The cold medicine of rebirth is poisonous

Chapter 176 You Can't Have Something!

Chapter 176 You Can't Have Something!
Maybe Mi Lu's reaction was too big, his tone was too unbelievable, and his emotions were too excited. Cen Xueluo, who was originally unresponsive, also became puzzled, and his eyes wandered back and forth between Kevin and Mi Lu.

"Because I know!" Kevin took a deep look at Mi Lu, then at Cen Xueluo who was beside him, and then he tightly shut his mouth after speaking.

Mi Lu was stunned, stared at Kevin stupidly for a while, then turned his head and glanced at Cen Xueluo with a complicated expression, gritted his teeth, turned and left.

Seeing Mi Lu's reaction, Cen Xueluo also knew that this so-called black stone was unusual, but she didn't know what it was, and she had never heard of it.

"I know what you want to ask!" Seeing Cen Xueluo's expression, Kevin immediately guessed what she was thinking, and spread his hands helplessly, "I won't lie to you, but I promise that there is really no problem. The so-called black stone is of no use to ordinary cultivators, its only purpose is to suppress the tyrannical aura of demon cultivators, and it also has the function of hiding and confusing, it is the best equipment for demon cultivators to hide their identities."

Sure enough, it was very attractive to demon cultivators, but if it was just like this, Mi Lu would not have such a big reaction.Cen Xueluo quietly looked at Kevin with eyes as clear as water, looking forward to his next words.

Kevin hooked the corners of his lips, with a slightly bitter smile: "There is only one black stone. In addition to helping demon practitioners cover and calm the aura of tyranny, it also has the effect of healing. Moreover, I also need the black stone to cover the aura..."

"You? According to your cultivation, shouldn't it be easy to disguise your identity in the secular world?" Kevin's cultivation is not inferior to his own, so why bother to use black stones to disguise himself in front of practitioners.

"I... I haven't recovered since I was injured last time..." Kevin's face was slightly embarrassed, and he looked away in embarrassment.

Without Kevin finishing, Cen Xueluo immediately understood that it was she who was in the Zixu space that time, because of Li's deep sleep, because of Kevin's deception, so she got angry and seriously injured Kevin, but she didn't know that he was hurt all the time. No recovery.

"Sorry, I……"

Cen Xueluo's apologetic expression made Kevin feel pain in his heart, and he quickly waved his hands to stop him: "No, it's none of your business. Luoluo, it's my own problems." The trauma Cen Xueluo left on Kevin's shoulders was indeed not serious. Seriously, at least it was a piece of cake for the former Kevin, but the key is that Kevin used most of his cultivation base to seal Cen Xueluo's cultivation base, his skills were greatly damaged and his soul was also injured.But Kevin didn't intend to let Cen Xueluo know about these things.He knew this girl's temperament too well, she was stubborn and kind. If he knew that he had suffered such a serious injury because of her, he would feel guilty and sad.This is Kevin's own choice and decision, and he does not intend to let Cen Xueluo bear it together.

"What would happen if you lost the Black Stone?" Cen Xueluo also knew that now was not the time to worry about Kevin's injury, but to understand the importance of the Black Stone to Kevin.

"Actually, it's nothing. The big deal is that you should be careful when you exercise your kung fu, and the recovery from your injuries will be slower." Kevin shrugged, with an indifferent expression on his face.

"I understand." Cen Xueluo nodded slowly, "Where are you going now?"

"Rosa is going to gather the members of the Ghost Commune, let's go too. It's at the destroyed ghost gate." Kevin stretched out his hand, and held Cen Xueluo's slightly cold hand in his warm hand, with a look on his perfect and handsome face. With a heart-warming smile, he led Cen Xueluo down the stairs slowly.

Rosa's work efficiency is still very fast. All the members of the Ghost Commune who have never traveled in school were notified quickly, and then rushed to the second gate of the ghost gate of the welcome ceremony for new students.

When Kevin and Cen Xueluo arrived, some people had already gathered there, Gu Feng, Qi Yang, Qi Kai and Ma Leilei were all there, Cen Xueluo looked around, but Qi Long was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's Qi Long?" Cen Xueluo couldn't feel Qi Long's aura, so he walked up to Qi Yang and asked anxiously.

"Hey, are..." Cen Xueluo hadn't recovered her original appearance, but her cold voice remained unchanged, Qi Yang was just stunned for a moment and immediately reacted, he couldn't help but slapped his thigh hard, "Oh my god, Brother Seven is looking for you!"

Qi Long went looking for him?Cen Xueluo was taken aback for a moment, then his expression changed: "Where is he going to find me?"

"I don't know either. It's just that you're not in the dormitory and your phone is turned off. We thought we'd see you here, but we didn't see you. Later..." Qi Yang said here, suddenly stunned, and then his face turned pale. Big change, "Didn't you call Brother Seven?"

"Phone? What phone? My phone is out of battery and turned off. I haven't had time to charge it yet." Cen Xueluo looked at Qi Yang in surprise.

"Brother Seven answered the phone and left. I thought it was you!" Qi Yang said quickly.

Kevin also walked over at this time, he listened to the conversation between Qi Yang and Cen Xueluo, and he was a little surprised by this untimely call: "Didn't he say who it was?"

"No, he just said to go find Luoluo and come back soon!" Qi Yang recognized Cen Xueluo, and naturally knew that the person next to Cen Xueluo was his senior brother Ziyi, and he quickly answered honestly, with an expression on his face. With a touch of respect.

Without hesitation, Kevin took out his mobile phone and dialed Qi Long's number, but a busy tone came from the other end of the phone, indicating that he could not get through.

"How long has he been gone?" Kevin asked again, redialing Qi Long's number.

"It seems... It's been 10 minutes!"

Two 10 minutes!Enough to do a lot!Cen Xueluo and Kevin glanced at each other. Now that the demon cultivator is missing and Qi Long disappeared alone, it's not a good sign anyway.

First, Qi Long is likely to be attacked by demon cultivators, sucked out his cultivation, and lost his life; Everyone's suspicion.No matter which one it was, Cen Xueluo didn't want to see it.

"Let's go find him!" Cen Xueluo told Qi Yang quickly, "You and Qi Kai wait here, stay with everyone, don't go anywhere. Call us if you have anything to do!"

"I'll go talk to Rosa and the others." Kevin didn't have to hide his cultivation here, and disappeared in place in a flash.

Library, dormitory, classroom... frantically searching for the most likely place Qi Long could go in the school, but there was no trace of him.The longer time passed, the more uneasy Cen Xueluo felt, she bit her lip, her clear eyes couldn't hide the trace of worry and panic: "Kevin, do you think it might be the call from the demon cultivator? "

"I don't know." Kevin replied calmly, shaking his head slowly, "It's just that if she wants to be unfavorable to Qilong, she doesn't have to wait until now."

Suddenly, Kevin seemed to remember something, turned his head and asked, "Luoluo, what constellation is Qilong?"

ah?constellation?Cen Xueluo didn't realize it for a while, and didn't understand how Kevin's thoughts jumped here: "It should be a Scorpio, I remember... Huh..." Cen Xueluo suddenly frowned.


"Tomorrow is Qi Long's birthday!" Cen Xueluo clenched his right fist and slammed the palm of his left, "I've been busy forgetting about it recently!"

"You said tomorrow is Qilong's birthday?" Kevin's black eyes seemed to have darkened a bit, and his face was very serious.

"Is there any problem?" Cen Xueluo didn't understand what's wrong with Qi Long's birthday.

"Luoluo, I've read the profiles of the two victims. Both were Scorpios, and both had today's birthday. One died in the early hours of this morning, and the other not long ago." Kevin thought about it, and told Cen Xueluo what he had observed to the thing.

" this a coincidence?" Cen Xueluo's face was full of disbelief.I have never heard of a demon cultivator or that cultivator killing people based on their zodiac signs and birthdays.What's more, the study of astrology originated from the West, and it is not comparable to the practice of the Easterners.Is there anything mysterious and weird about Scorpio?
"It's not a coincidence. October is the end of the eighth month of the lunar calendar. After the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month, the yin qi is getting stronger. Therefore, people born between the fifteenth day of the eighth month and the fifteenth day of the ninth month have cold yin qi in their blood." And their birthdays are when the yin is at its heaviest." Kevin frowned, and patiently explained to Cen Xueluo, "I've only heard that there is a magic cultivation technique that is To absorb the essence and blood of people at this time, to absorb all the Yin Qi and demon nature in the blood of living people to promote one's cultivation, is a very sinister technique. The first two are just ordinary people. The effect is not great, but Qi Long is different..."

Qi Long's cultivation has reached the eighth innate level, which must be a great supplement for this demon cultivator!Cen Xueluo's expression was very ugly. She had always hated cultivators who disregarded human lives and those who didn't take human lives seriously after cultivation. At this time, this demon cultivator who killed innocent people indiscriminately was really outrageous.

"Qi Long's birthday is tomorrow, that is to say, before twelve o'clock, is the deadline for us to find him?" Cen Xueluo calmed down and asked Kevin with raised eyes.

"It's not twelve o'clock, it's before eleven o'clock. It starts at midnight." Kevin took a deep breath, "I'm going back to find Rosa and ask him to cooperate and help."

"You go, I'll look for Qi Long again." Cen Xueluo still had a little luck in his heart, hoping that Qi Long would just go to a farther place to find himself, or that he had received a call from an acquaintance and left for something.

Searching the dormitory as fast as crazy, Cen Xueluo released his aura, tried to expand his perception to search for Qi Long's aura, praying that he could find any clues.But Qi Long, a living being, seems to have evaporated from the world, and he can't be found anywhere.

In Cen Xueluo's mind, Qi Long was already like a family member, an inseparable part of his life.Once upon a time, no matter what happened, Qi Long would silently stand by his side holding a sword, supporting him unconditionally.

Cen Xueluo gritted her teeth and decided to search the library again, silently shouting in her heart: "Qi Long, you must be fine!"

(End of this chapter)

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