The cold medicine of rebirth is poisonous

Chapter 15 Mo Yifan's Family Affairs

Chapter 15 Mo Yifan's Family Affair
Mo Yifan looked down at Cen Xueluo's fair neck, tightened his arms, then let them go, took a step back, stretched his hands and said a word: "It's a last resort."

In fact, Mo Yifan is quite rude in his speech on weekdays, and he also has a sense of inferiority in his bones when he goes to No. [-] Middle School. After all, it is a well-known poor school in M ​​City. She always looks scared, but standing in front of a good student, although she holds her head up and pretends to be disdainful every time, she knows in her heart how envious she is.Facing Cen Xueluo, Mo Yifan didn't know what was wrong, and his speech became a bit polite.

Cen Xueluo only felt the arms around her waist tighten, and her back touched Mo Yifan's strong chest. She could even feel the slightly higher temperature under Mo Yifan's black T-shirt. Just as she was about to yell at her, Lin Yichong Then he spoke.

"Stay away from her." Lin Yichong stared like copper bells.Even though he knew it was Mo Yifan, seeing him hugging Cen Xueluo just now, Lin Yichong still felt extremely uncomfortable.Ever since Cen Xueluo gave him extra lessons, the two had gotten to know each other a lot better, and they no longer confronted each other. Sometimes, Lin Yichong still admired Cen Xueluo's unintentional insights. He thought Cen Xueluo was both beautiful and wise. The kind of bastard can match.

Mo Yifan glanced at Lin Yichong with murderous eyes, and stared at Cen Xueluo unmoved: "I want to talk to you, to save face?"

Cen Xueluo pondered for a while, then raised her head and said straightforwardly, "Okay, wait for me."

After giving Xi Lei and a few other students some medicine, Cen Xueluo kept his promise and left with Mo Yifan. Lin Yichong tried to stop him several times, but Cen Xueluo stopped him with a faint look, as if saying: I know what's going on in my heart. .

That's right, how could a girl as smart as Cen Xueluo not know the severity.Lin Yichong looked at the back of the two leaving, and suddenly felt a little depressed. He worked hard for a week and participated in the city's math competition. Why did he still feel so far away from her?

Mo Yifan took Cen Xueluo to a very remote small restaurant. The restaurant was located at a certain corner of West Street Hutong. The storefront was very inconspicuous, with only three or four tables and a few dilapidated stools.

Cen Xueluo looked indifferent, without the slightest fear or precaution, followed Mo Yifan in and sat down at a random place, watching Mo Yifan greet the boss familiarly: "Uncle Zhang, fire me two A dish and a bottle of wine."

Uncle Zhang shook his head, looked at Mo Yifan and persuaded with regret, "Yifan, drink less."

"I know." Mo Yifan softened the edges and corners of his face, and said with a smile, "Come with friends today, I'm happy."

When the food was served, Uncle Zhang took a careful look at Cen Xueluo, then patted Mo Yifan on the shoulder and walked away.

Mo Yifan sat down opposite Cen Xueluo, skillfully opened the bottle cap, and questioned Cen Xueluo with his eyes, Cen Xueluo stared at the bottle of 52% liquor and shook his head slightly.

Alcohol is not a good thing. The most direct damage is the liver. It can also damage the stomach, kidneys, and nerves. If the liver is damaged, vision will inevitably decline, and the ability to detoxify will also decline, leading to a decline in immunity...Cen Xueluo committed an occupational disease In a short while, Mo Yifan had already poured a glass of white wine and downed it in one go.

The research on medicine and pharmacology in her previous life made Cen Xueluo say without thinking: "Drinking alcohol on an empty stomach is easy to cause stomach bleeding."

Uncle Zhang on the side said, "This kid doesn't know how many times he has had stomach bleeding. He has been hospitalized several times in the past few years, but no one can persuade him." As he spoke, Uncle Zhang shook his head and sighed.What a good child, because of the family, he has become like this now.

Mo Yifan poured another glass of wine as if he didn't hear, held it in his hand, rubbed the rim of the glass with the thick calluses on his fingers, stared at Cen Xueluo and said, "I owe you a thank you."

"No need." Cen Xueluo looked flat, "Just passing by, just passing by."

There was bitterness in Mo Yifan's eyes, and he actually raised his neck and drank another glass of white wine, which made Cen Xueluo frowned slightly, wouldn't he be drunk soon after drinking like this?Did this guy call himself here just to express his gratitude?

After drinking two glasses of white wine, Mo Yifan felt his cheeks start to heat up. He lowered his head slightly, shaking the wine glass in his hand, and said in a low voice, "Your medicine is very effective."

"Oh?" Mo Yifan's words aroused Cen Xueluo's interest, and it has always been just practice. At most, the medicines she has prepared so far have been experimented on wild cats injured by the roadside and puppies raised by neighbors. There is no chance to experiment with living people. In practice, saving Mo Yifan at that time was nothing more than treating him like a guinea pig, "How does it work?"

"That day, I was injured very badly. The wound on my head was bleeding all the time, but after drinking the medicine, it quickly condensed. You see, the next day there was not even a scar left, and the bruises on my body were gone. It's all gone." Mo Yifan pointed to the place where his forehead was injured, it was smooth without any marks.

Mo Yifan looked deeply at Cen Xueluo: "I want to ask you, have you ever studied medicine?"

Mo Yifan's eyes were very bright, glowing with a kind of light called Xi Yi, which made Cen Xueluo's heart move, lowered his eyes, and asked lightly: "Why do you say that?"

On the side, Uncle Zhang was very interested in hearing the conversation between Mo Yifan and Cen Xueluo, and interjected, "Little girl, do you still know medical skills? But there is a doctor at home? Or elders, who is an old doctor? Yifan's younger brother is ill." He has been in bed for almost two years, and he can't be cured no matter what, if you can help, it can be regarded as saving him."

Uncle Zhang is over half a century old, and he is very kind, but he talks a bit ramblingly, talking about Mo Yifan's family affairs and why they became like this.

After listening for a long time, Cen Xueluo finally understood. It turned out that Mo Yifan's junior high school was also attended by one of the top middle schools in M ​​City, and his academic performance was always among the best. Later, when he was in the third year of junior high school, his parents and younger brother sent him to take the high school entrance examination on the last morning. There was a car accident at that time, his parents died on the spot, and his younger brother's spine was damaged, and he was paralyzed in bed when he was young. Mo Yifan missed the last class of the high school entrance examination, barely passed the high school score line, and then went to the tenth high school.

When Uncle Zhang was talking about it, Mo Yifan remained silent, just drinking one glass after another. In a blink of an eye, a bottle of liquor was drained, but the two dishes of cooking on the table hadn't moved much. When the car accident happened, Cen Xueluo clearly saw a flash of pain in Mo Yifan's deep eyes.

What I am best at is making potions, and I am not good at treating patients, especially bone injuries. Cen Xueluo pondered, feeling that Mo Yifan's younger brother's illness was beyond his ability, and was about to refuse, but Mo Yifan suddenly raised his head , his face was slightly red, but his eyes were extremely bright: "I want to ask you to help me look at my brother, he is getting worse and worse recently, I'm afraid..."

The strong and resolute boy's voice was choked up, his eyes were hot, he raised his head and turned to one side: "Please, please help me again! No matter what you ask me to do, I will..."

Knowing what Mo Yifan was going to say, Cen Xueluo interrupted: "I can only try it. Bone injuries and nerves are not what I'm good at, so I'm not sure."

(End of this chapter)

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