Chapter 21
Li readily gave Cen Xueluo the answer, but after hearing the answer, Cen Xueluo's expression became even uglier.

"Go to the comprehension world to look for medicinal materials after practicing to the alchemy stage? Or are they all fucking rare treasures?" Cen Xueluo paused every word, and said through gritted teeth, "Are you sure I can live to the alchemy stage?"

"Yes. But we need to refine some elixir to suppress the cold poison." Li said, "Although this powerful medicine has flaws, it is really helpful for your cultivation. You will improve by leaps and bounds."

Li's words were true, and Cen Xueluo felt that her body was full of internal energy, but she had a cold aura.Sit down and run the internal force for two weeks, and firmly stabilize the realm of exhalation. Cen Xueluo's face was shiny and white, as if it was shining.

Out of the space, Cen Xueluo suddenly thought of something, secretly screamed that it was terrible, and agreed to treat Mo Yiping. After so many days without news of himself, I don't know if Mo Yifan and the others thought he was a liar.Taking some blood-nourishing and Qi-enriching pills that he had made before, Cen Xueluo left home in a hurry and came to Mo Yifan's residence.

Mo Yifan's home was still dilapidated, and Cen Xueluo could even feel the layers of dust floating between the old bricks and tiles. In this environment, and malnourished, how could Mo Yiping's health recover.

Frowning, Cen Xueluo stood in front of Mo Yifan's house, listened attentively, but there was no movement inside, raised her hand and knocked on the door, thick dust fell on the door, as if no one had lived in it for a long time .

"Mo Yifan?" Cen Xue took two steps back and raised his voice, "Mo Yifan? Mo Yiping?"

With a "creak", the door opposite was opened a crack, and an old face appeared in the crack of the door. It was an old woman with gray hair: "The two children you are looking for? They moved out two days ago." gone."

"Moved away?" Cen Xueluo asked suspiciously.It doesn't make sense, isn't Mo Yiping still waiting for treatment, where can they go?Why didn't I come for a few days, and the building was empty, and I didn't give myself any news.

"Well. A group of people came here last week. They were in a mess. They had been arguing here for a long time. I don't know how the two kids at the opposite door offended them. Anyway, they didn't seem to be serious people. They moved out within two days. Let's go." The old aunt's eyes were a little dim, and she was talking to Cen Xueluo in a rambling manner.

Cen Xueluo frowned slightly, then thanked the old lady softly and left.

They moved out after someone came.Could it be that Mo Yiping caused some trouble?Cen Xueluo was a little worried, if someone really came to her, what would happen if Mo Yiping was paralyzed in bed?
Cen Xueluo, who couldn't find anyone, didn't know where Mo Yifan would go. She passed by Uncle Zhang's small restaurant and took a look. The business of the small shop was still mediocre, and there was no one else in the shop except Uncle Zhang who was dozing off.

The days passed quietly for a few days, the intense final exam was coming, and the learning atmosphere in the class seemed to be getting stronger. Many students who would not be seen after class on weekdays also began to improvise at this time, holding their workbooks in a serious manner. Question, when Cen Xueluo was explaining math problems to Lin Yichong, Wang Kai from class three suddenly appeared at the door of class one, which immediately attracted a burst of hatred from the students in the class.

Wang Kai's scalp became numb from dozens of murderous eyes. He cleared his throat and said, "Cen Xueluo, someone is looking for you at the school gate."

After speaking, Wang Kai quickly left without looking back, he felt that if he stood for a few more seconds, he would be torn to pieces.

"Bah, this kid runs fast." Originally, Lin Yichong had put down his pen and stood up to teach Wang Kai a lesson, but who knew that the kid would run away quickly after saying a word. He cursed bitterly, then turned his head and said, "Don't talk to him!"

Cen Xueluo's heart skipped a beat, and he turned his head to look out the window. Sure enough, there was a slender figure standing there at the school gate, quite familiar to him.

"I'll go out for a while." Cen Xueluo guessed who was looking for her, put down her pen and left quickly.

The person at the school gate was indeed Mo Yifan. I hadn't seen him for a few days. He was a little haggard, black and thin, with only a pair of shining eyes.

"Mo Yifan." Cen Xueluo waved his hand and ran over, "Why did you move?"

"Yes. There is something." Mo Yifan's eyes drifted and he hesitated, "Is there any cure for my brother's illness?"

"Yes. That's why I went to you a few days ago." Cen Xueluo felt that since it was Mo Yifan's private matter, it was inconvenient for him to ask more questions, so he simply talked about his illness, "I need to help him take care of his body first. And then it’s almost two months later.”

Li told Cen Xueluo that after taking that strong medicine, her cultivation speed has accelerated, and she should be able to reach the third level of convergence within two months. At that time, she can force her internal energy into Mo Yiping's body to check the specific condition, and then Help him recover.Regarding the strong medicine, no matter how Cen Xueluo asked, Li would keep silent, not even revealing a word of its name.

"Really?" Mo Yifan's eyes lit up, as if his hope had been ignited in an instant. He was also in a hurry to go to the doctor, and he found Cen Xueluo out of nowhere. He thought that the medicine Cen Xueluo gave him was so Mysterious, it must be because there is a doctor who is very knowledgeable in medicine at home. From now on, it seems that Cen Xueluo is very knowledgeable in medicine, "Can my brother really stand up? Is there any hope? The doctor said that his spine was injured and his nerves Necrotic..."

Mo Yifan lost his composure and spoke incoherently. Cen Xueluo understood his mood and nodded with a smile: "Don't worry, it's just that I need some time."

"Great, great." Mo Yifan murmured, "If Yiping found out, he would be so happy. I'll tell him."

After saying that, Mo Yifan turned around and wanted to leave, but Cen Xueluo quickly stopped Mo Yifan: "Hey, wait a minute, I still need to adjust your brother's body, how can I find you?"

"This..." Mo Yifan scratched his head in embarrassment.

Cen Xueluo looked at him and said, "I have to see Mo Yiping once and give him some medicine to strengthen his health, and he is seriously malnourished. I have one class left before school, if possible, You wait for me for a while."

When he heard that his brother was malnourished and needed to take medicine, Mo Yifan nodded without hesitation: "Okay. Then I'll wait for you opposite your school."

Back in the classroom, Cen Xueluo immersed herself in contemplation. She dipped her consciousness into the space and sorted out the potions and elixirs she needed, and then opened the "Medical Classics" to look for prescriptions for repairing nerves.

As soon as the school bell rang, Cen Xueluo was the first to rush out of the classroom and left quickly, causing the students to be surprised.Xi Lei glanced at Cen Xueluo's back, and asked Lin Yichong: "Chongzi, what's the matter? Cen Xueluo always takes his time, what's wrong today?"

Lin Yichong was very depressed. He originally thought that Cen Xueluo would say something to him when he came back, but Cen Xueluo completely ignored that he was stunned for a class, and then left quickly after school.Rolling a blank look at Xi Lei, Lin Yichong lazily packed up his things: "Mind yourself, don't meddle in your own business."

(End of this chapter)

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