Chapter 18
Catch a poisonous snake?Thinking of the cold and greasy touch of the snake, Cen Xueluo felt a chill: "How can I, a weak woman, catch a poisonous snake? Are you kidding me?"

"As long as you touch it, you can immediately receive it into the space. Besides, it takes 15 seconds for the toxin to attack. You can take out the antidote and take it in the space." Li said very disapprovingly.

"Then you take out the antidote for me first." Cen Xueluo said in a cold voice after thinking about it.

"Here you are, although this is a primary detoxification pill, it is enough for this kind of mortal snake venom." As soon as Li finished speaking, Cen Xueluo immediately saw a medicine bottle floating in the space.

Taking the medicine bottle in his hand without hesitation, Cen Xueluo emboldened and walked in the direction Li said.

Park Minyu has the habit of exercising late, so even if he participated in the provincial competition, he didn't hold back and sneaked out to run and exercise. Who knew that he would accidentally run up the mountain, and who knew that he would be bitten by a snake for no reason when he came down from the mountain.He felt that he must be dying, otherwise why the eyes, nose, ears and mouth were bleeding. Is this the so-called bleeding from the seven orifices?The vision in front of him became more and more blurred, overlapping images gradually appeared in the vision in the dark, Park Minyu's heart was unwilling, but in this remote and quiet place, who would come to save him.

Pu Minyu's eyes widened, his heart fell into despair bit by bit, so when a large white mass appeared in front of him, Park Minyu asked without doubt: "Are you the angel who came to take me away?"

Cen Xueluo frowned and looked at the boy lying on the ground in front of him. Even though his body was covered with grass clippings and dirt, it was not difficult to see that he was wearing famous brand clothing, but what was going on?I'm just wearing a light white sportswear, how can I look like an angel?

After looking up and down a few times, Cen Xueluo's eyes fell on the boy's bleeding calf. There was only one wound, which was bleeding black, and the calf was swollen and shiny.How dare you run around in shorts in the middle of the night in this village full of snakes and insects? Cen Xueluo frowned, took out a pill and stuffed it into the boy's mouth: "Don't move, wait for me here .”

Pu Minyu swallowed obediently, only to feel a cool mint-like taste extending from his mouth to his stomach. His mind seemed to be clearer, but he felt a little pain in his calf. He responded in a low voice, staring like an obedient student. He looked at the blurry figure in front of him with big eyes.

Cen Xueluo was about to say something, when Tingli suddenly issued a warning: "Be careful, get down."

Before he had time to think about it, Cen Xueluo leaned over and pressed the half-sitting Pu Minyu to the ground, then turned sideways and squatted on the ground neatly, his bright eyes swept over, and he saw a yellow-brown venomous snake more than one meter long. Standing upright in an S shape, the bifurcated letter is swallowing in the mouth, and the eyes are firmly fixed on itself.

Taipan Snake has a gentle personality, usually avoids people, and rarely actively attacks. Cen Xueluo's eyes flashed, and suddenly saw a few inconspicuous broken snake eggs at Park Minyu's feet, and immediately understood what was going on. .I secretly groaned in my heart, I thought it would be better not to provoke the poisonous snake, and to leave immediately after saving the person, but now I am afraid that this Taipan snake will not die forever.

While thinking about it, the Taipan Snake arched its body impatiently and quickly bounced over. Cen Xueluo could even see the two sharp fangs in front of the snake's mouth in the darkness gleaming with cold light, rolling and crawling to the side Dodging, the poisonous snake passed by Cen Xueluo, and the snake's tail slammed heavily on Cen Xueluo's arm like a whip, leaving a red mark in an instant, with a faint burning sensation on his skin, and then disappeared.

"Hmm." Cen Xueluo snorted, took a painful breath, and before he could recover, Tai Pan Snake pounced on him again.

Li's voice sounded quickly: "Turn left, lean back, and reach out."

Cen Xueluo did as he did without hesitation. Since he cultivated his internal strength, his reaction speed and physical flexibility had greatly improved. He only felt a cold and greasy thing being held in his palm, and then disappeared.

When Cen Xueluo caught a poisonous snake for the first time, he was still in shock, suppressing the discomfort in his heart, and gasped heavily.

Li joked, "Did you think it was just the beginning? It's actually over."

Cen Xueluo felt as if he had walked on the line of life and death again. In his previous life, he had prepared himself mentally, but in this life, he made up his mind to do it all over again. Being frightened halfway through this time was really frightening. It wasn't that she was a little bit out of strength, Cen Xueluo really wanted to vent her anger by swearing.

Snorting angrily, Cen Xueluo stroked her chest, and left without even looking at the boy she had saved.

Park Minyu's vision is slowly recovering. He can feel the pain in his leg, the recovery of hearing, vision and sense of smell, and the strong beating of his heart. It seems that he is still alive?Rolling his eyes, he looked for the person who saved him, but he only had time to see a white blurred figure from his back.

"My name is Park Minyu, thank you for saving me!" Park Minyu put his hands around his mouth and shouted at the leaving figure.

It's not that Cen Xueluo didn't hear the boy's cry, but she was really in no mood to reply. If the boy was smart enough, she should quickly find a way to get out of there. After all, the mountains at night are very dangerous.

The next day, Cen Xueluo entered the examination room with dark circles under her eyes. Before leaving, Teacher Li asked with concern: "Is it too stressful to sleep, relax."

Nie Yunfeng also looked worried: "Don't take the exam too seriously."

Cen Xueluo nodded perfunctorily, but cursed secretly in her heart, it would be bleak enough for her to go back to insomnia after being frightened, and Li this guy didn't practice hard to restore his cultivation, so he tossed himself into the space to extract the venom for him, busy After one night, the neurotoxin and cardiotoxin were finally extracted, but the sky TM is also bright!My sister is originally a lady, but there must be a limit to everything!Thinking of this, Cen Xueluo couldn't help grinding his teeth, and walked into the examination room with a murderous look on his face.

After all, it was a province-wide competition, and the difficulty of the questions was higher than that of the city-wide competition, especially the weight of finding regular questions was added, but for Cen Xueluo, it was still very easy for Cen Xueluo to answer all of them.

Looking at his watch, there is still more than half of the time until the end of the test. The difficulty of the competition questions increases, and the number will decrease relatively. Cen Xueluo didn't want to be too showy and hand in the papers early, so he lay on the table and pretended to check the test papers to take a break .

When Cen Xueluo woke up again, she was woken up by the invigilator. She only felt that a hand was shaking her. She was so dazed that she didn't even bother to open her eyes, so she waved her hand: "Don't move, let me go again!" sleep."

A voice with a smile said: "Student, it's okay to sleep, can you hand in the test paper first?"

Cen Xueluo pretended to be calm and handed in the test paper amidst the laughter of his classmates in the examination room. Just as he was about to leave, he was stopped by Nie Yunfeng who was in the same examination room. Looking back, he saw Nie Yunfeng looking at himself worriedly and said: , It’s nothing if you fail the exam this time, don’t worry too much about it!”

(End of this chapter)

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