The cold medicine of rebirth is poisonous

Chapter 17 Provincial Competition

Chapter 17 Provincial Competition
In the days that followed, Cen Xueluo crazily cultivated her inner strength while earnestly studying the "Medical Classics" to find out those prescriptions that could improve her inner strength. Occasionally, the mysterious owner of the purple space would give an explanation. Just a few words made Cen Xue Suddenly, she opened up, as if a whole new world had opened up before her eyes.

With Li's help, Cen Xueluo finally started the road of refining pills. She only needed to determine the dosage of the medicinal materials and the order of putting them in, and Li was responsible for everything else.

After a week of hard work, Cen Xueluo finally succeeded in refining the first pill in her life. Li said it was the simplest one, it was called Peiyuan Pill, and it had the effect of strengthening the foundation and strengthening the vitality.

People say that good things come in pairs, and sure enough, when Cen Xueluo went to school in a happy mood that day, the rankings in the city's math competition had already come down. Teacher Li stood excitedly on the podium, and her almost fifty-year-old voice trembled with excitement: "Student Ladies and gentlemen, Cen Xueluo won No.1 in this city competition! Nie Yunfeng also won No.6 in the city! This is the pride of our class and our school! The two of them will represent our school, Representing City M to participate in the provincial competition! If you get a good ranking in the provincial competition, you will have the opportunity to participate in the national youth summer camp this summer!"

Amidst the intense applause from the students, Nie Yunfeng was a little excited, Jun's face flushed, and he turned his head, but saw Cen Xueluo's expression was calm, his eyes seemed to be staring out the window in a daze, as if the person Mr. Li praised just now had nothing to do with her.

"Cen Xueluo, Nie Yunfeng." Teacher Li called out his names. Seeing the two proud disciples standing up, Teacher Li felt even more happy. She was very proud of herself for discovering Cen Xueluo, a great horse. I will personally lead the team, the two of you will stay after school for special counseling these three days, and you must work hard to win honor for the school and the class!"

After class, the students congratulated one after another, and a bunch of people around Nie Yunfeng were chattering.

"Squad leader is mighty and domineering!"

"Squad leader has won honor for our class this time!"

"That's right, if you are famous, don't forget to give your brother a hand!"

Compared to the lively scene at Nie Yunfeng's side, Cen Xueluo's side seemed a lot more deserted, only Lin Yichong and Xi Lei were chatting around the calm-looking Cen Xueluo.

"I didn't see it." Lin Yichong raised his eyebrows first.

"Yes, fierce!" Xi Lei nodded in agreement.

Cen Xueluo raised her eyes helplessly: "You two have nothing to do?"

"Isn't this admiring the glory of the city's No. [-]!" Xi Lei pushed his glasses with a playful smile.

Cen Xueluo pulled the corners of her lips, opened the physics book, and said coldly, "Don't even think about copying the physics homework today."

As soon as these words came out, Lin Yichong and Xi Lei immediately scattered and yelled.

After a while, Lin Yichong nudged Cen Xueluo lightly with his elbow, and said in a low voice, "Congratulations."

Cen Xueluo looked sideways, and found that this carefree boy in the past had lowered his eyes, with a rare look of disappointment on his face. His heart moved, and he encouraged him softly: "Actually, as long as you are willing to work hard, you will make great progress."

Lin Yichong's dark eyes lit up, and he stared at Cen Xueluo burningly.

Cen Xueluo nodded emphatically at Lin Yichong, showing a touching smile.

After three days of exhausting tutoring and training, Teacher Li took two proud disciples, Nie Yunfeng and Cen Xueluo, to embark on the journey of the province's mathematics competition.

Because the place to participate in the competition is a bit far away, Teacher Li specially notified the school to come to the competition school one day in advance, and then stay in the hotel for one night before the competition, so as not to affect the test status.

After taking the bus for three hours, I came to a hotel near the participating schools to settle down. Each person had a small single room. Although the room was small, fortunately it was very clean and the price was very reasonable.

At night, Cen Xueluo practiced her inner strength for a while, felt the inner strength moving through her body, and felt a faint pain in her tendons, Li told her that this was an inevitable phenomenon of the expansion and repair of the meridians after taking Peiyuan Pill.

Opening the curtains and seeing the starry sky, Cen Xueluo felt in a particularly good mood, so she decided to ignore Teacher Li's words to go to bed early, and sneaked out for a walk.

The night sky is like a dark blue curtain, a crescent moon hangs high in the sky, dotted with stars beside it, finely broken like broken diamonds, the competition venue is located in the suburbs of M city, close to the farmland, listen carefully, There were bursts of frogs.

As Cen Xueluo walked slowly along the rugged field path, his state of mind became more natural and peaceful, and he faintly felt that his internal strength was about to break through.Practicing the first level of "Medical Classics" and regulating the meridians of the whole body can make the limbs flexible and flexible, while the effect of Peiyuan Dan is to expand the meridians, strengthen the foundation and cultivate the essence, making the foundation more stable, which will help the rapid development of internal strength in the future.When you reach the second level of exhalation, you can make the internal force lightly float out of the body surface, and even use the pores to inhale and exhale, and the body will be lighter.

Cen Xueluo felt that her field of vision gradually expanded in the darkness. Even if there was no light, it did not prevent her from seeing things five meters away clearly. The pores all over her body seemed to be shrinking. It was as miraculous as breathing. She couldn't help it. Jogging and jumping briskly in the field, she is as delicate and light as a flying butterfly.

Immersed in this wonderful feeling, she unknowingly left the hotel and walked across the vast fields. When Cen Xueluo came back to her senses, she found that she had arrived at the foot of the mountain.

The hills were pitch black in the dark night, and the shadows of the trees seemed to be floating with countless ghosts. The surrounding silence was a bit scary, only the sound of the wind whistling past.

God, where did I go?Cen Xueluo muttered to herself, although she was an atheist, she was still a girl after all, and she was always a little afraid of such an unknown darkness.He was about to step away quickly, but he heard Li sneer, with a hint of disdain.

Cen Xueluo became annoyed: "Why are you laughing?"

"It's just a small hill, are you afraid?" Li said agitatedly.

"I'm not afraid!" Cen Xueluo remained stubborn, "It's just that it's so late, it's time to go back and rest."

"En." Li replied lightly, "Then go back, but that kid over there must be dead."

"What's dead? Which kid?" Cen Xueluo was momentarily confused.

"About 50 meters to your left, an unlucky guy was bitten by a poisonous snake. I'm sure the poison will spread all over the body within an hour..." After indicating the direction, he stated his purpose, "He It doesn't matter if he dies or not, but the poisonous snake that bit him turned out to be a Taipan snake, the first of the ten most poisonous snakes, and the neurotoxin and cardiotoxin contained in the venom are good."

Cen Xueluo couldn't be as indifferent to life as if she were away, the first thing in her mind was to save people: "How to get rid of the poison?"

"Why detoxify? Just catch that snake and bring it into my space." Li smacked his lips, "I don't have any living things here, so it would be nice to keep some pets."

(End of this chapter)

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