Chapter 177
The library was so quiet that even the sound of a needle falling on the ground could be heard. Cen Xueluo blew from the eleventh floor to the fourteenth floor like a gust of wind.Many books in the library were still quietly placed in the bookcases without any clutter, as if the scent of ink and readers still lingered in the air, but Cen Xueluo understood that there was indeed no one here.

Where will it go!Cen Xueluo looked around anxiously, she didn't know who would call Qi Long and make Qi Long believe it without hesitation.

"Kevin, are there any members of the Ghost Commune who were not present except Qi Long?" Cen Xueluo stood in the stairwell on the [-]th floor and called Kevin.So far, the only option is to narrow the scope. Since the murderer has tricked Qi Long away, naturally he doesn't have so much time to rush to the scene.

"Luoluo, we're all here." Kevin smiled wryly on the other end of the phone. He originally thought that the murderer would definitely not be there, but Rosa told him that everyone was there except Qi Long and Cen Xueluo.

Cen Xueluo didn't expect this kind of result, so he pondered for a while and asked, "Then who arrived after Qi Long answered the phone and left."

"This is more difficult to count, but Rosa provided the seven people who arrived last." Kevin obviously thought of this, he had already asked Rosa in advance, and counted the list.

Six of the seven people who arrived last were strangers to Cen Xueluo, but the last one was very familiar, Situ Mingyue.

Facing the questioning from Cen Xueluo and Kevin, Situ Mingyue looked relaxed: "Me? I was reading in the library, and I happened to see a very important place, so I went there a bit late."

There is nothing wrong with this explanation. There are records of entry in the library, which can easily prove that Situ Mingyue has indeed been to the library today.

"Sorry, I really don't have a clue." Cen Xueluo looked at Situ Mingyue and forced a smile, with more and more worries in her heart, watching the time slip by bit by bit, even though Rosa said that she would send someone to follow the suspect The biggest ones, but Qi Long still has no news.Situ Mingyue broke through the barrier with several of her own people. Although she was not that close, the aura she revealed was not that of a demon cultivator, so Situ Mingyue should be innocent.

"It's okay, I can understand." Situ Mingyue smiled considerately, squinting her eyes and turned between Cen Xueluo and Kevin, "What happened, can I help?"

In order not to startle the snake, the matter of the demon cultivator was not disclosed, but at this moment, the most important thing is to search for Qi Long.Cen Xueluo didn't care too much, and simply explained the matter, her clear and beautiful face was full of worry: "We must find Qi Long before eleven o'clock..."

"There is such a thing!" Situ Mingyue was also very surprised when he heard about the demon cultivator, and quickly calmed down, nodding at Cen Xueluo, "Don't worry, if the murderer wants to do something, he will definitely take some action , we just need to keep an eye on those suspects carefully. By the way, you said that the demon cultivator called Qi Long in advance? Then why don't you check who called him? Maybe the mobile business The hall can check the call records."

Situ Mingyue's logical deduction is also very correct. Knowing the murderer's mobile phone number is also a way, but... Cen Xueluo and Kevin looked at each other with a wry smile, and shook their heads slightly: "It's useless, Qi Long's account has been processed, business The hall cannot be queried."

"That's it...then we can only look for it separately." Situ Mingyue also knew that the mobile phone numbers of anyone with a background were basically encrypted, so it was so easy to investigate.

"Yes." Cen Xueluo responded, suddenly remembered something, and turned to ask Kevin, "Has the matter about Black Stone been revealed?"

"I've figured out a way to let those people know." Kevin responded, casting a casual glance at Situ Mingyue.

Situ Mingyue's fox eyes were narrowed, with a curious look on his face: "What are you talking about about black stones?"

"Well, Kevin got a black stone, which is said to be a treasure for demon cultivators. We want to exchange this treasure for Qi Long's life." Cen Xueluo quickly explained to Situ Mingyue, then looked up at the sky , "We have to hurry up."

The hour hand is approaching ten o'clock little by little, and everyone is still clueless.

Knowing Qi Long's disappearance, Qi Yang and Qi Kai have already jumped up and down. They searched the whole school several times, even searched every mountain and lake, including the emerald lake with supernatural legends.

"Where can Seventh Brother go? The school is so big! Where can he hide!" Qi Long's anxious voice contained a hint of crying, scratching his heart and lungs, not knowing what to do.

Cen Xueluo was also distracted, silently looking at the ground.

"Why don't we go find it again?" Qi Kai couldn't think of so much, but he felt that he was uncomfortable being idle, so he proposed the most stupid way.

"Where else can I look? Four courtyards, two lakes, where did the two of us go? We even went to Emerald Lake!" Qi Yang said angrily with his head drooping.

Emerald Lake?Cen Xueluo's heart skipped a beat, how could she forget this place!
"Kevin? Have you made any progress?" After dialing Kevin's cell phone, Cen Xueluo asked immediately after waiting for the call to connect.

"No, those students who came late have been closely monitored, but everything is as usual." Kevin sighed.

"Do you have something to do? Accompany me to the Emerald Lake..."

"What are you doing at Emerald Lake!" Kevin's tone suddenly changed, and he asked sternly.

Originally, Cen Xueluo just wanted to go there to try his luck and see if he found anything, but when Kevin reacted so seriously and asked himself so seriously, Cen Xueluo couldn't help being surprised: "Is there anything not to go there?"

"Luoluo..." Kevin knew the stubbornness in Cen Xueluo's bones. If she didn't explain the matter clearly to her, she wouldn't listen to him. It's five, it's better not to go there if you don't want to go."

"What if the murderer thinks the same way?" Cen Xueluo rolled her eyes and asked back.

"There are demon cultivators there..." Kevin said halfway, then suddenly stopped, and then said very fast, "Where are you? I'll go find you! Let's go together!"

I don't know what Kevin thought of, and suddenly changed his mind, but Cen Xueluo didn't have time to ask, and only reported his location, Kevin had already hung up the phone.

"Luoluo, are you going to Emerald Lake? We'll go with you!" Qi Yang and Qi Kai heard the conversation between Cen Xueluo and Kevin clearly, and quickly volunteered.

"No, it's enough for the two of us to go." Cen Xueluo resolutely refused, "I have something else I want you to help me with."

"Huh?" Qi Yang raised his eyebrows, looked at Cen Xueluo suspiciously, and put his ear close to him.

"You guys go to the library..." Cen Xueluo instructed Qi Yang in a low voice, and at the end, she didn't forget to say, "Call me immediately if you find it, go quickly."

As soon as Qi Yang Qikai left, Kevin arrived on the back. Cen Xueluo and Kevin immediately rushed to Emerald Lake.

The water of the Emerald Lake is still crystal clear and green, which makes people look refreshed.It was approaching evening at this time, and the surrounding area of ​​Emerald Lake was already quiet. The students who enjoyed the shade here during the day followed the school rules, and stayed away from this place of right and wrong at night.

Cen Xueluo closed her eyes, released her breath, and soon enveloped the entire Emerald Lake.

Just as Kevin was about to say something, he saw Cen Xueluo's expression suddenly changed, and he opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Luoluo! What's the matter?" Kevin was taken aback, he quickly reached out to support Cen Xueluo, and passed his skill to Cen Xueluo through the palm of his hand.

"I'm fine, don't waste your energy." Cen Xueluo pushed away Kevin's burning palm and shook his head slightly, "There seems to be a barrier at the bottom of the lake, so I can't detect it."

"That's a restriction set by the immortal." Kevin corrected, "In fact, the reason why there is an anomaly here, and even listed as a school rule, is because of this restriction at the bottom of the Emerald Lake. It was set by an immortal before he entered the demon, who I don’t know what’s inside, and no one has been able to unravel it for so many years. All the cultivators who tried to try are dead, and even the practitioners have disappeared here without a sound. Over time, no one dared to try.”

"No wonder." Cen Xueluo suddenly realized, "Then tell me, is it possible for that demon cultivator to want to break this restriction?"

"As long as you are a practitioner, you want to break this restriction." Kevin shrugged, "But if you don't have enough skill, you will die."

"Or there are other methods, like your constellation theory." Cen Xueluo was not a formal beginner, so his thinking was not restricted and he was very active.

Kevin was stunned for a moment, then understood what Cen Xueluo meant, his dark eyes slowly lit up, and the corners of his mouth slightly curled up: "It makes makes sense!"

At [-]:[-] in the evening, all the members of the Ghost Commune gathered again. Even if some members were arrogant and eccentric, after seeing the mysterious and faceless Shadow President Xiu Ye appear in public, one by one immediately became obedient like sheep. generally.

Seeing Cen Xueluo's novelty, Rosa used voice transmission to explain Cen Xueluo's confusion: "You freshmen may not know, tsk tsk, I follow the path of being close to the people, but Xiu... these old students were all trained by Xiu in the past. It's been a mess, and none of them are defeated by him, so seeing Xiu is like a mouse seeing a cat!"

Unexpectedly, Xiu had such a strong and domineering side, Cen Xueluo's eyes turned around, quietly looking at Kevin in the center.

"I'm sorry to disturb everyone's life, but the matter is of great importance, so please cooperate." Kevin said in a deep voice, "One of the members of the guild is missing, and his life and death are unknown. Now time is urgent, please help find it together!"

"Who dares to disobey President Shadow's words." Some old students with lively personalities all cupped their hands half-jokingly at this moment, as if they obeyed.

"Everyone is divided into six groups to search the four courtyards and two lakes of the school respectively. Come back here and gather before twelve o'clock!" Kevin nodded slowly when he saw that no one had any objections.

(End of this chapter)

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