Chapter 16
Thinking of Mo Yifan's down-and-out background, he didn't expect him to live in such a shabby place. After walking for more than half an hour, he came to a dilapidated bungalow. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a dilapidated building.Although Cen Xueluo's family was not well off, she never thought that in today's society, there would be people living in such dilapidated and airless places that didn't even have heating.

A simple door was made of several wooden boards, and the back of the door could be vaguely sealed with plastic sheeting. The glass of the window had already been broken, and a cardboard box with the name of the drink on it tremblingly blocked the broken window and summer sun.Mo Yifan stood in front of the door, his back was slightly stiff, he seemed a little embarrassed, and said in a small voice: "All the money in the family has been used to treat my younger brother, so..."

He paused, reached out to wipe his face, and then his voice became cheerful: "I'm back."

The door of the house was pushed open, and the room was a bit dark, and the few rays of sunlight leaking from the roof could hardly warm up the cold and damp room. When Cen Xueluo stepped in, she couldn't help shivering, it was obviously summer, Why is the temperature in the house comparable to winter.

After Mo Yifan went in, he pulled the rope near the door, and the light bulb in the room turned on, but it was still very dim.

The house where the two older boys live is neat and tidy, but the furnishings inside the house cannot be described as simple, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is shabby. An old wardrobe, most of the paint on the surface has peeled off, and the original color cannot be seen. A round small wooden table, two handmade wooden stools are placed beside it, and a double bed is placed against the wall. Even in summer, the bed is still covered with thick quilts. On that bed, lying A young man with pale skin and bright eyes. The paleness is caused by long-term exposure to the sun. The young man is about fifteen or sixteen years old. He holds a half-open book in his hand. It can be seen that before Mo Yifan came back, the young man because of Wanting to save electricity, I read a book by the light leaking from the roof.

Hearing Mo Yifan's voice, the young man raised his handsome face and greeted with a smile in his eyes: "Brother, you're back."

The moment the boy raised his head, the light shone on his white, almost transparent face, and Cen Xueluo almost thought he saw an angel.Such pure and clear eyes, such a picturesque face, and a clean smile, even though the body is weak, is still full of sunshine.

"If you want to read in the future, just turn on the light." Mo Yifan dotingly pressed his big hand on the boy's soft and slightly yellow hair, and turned around to introduce to Cen Xueluo: "This is my brother, Mo Yiping."

"Yiping, this is..." Mo Yifan got stuck, and looked back at Cen Xueluo for help.I was so sick that I went to the doctor in a hurry, and I didn't even know her name.

Cen Xueluo tried her best to soften her face, nodded and said her name cooperatively: "Cen Xueluo."

Mo Yiping was obviously taken aback when he saw Cen Xueluo, and shyly pursed his thin, bloodless lips into a friendly smile.

Looking at this unfortunate boy who was paralyzed in bed, but still had a warm smile like sunshine, Cen Xueluo suddenly felt a different feeling in her heart. She had never had such a strong desire to make someone better.

Cen Xueluo collected herself, walked to the side of the bed, looked at the patched but very clean quilt on the young man, and pulled the corner of her lips into a smile: "Extend your arm and show me."

Mo Yiping glanced suspiciously at Mo Yifan. Mo Yifan's eyes were full of excitement and anticipation. Mo Yiping slowly stretched out his hand, palm up, and spread it flat in front of Cen Xueluo.

Cen Xueluo put his hand on the white and thin wrist of the young man, feeling that Mo Yifan's hand trembled a bit, and looked up, only to see Mo Yifan's long and thick eyelashes covering his pure eyes, The eyelashes were still trembling slightly.

"Don't be afraid, I'm just taking the pulse." Cen Xueluo explained softly, with a gentle tone.

"No, it's just that your hands are too cold." Mo Yiping raised his eyes and explained with a smile on his face, but Cen Xueluo clearly felt that his eyes were full of sadness that didn't match his age.

Mo Yiping's pulse was a little messy, and the beating was weaker than normal people's. Cen Xueluo frowned slightly, and his face gradually became heavy as he examined the pulse carefully.

Looking at Cen Xueluo's changing expression, Mo Yifan couldn't help but press his chest, he felt his heart was about to jump out.Although Cen Xueluo looked immature, she was only eleven or twelve years old, but she had the stability of an adult on her body, which made people want to trust her involuntarily.

Cen Xueluo was very annoyed. Mo Yiping's pulse was too weak, and it was difficult for her to diagnose it. Besides, she was not good at pulse diagnosis at all when she mainly studied Chinese medicine and pharmacy. 》The third level of convergence can gather the internal force to any part of the body, including the fingertips, and then input the internal force into other people's body from the fingertips to detect the disease.But I have been studying the prescriptions, and my internal strength is still at the introductory stage. I can only expand my own meridians and make my limbs more flexible.

Cen Xueluo bit her lip, and decided that she must work hard to cultivate her internal strength after returning home. What she can confirm now is that Mo Yiping is malnourished, weak, and has low immunity, so he needs a lot of supplements.However, looking at Mo Yifan's family conditions, is it possible to make up for it?

"My brother..." Mo Yifan's tense voice had an imperceptible tremor.

"Brother." Mo Yiping bit his lip and smiled, his pale and bloodless face was very peaceful, "I'm used to it, don't bother to find someone anymore. Could it be that brother can't understand me being too lazy and always lying on the bed , so you must let me go to work?"

Mo Yiping smiled calmly, but it made Mo Yifan's eyes warm, he turned around quickly, and said in a hurry: "I'll go pour water for the guests." Turning around, the crystal tears in his eyes followed his determination His face slid down.

Cen Xueluo looked at Mo Yiping quietly, and found that the moment Mo Yifan turned around, there was a trace of deep pain in Mo Yiping's clear eyes.

"Give me some time." Cen Xueluo's cold voice suddenly sounded in the small room, "I will make you stand up again."

With a "bang", the cup in Mo Yifan's hand fell to the ground, but Mo Yiping was relatively calm, he just blinked and said with a smile, "Mm, I'm in trouble."

Leaving Mo Yifan's house, Cen Xueluo's footsteps were heavy. She didn't want to cause trouble for herself, but the boy's star-like eyes and the heavy sadness hidden behind the sunny smile made Cen Xueluo feel that she The shoulders are very heavy.

"You want to cure him?" Suddenly, Li's voice sounded faintly.


"But you are not capable enough." Li's tone was very firm.

"I know. Is there anything I can do?"

"Alchemy enhances internal strength."

(End of this chapter)

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