Chapter 206
"What are you doing? What are you doing?" The man in the short gray coat and shawl hair kept struggling, but Qi Long's cultivation level was much higher than his, so he was easily pinned to the ground so that he couldn't move.

As soon as Xiao Sanji saw the person being pinned to the ground, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, he glanced at Xiao Zijun calmly, and then shouted without changing his expression: "What are you doing? This is from Xiaoyaoshanzhuang. Xiao Heizi doesn't know how to make drugs. Let me tell you, don't just find a scapegoat just to shirk responsibility!"

"If there is no reason, why not arrest others but arrest him?" Cen Xueluo gave Xiao Sanji a blank look, and said flatly, "You are so excited, do you have a guilty conscience?"

With that said, Cen Xueluo walked up to Xiao Heizi, squatted down, and looked at Xiao Heizi who was pushed to the ground with one face still pressed against the ground: "You don't know how to make poison, do you?"

Xiao Heizi panted heavily and replied in a muffled voice: "Yes, I don't know anything about pharmaceuticals and poisons at all, so don't blame me!"

"Of course you don't understand!" Cen Xueluo sneered, "If you understood, you wouldn't just take precautions and let yourself be exposed!"

When Xiao Sanji heard this, his eyes couldn't help flickering, and he who wanted to defend Xiao Heizi didn't say a word.

"Where did I reveal my secrets?" Although Xiao Heizi's cultivation level is not low, he is a rough person after all. He doesn't know so much about people and the world. After all, he is a child who grew up in the cultivation world, and he doesn't have as many twists and turns as those in the secular world.

When Xiao Heizi opened his mouth, it was equivalent to admitting that he had been poisoned, and everyone couldn't help being uproarious.

"Look at your clothes, do you think I'm going to drug everyone? If you don't faint, you can close your inner breath and pretend to faint." Cen Xueluo pointed at Xiao Heizi's clothes, "When you poison Your body must be contaminated with poison powder. Although it is colorless and tasteless, it has also soaked into your clothes. The medicine powder I used can react with some common medicinal materials in the drug and poison, thus making you feel sick. His clothes changed color!"

Xiao Zijie suddenly realized what he heard, he jumped up and pointed at Xiao Heizi, gnashing his teeth and said, "Do you think you have done a perfect job? These colorful stains have betrayed you a long time ago!"

When Xiao Heizi heard this, he lowered his eyes to look at his short gray jacket, and suddenly his expression changed, and he became listless.

"Since you don't know how to make poisons, someone else must have made the poisons. Who ordered you?" Cen Xueluo said, glanced at Xiao Sanji who was on the side and Xiao Zijun who was in the crowd.

"Miss Cen was joking. Although this Xiao Heizi is from my Xiaoyao Villa, our villa has a great reputation. It is not once or twice that we send people to participate in the Heroes' Meeting. How could he do such a thing?" Xiao Sanji said angrily. , a look of being wronged.

Xiao Heizi also said with great backbone at this time: "I did it alone, and they didn't know about it! It's me who dislikes these guys, especially that guy is my opponent in the next game, so I just ...he was poisoned!"

The gray-clothed old man turned his head and called someone over, and asked about it. Sure enough, one of the people poisoned was Xiao Heizi's opponent tomorrow.In this way, this explanation makes sense.

Cen Xueluo and the others naturally knew that this was definitely not the case, but if Xiao Heizi was beaten to death and refused to admit it, they also had no evidence to prove that it was Xiao Sanji and Xiao Zijun who were behind it!

Xiao Zijie turned his head angrily and stared straight at Xiao Zijun, but he saw Xiao Zijun glance at him casually, then turned his gaze to Cen Xueluo, showing an inexplicable smile.

This pervert!What the hell are you planning!Xiao Zijie secretly hated him, but he didn't want to make a big fuss here, not to mention the reputation of Xiaoyao Villa, he was afraid that he would not be able to get anything good.

Xiaoyao Villa is still very famous in the Manshan District, and the referees didn't want to make a big deal out of it. Seeing that Cen Xueluo and the others didn't want to pursue him, they ordered Xiao Heizi to be escorted away.

Although the person who poisoned was found, the person who was poisoned was not out of danger.Although the other players breathed a sigh of relief, they still paid close attention to the development of the situation.

Cen Xueluo took out a porcelain bottle, uncorked the bottle and shook it under the gorilla's nose, and the gorilla woke up in a daze.

"Huh? Why are you all here?" The gorilla shook his head as if he had just woken up from a dream, and he still couldn't figure out the situation.

Xiao Zijie patted the gorilla on the shoulder with hatred and cursed: "You idiot, why are you running around? You don't even know if you are hurt!"

"Have been murdered?" The gorilla blinked, and suddenly his face was full of anger, "By the way, when I went out, I met a group of people. They made provocative words, but I ignored them. Later, someone said that they wanted to trouble me. Who knew that when I walked halfway, I saw them all lying on the ground, I just wanted to take a look, but my head became confused..."

Xiao Zijie curled his lips and pointed to one side: "Look at those people?"

The gorilla turned around and shouted, "Ah! Yes! Why are they still lying here?"

Everyone was speechless.Why don't you just lie here!With such a powerful poison, who would dare to touch it?

Baili Xun also felt that the poisoned person should not be allowed to stay here any longer, and he had to study the detoxification plan quickly.

The gray-clothed old man discussed with several referees and announced that the second round of the competition would be postponed for one week. If the poisoned players recovered, they could continue the competition. If they did not recover, they could only withdraw.

The people took the detoxification pill and carried the poisoned people down, while Baili Xun kindly called Cen Xueluo over and asked, "Cen Xueluo, would you like to help me detoxify these players together?"

"Okay, but I have other things to do first." Cen Xueluo readily agreed, she was also very curious about this kind of poison, Bailixun, as the chief elder of Baicao Garden, must have good medical skills, so she can follow him learn it.

"It's okay, come find me when you're done." Baili Xun nodded to Cen Xueluo, then turned and left.

Elder Tian didn't say anything, just looked at Cen Xueluo and Qi Long like a kind elder, smiled and turned to leave.

"Cen Xueluo." Gu Sha repeated Cen Xueluo's name with a very playful expression, but did not show too much emotion.

Seeing the four referees, the gray-clothed old man in charge, and the surrounding inspectors leave one after another, the contestants also dispersed in discussion.

Just as Cen Xueluo and the others were about to leave, they saw Xiao Zijun standing there motionless and looking at Cen Xueluo.

"What else do you want to do?" Xiao Zijie shouted impulsively as soon as he saw Xiao Zijun, pointing at Xiao Zijun's nose.

"Dear brother, you are so rude, you have completely disgraced Xiaoyao Villa." Xiao Zijun educated Xiao Zijie with a look of disgust.

"That's all you want to poison us, but also poison other contestants! Now that Xiao Heizi has been caught, why don't you say that you have lost the face of Xiaoyaoshanzhuang!" Xiao Zijie snorted coldly.

"Poison you? How is that possible?" Xiao Zijun looked surprised, "With my cultivation, do I still need to poison you to win? Besides, you are my younger brother. As I said, you have to compete hard and let me see you in the top ten." You!" At the end, Xiao Zijun had a smile on the corner of his mouth, staring straight at Xiao Zijie, with the meaning that you know what I know.

Xiao Zijie gritted his teeth, wishing he could bite off a piece of Xiao Zijun's flesh, but he knew very well that violence is not allowed in the competition area, so he must not be fooled and provoked.

"Since it's unnecessary, or it means that we know it won't harm us, why bother sacrificing one of our subordinates?" Cen Xueluo said suddenly, "Besides, Xiao Heizi's life must be lost!"

Hearing this, Xiao Sanji couldn't help but look up at Cen Xueluo.This little girl is not very old, but she knows people's hearts well. This sentence seems casual, but it implies provocation.

Xiao Zijun is naturally very confident in the loyalty of his followers, and he doesn't care about Cen Xueluo's words, he just looks at Cen Xueluo's beautiful face with pity: "How can such a beautiful woman not be loved?" It's pity. I will never use those dirty tricks to cause any accidents for you, girl, don't worry!"

The implication is that if he persecutes you, he will definitely not use evil tricks behind your back, but torture you to death in a fair and honest way, so that you will have pleasure!

Cen Xueluo found out that Xiao Zijun was a reckless person, so he simply stopped talking nonsense, turned around and left with Kevin, Qi Long and others.

Back at the residence, I told Xiao Zijie and the gorilla not to go anywhere, An Sheng stayed in the yard, Cen Xueluo asked Qi Long to take care of these two worry-free guys, and then hurried to the deal with Kevin market.

Originally promised to give Ye Xindan to Gu Wu Chi today, but it was delayed because of the poisoning, and I don't know if Gu Wu Chi arrived or how long he waited.

The trading market is located on the outskirts of the Manshan District, and it is as lively as ever today. Generally, those who are qualified to set up stalls in the trading market are people from major aristocratic families and sects. No one will cause trouble in this place, and the safety is guaranteed.

Before Cen Xueluo and Kevin reached the trading market, they saw a middle-aged strong man at the intersection stretching his neck to look around.Who is this middle-aged strong man if he is not an ancient martial idiot?

"You guys are here! You're half an hour late!" Gu Wuchi saw Cen Xueluo and Kevin from a long distance away, and regardless of the presence of others, he unfolded his movement and appeared in front of Cen Xueluo in an instant.

Gu Wuchi's speed!Cen Xueluo was secretly surprised. She was sure that if Gu Wu Chi attacked her with this speed, she would never be able to dodge it. strength!

"Sorry! Something happened in the competition area, so it's delayed!" Kevin cupped his hands politely and explained.

"It's okay, it's okay, where's my elixir? Have you ever refined it?" Gu Wuzhi wouldn't really mind this half an hour, but just looked at Cen Xueluo scratching his head, wishing he could rush over and snatch the other party's storage bag Come and have a look.

(End of this chapter)

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