Chapter 20 Side Effects

55555~ Can I ask for a recommendation ticket... Let me recommend it to the favorites I passed by.What a poor recommendation ticket~~

Many people use coma to escape from what happened in reality, thinking that as long as they close their eyes and don’t know about people and things, they can ignore what they want to face, but they don’t know that after waking up, everything that should come will still come, and what should be solved will still happen. to solve.

Cen Xueluo obviously understood this truth. Even after waking up, she comforted her mother Hao Yuemei, thanked Teacher Li and Nie Yunfeng, and went through the discharge procedures, etc., but she still faced it firmly.

After finishing all the work, Cen Xueluo suddenly remembered the problem that she had ignored, and hurriedly called Li in the space.

"Li, what are the side effects of taking that strong medicine you mentioned?"

The purple mist rolled in the space, and Li's voice sounded faintly: "The formula of this potion has been lost, but it can cut hair and wash marrow, and improve internal strength. You were almost insane before, and your energy and blood flowed backward. Useless, and you were anxious to wake up at the time, so there was no other way."

Cen Xueluo frowned slightly, she didn't understand what it meant to go around and talk nonsense: "I'm asking about side effects."

After being silent for a while, his tone became a little heavy: "Cold poison. Your whole body meridians will be covered by cold poison. In the beginning, your body temperature is lower than that of ordinary people. But as your internal strength increases, the cold poison becomes more intense, and your body temperature drops continuously. Said, it is also very likely that the blood coagulates during the attack and becomes an iceman."

I rely on!Cen Xueluo couldn't help but cursed in a low voice.Originally, she thought she was calm enough, but this side effect is too fucking big, right?Why not just tell her to die again!If she had known this before, why did she wake up in such a hurry? Now that her mother has calmed her down, she is about to die again.

After scolding, Cen Xueluo thought about it, this is unscientific!If the side effects were really so serious, Li probably wouldn't let herself take it easily, so she calmed down and asked, "Then is there any way to get rid of the cold poison?"

The purple mist floated silently in the space, but Cen Xueluo knew that Li was in the middle of the purple mist, so she couldn't help but ran into the space and stirred the purple mist with her hands: "Hello? What the hell? The method can be lifted?"

The mist rolled over, and Li's voice came from the mist, there were only two words, but it was like a bolt from the blue: "No."

Cen Xueluo rolled her eyes, and fell to the ground in large characters with a blunt bang.

"Are you okay? Aren't you quite strong?" Li showed concern for the first time.

"Be strong! If I was strong enough, why would I have committed suicide by drinking poison in my previous life?" Cen Xueluo couldn't help but growl, "I thought I would be a good man again in this life, but what is the situation? Huh? Why didn't you tell me clearly then you gave me that medicine! Which planet are you a monster from? Do you have any logical thinking?"

"I..." The pressure of the purple mist dropped a little, and Li's voice became a little ethereal, "I don't come from any planet, I come from the realm of comprehension."

This was the first time Li talked about his story, and Cen Xueluo couldn't help but arouse a little interest. She half propped up her body and raised her eyebrows: "Huh?"

Seeing that Cen Xueluo was interested, Li explained in more detail: "This world is divided into two parts: the secular world and the comprehension world. The mortal world you live in is what we call the secular world, and I come from the comprehension world in Kunlun Wonderland. The inner strength and mental method you practice is divided into seven levels: entry, exhalation, convergence, circulation, transformation, protection, and alchemy. In terms of martial arts in the secular world, it corresponds to the first level to the ninth level of innateness. After reaching the [-]th level of congenital alchemy, it will be transferred to acquired, and officially entered the world of cultivation."

Cen Xueluo listened with gusto, his eyes sparkled, then dimmed again: "So what if I step into the cultivation world? Can I still live until then?"

"Step into the world of cultivation, and you can completely get rid of the cold poison." Li replied very affirmatively.

"Get rid of it completely? Damn, then you said just now that there is no way!" Cen Xueluo put her hands on the ground, jumped up and pointed at the purple mist vigorously and shouted.

Purple mist seemed to shrink a little guilty, and Li's voice came out: "Sorry, I mean there is nothing you can do about it in your current situation."

Cen Xueluo looked at the flow of the purple mist, rolled her eyes, and said with a coquettish smile, "Li, speaking of it, I don't know you yet. You must have been a human before, right? How did you turn into a cloud of mist?"

Li seemed a little annoyed, and the purple mist kept rolling: "I am not a fog! This is my Nascent Soul! It's just that I hid in the mist to protect the Nascent Soul. No, this is not a mist, it's spiritual energy!"

Hearing Li's wordy statement, Cen Xueluo simply shook his head: "I don't understand."

I felt as if I was talking to a duck, and three black lines instantly appeared on Li's head: "Okay. The cultivation level in the cultivation world is like this. The initial stage is called the foundation building stage, and then there are consecration, fetal breath, bigu, golden pill, and so on. Nascent Soul, Distraction, Fusion, Mahayana, Transcending Tribulation, each stage is divided into early stage, middle stage and peak stage.”

Cen Xueluo nodded half understanding: "Then you have a Nascent Soul, which means you have reached the Nascent Soul Stage?"

"What is the little Nascent Soul stage!" Li's tone was full of arrogance, "I have already reached the peak of the Transcendence Tribulation Stage, and I am only one step away from ascending to the Immortal Realm. If there were no villains who framed me, how could I have fallen to such a state! "

"Then you still have only one Nascent Soul left, and you don't even have a physical body." Cen Xueluo looked contemptuous.

"Who said my body is gone? My body is frozen under the thousand-year-old ice in the Kunlun Wonderland. When my Nascent Soul returns to my body, then...huh!"

"Then you should go back!" There was a mocking smile on the corner of Cen Xueluo's mouth.

"I'm not..." Li suddenly paused, realizing that he seemed to have slipped something, and smiled awkwardly, "I'll help you rebirth, you have to pay a price."

"The price." Cen Xueluo repeated playfully, "Then you deliberately gave me medicine to poison my body, forcing me to work hard to reach the alchemy state, which is also one of the prices."

Li didn't seem to have expected that Cen Xueluo would be so icy and smart. She guessed her intentions just by letting her slip a little bit, and she simply stopped hiding it: "I admit that there was intentional suspicion, but the situation was indeed critical at the time, and besides, You have never been concentrating on cultivation, when will you reach the realm of cultivation, help me."

Cen Xueluo's face softened, and he sat cross-legged on the ground, thought for a while and asked slowly: "I like to go straight. Just tell me what I need to get rid of the cold poison, and what do you need from me if you want to return to your original body?" That's it."

(End of this chapter)

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