Chapter 205
Elder Tian, ​​dressed in coarse linen, walked in the front, followed by Baili Xun.

When the contestants saw the referee coming, they stopped talking nonsense and made way for the referee to come to the victims.

Cen Xueluo turned her head and exchanged glances with Kevin, who had followed the referee and mixed among the players, before looking at the referees with a smile.

Although Mr. Tian had a high prestige, he was at the forefront when he came, but when it came to seeing a doctor and detoxifying, he had to ask Baili Xun to come.

Baili Xun, who was dressed in a white robe, was quite eye-catching among the four referees, especially the appearance of the middle-aged mature man, with his modest and calm demeanor, it was hard not to feel good about him.

"Your name is Cen Xueluo, right?" Baili Xun called out Cen Xueluo's name in one breath, and asked kindly, "Can you see their problems?"

Facing Baili Xun's inquiry, Cen Xue nodded generously: "I see."

"Oh? Then why are you still deadlocked here?" Baili Xun knew what was going on in his heart, but he still pretended to be curious and asked.

"Because I have one more thing I want all the referees to be witnesses, and I also ask the inspectors of the competition area to help seal the scene so that no one can enter or leave." Cen Xueluo looked around and said slowly, "Some players have been poisoned. Everyone is suspected until the investigation is clear. I believe you don't mind wasting a little time to prove your innocence."

Xiao Sanji originally wanted to say something, but the other contestants around him had no objections, so he had no choice but to shut his mouth resentfully.

The gray-clothed old man nodded, and without seeing any order from him, many inspectors surrounded the contestants.

"Anyone who flees the scene without permission will be killed without mercy!" The gray-clothed old man looked around the contestants sternly and gave an order to the inspector.

Seeing that none of the players present had any intention of leaving, Baili Xun turned his head and asked, "Cen Xueluo, can you speak now?"

Cen Xueluo nodded slightly, stepped aside to signal Baili Xun to personally inspect the victimized contestants, including the unconscious gorilla, and then explained: "Among these contestants is a kind of meridian that can corrode meridians. , The poisonous powder that destroys the cultivation base, the poisoned person has a vicious heart, in addition to making them unable to continue to compete, they also attempt to abolish their cultivation base and take their lives. If there is no antidote, I am afraid that at noon tomorrow, These players are about to shrivel up and die from poisoning."

"It's so vicious!" Everyone showed a look of shock, accusing the poisoner one after another.

"That's right, not only did he abolish his cultivation, but he actually wanted his life! This kind of person's corpse is not enough to vent his anger!"

Originally, this group of players might just be watching the fun, and there were very few players who really cared about those poisoned players, but now that the poison is so severe, it is hard to guarantee that they will not be recruited one day, so everyone wants to catch the murderer. become urgent.

After checking the situation of several poisoned contestants, Bailixun nodded slightly, indicating that Cen Xueluo's judgment was correct, and added: "That's right. This poison has disappeared in the cultivation world for a long time, and it was not created by me, a human cultivator at all." Refined. It is said that this poison is very mysterious, and it is colorless and odorless in the air, and it spreads very quickly. Even I have only read the records in ancient books, and have never really seen it.”

After being confirmed by the chief elder of Baicao Garden, Bai Lixun, the faces of the contestants changed drastically, and people panicked for a while.

Xiao Sanji's expression was equally horrified, without any flaws. He exclaimed, "What should I do then? Is there a way to detoxify it? Are all of them this kind of poison?"

This sentence not only asked the question of whether the poison can be detoxified that everyone was concerned about, but also quietly reminded them.Why do you say that?Everyone watched, Bailixun only checked the contestants except the gorilla, but did not check the gorilla's pulse.

Xiao Sanji asked very tactfully, so some people didn't pay attention to the gorilla's question, but many caring people still noticed it.

Cen Xueluo looked at everyone's expressions, and said very frankly: "There is no way to detoxify, but I have managed to delay the spread of their poison. As for the gorilla, he was indeed not poisoned, because he was drugged." .”
People were already panicked, but at this moment, Cen Xueluo admitted that the gorilla was not poisoned. The contestants seemed to find an outlet for their panic and directed their anger at the comatose gorilla and Xiao Zijie beside him.As for Cen Xueluo, although she knew these two guys, she behaved frankly and did not hide it, so the suspicion was relatively small.

"That kid, hand over the antidote!"

"Catch him, I have thousands of ways to make him hand over the poison and antidote!"

"This kind of scum with a human face and a beast heart, I will definitely let him taste the power of our Fire Cloud Sect!"

Although Xiao Zijie was a little puzzled, he still believed that Xueluo would not harm him, so he said with a straight face: "Is there any evidence to prove that we poisoned you, don't spit on people! Let the real one go away then." The murderer, maybe you will be the next victim! You! You!"

Xiao Zijie clicked on several people in succession, and the faces of those who were clicked couldn't help but change.

The atmosphere was chaotic, but Cen Xueluo stood calmly by the side without saying a word.

Elder Tian looked at Cen Xueluo, and the more he watched, the more he admired her. This little girl is not panic-stricken, has a calm attitude, and is quite talented. She is really a talent to be made!
"Okay, little girl, why don't you tell me what you think?" Elder Tian looked at Cen Xueluo kindly and asked.

Hearing Elder Tian's question, everyone's eyes were on Cen Xueluo, wanting to see what this young and beautiful girl could do.

"There are ways, there are at least three ways for everyone to choose." Cen Xueluo said calmly.

"Three? Let's hear it." Tian Lao stroked his gray beard with a faint smile in his eyes.

"The first way is that the person who poisoned can't just have one dose of poison, so there must be some residual poison in his storage bag." Cen Xueluo shrugged, "But everyone is definitely not willing to put their storage bags away." Take out the bag for others to check."

Cen Xueluo's words drew echoes.This storage bag is basically filled with life-saving things, and there are many private items that are not known to the public. There is no reason for others to see it.

"Actually, the second method is very simple. This kind of poison is so poisonous, the person who poisoned him must take the antidote beforehand. Now the time is relatively short, and the properties of the medicine are still in the body. Let me check one by one to find out." Cen Seeing that everyone agreed with what she said just now, Xueluo went on to say the second method.

Many people hesitated for a moment, and then shouted: "Because we are approaching the competition, we have also taken some pills to boost our cultivation, and the properties of this medicine are not convenient to spread..."

The implication is that the method of checking the body will not work.

There was a helpless smile on Cen Xueluo's face: "Since everyone disagrees with the first two, there is only the last way, to test the poison!"

I thought there would be some good way, but who knew it was a poison test!Before listening to Cen Xueluo's talk about how to test the poison, these contestants were all in a hurry.

"Are you kidding me! The lives and deaths of these people are still uncertain, and they actually asked us to test the poison?"

"Yes! If something bad happens, who will be responsible?"

"No, no, no! I think you have nothing to do. If you want to investigate, start with the gorilla and the Fourth Young Master of Xiaoyao Villa!"

"Everyone, don't misunderstand." Cen Xueluo raised her voice, her bright eyes seemed to reflect everyone present, "The poison I'm talking about is not harmful to the body, but a general drug."

As he said that, Cen Xueluo pointed at the gorilla: "The gorilla is poisoned, and it is also sprinkled in the air. Everyone knows that a cultivator can hold his breath for a long time, so this poison is contaminated by the skin and enters the blood vessels to exert its effect." And the person who took the drug must also take the antidote, and this antidote must also solve the general smoke. As long as everyone does not hold your breath and relax, then the person who does not respond to the drug must be the person who is drugged Don't worry, everyone, this drug will only make everyone unconscious for a while, and will not have any other effects! Elder Baili of Baicao Garden can testify!"

With that said, Cen Xueluo handed the two cyan porcelain bottles to Baili Xun, motioning him to check.

Baili Xun took the porcelain bottle, examined it carefully, and nodded: "That's right, this drug is harmless to the body."

With the testimony of the chief elder of Baicao Garden, Bai Lixun, everyone was relieved and agreed to the method of poison testing.

Xiao Sanji was very calm, except for looking around a few times during the period, everything else was normal.

Xiao Zijun has been watching coldly in the crowd, without saying a word, not knowing what he is planning in his heart.

While keeping an eye on Xiao Zijun and his followers, Kevin silently looked at the confident Cen Xueluo.My Luoluo has finally grown up, she is really charming with such a high spirit.

Dividing the people present into two groups, Cen Xueluo and Baili Xun each held a porcelain bottle and sprinkled the drug on the two groups of people respectively.

Everyone saw a puff of white smoke rising from the two porcelain vases, and then quickly dissipated in the air. They sniffed it with their noses, but they couldn't smell anything. Such items play a precautionary heart.

About 5 minutes later, everyone looked at me and I looked at you, only to find that this so-called drug did not fascinate any of the contestants, and couldn't help laughing.

"Beauty, you can't do drugs. It seems that your medicine needs to be improved."

"Yeah, I don't feel anything at all!"

"The internal breath in the body is running unimpeded, and there is no sign of poisoning at all!"

Listening to everyone talking to each other, Cen Xueluo was not in a hurry, she just turned her head and gave Qi Long a wink, Qi Long flew up knowingly, and then put the one with shawl hair and some stains on the gray jacket The man fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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