugged Cen Xueluo into his arms, and quickly dodged sideways.

Lin Yichong wanted to fight again but was stopped by Xi Lei whose face was covered with blood: "Chongzi, don't hit him! He is Mo Yifan from the tenth middle school."

Mo Yifan?He is the all-powerful Mo Yifan from the tenth high school?It is said that he has learned free combat and Sanda, and it is not a problem to fight seven or eight by himself.Lin Yichong had heard of such a No. [-] person at the beginning, and he was quite impressed. He never thought that the person who made him throw his fist at him was the legendary Mo Yifan.

But Cen Xueluo had never heard of Mo Yifan's name. She was always used to keeping a distance from others, and now she was held in Mo Yifan's arms. She felt very upset, pulled her face, and said coldly: "Let go of me!" .”

(End of this chapter)

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