Chapter 26
Woo~~~~~ I was criticized by other authors today, saying that I have too few updates. If I reflect on it at the beginning, I will add updates today!Please support me and give Ruochu a recommendation ticket~ I wish you all a happy new year, good fortune and good luck! ^_^

Congenital level seven!Lianjiazi!And he's even stronger than Cen Xueluo!Cen Xueluo stopped walking immediately, staring at KEVIN's back in a daze.Although the cultivation methods in the "Medical Classics" are not the same as those in the common world, if the seven-level alchemy is equal to the ninth level of the innate, the three-level convergence is only equivalent to the strength of the third to fourth level of the innate.

I heard from Li that if the other party's strength is higher than his own in the cultivation world, he can find out the other party's strength without the other party's discovery. Of course, this kind of behavior is not very polite.No wonder... No wonder Kevin said that if he saved his brother, he would believe it, so he would have seen it long ago.

Kevin felt that Cen Xueluo stopped, and he also stopped and turned around. Seeing Cen Xueluo's eyes looking at him, he froze for a moment, and asked with a smile, "What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that? I don't know Yet?"

Cen Xueluo felt a little uncomfortable, bit her lip and shook her head slightly, looked away, and continued to run forward in silence.

Cen Xueluo's abnormality made Kevin a little confused, so he stood there for two seconds, as if he understood something, and hurriedly chased after him: "Xueluo, actually I..."

Cen Xueluo interrupted coldly: "You have nothing to do with me. You don't need to say anything to me."

Cen Xueluo returned to the same appearance as when Kevin first met her. Her face was as cold as ice, and she looked at Kevin with cold eyes as if she was looking at a stranger.

"I really have no ill intentions towards you." Cen Xueluo's guarded appearance made Kevin feel a little sad.

"What your intentions have nothing to do with me, and you don't need to explain to me." Cen Xueluo paused, and added, "Besides, I don't know anything about you."

Kevin was able to cultivate to the seventh level of innateness at a young age, and his natural comprehension and intelligence are the best. Hearing Cen Xueluo's angry and complaining words, he understood what was going on, and ran to Cen Xueluo two steps faster. Xueluo turned around in front of her and pressed Cen Xueluo's shoulder to make her stop in front of her. She looked seriously into Cen Xueluo's eyes and said, "I never deliberately concealed your intentions. I said at the time that if you saved me My brother, I believe it, it means that I know your strength."

Is there this kind of saying?Cen Xueluo frowned slightly, and silently asked Li in the space.

Li gave an affirmative answer: "Generally speaking, if the other party gives a reminder, it means there is no malice."

After understanding it, Cen Xueluo was also embarrassed to be angry with Kevin again. Although she sometimes has a weird and sensitive personality, she always has a clear distinction between good and evil. I misunderstood you."

Kevin smiled and squinted his eyes, looking a little cute: "I don't blame you, I didn't make it clear. I'm currently at the seventh level of innateness, and I practice the skills passed down in the family. I will give you more advice in the future."

Cen Xueluo looked at Kevin with his hands clasped into fists, acting like he was walking around the rivers and lakes on TV, and shook his head, "Okay, hurry back, or you'll be really late!"

The two ran back to the camp, talking and laughing all the way, and each went back to the dormitory to change their clothes. The other students also got up. The teacher who led the team gathered everyone together, and each stood in a row according to the group they divided yesterday, announcing today's The subject of the activity is a picnic, and the content of the activity is to ask everyone to go to the mountains and grasslands in the activity area to find food within two hours. There are pots and matches in the activity area of ​​the camp. Everyone assigns who will pick up firewood and who will find food. Of course, the food collected by all the students must be checked by the team doctor before they can be eaten.

This announcement won the cheers of the students. At home, everyone basically opened their mouths and stretched out their clothes. They seldom did housework by themselves, and children were naturally curious and exploratory. Now there is an opportunity to It is naturally rejoicing to practice it yourself in such a beautiful and pure natural environment.

Everyone started discussing how to divide the work in full swing, and some people began to recall how their parents cooked at home. Cen Xueluo's group was no exception. The members were all enthusiastic. After the leader and the members finished speaking, they were all waiting for Kevin to speak, and even a female classmate with a ponytail and black-rimmed glasses asked directly: "Park Minyu, how do you think we will allocate?"

Kevin was still a little awkward about being called his younger brother's name. He glanced at Cen Xueluo, who was giggling, and said helplessly, "My name is a mouthful, so everyone should call me Kevin. There are only three girls in our group, and the girls stay behind." Looking for some dry grass and mushrooms on the grass, the other boys went up the mountain with me, and we were divided into two groups, one group went to pick mountain mushrooms and other edible wild vegetables, and the other group went to pick up dry firewood.”

"I want to go up the mountain, and I will identify whether the mushrooms are poisonous." Cen Xueluo, who had been silent all this time, suddenly objected. She also planned to go to the mountain to see if there were any special herbs.

"Okay, then go foraging with me." Kevin understood clearly, the reason why he deliberately brought the three girls together was because he didn't want Cen Xueluo to look too out of the group, she always did this He looked lonely, as if he didn't belong to this world, and his ethereal loneliness made him feel distressed.

For this episode, the other members did not have any special reaction, and assigned their respective tasks. Everyone imitated the agents on TV and checked the watches on their wrists. We all have to go back to camp.

There are only a few roads up the mountain, and they have been trampled by tourists so that the grass doesn't even grow. How can there be any wild wild vegetables in such a place? A boy with a cropped hair who is in the group with Cen Xueluo and Kevin is very bold. Suggested: "Let's find a remote road up the mountain!"

Cen Xueluo looked at the boy, she remembered that the boy was Zheng Hao, he was smart and had a lot of tricks.

Kevin didn't care, he looked at the other boy and asked, "Li Guoheng, what do you think?"

Li Guoheng had a Chinese character face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and seemed a bit old-fashioned by nature. Just as he was about to speak, Zheng Hao bumped him with an elbow: "Okay, buddy, don't tell me you want to be hungry at noon."

In this way, a group of four people found a place where no tourists seemed to pass by and went up the mountain. Since there was no road, the mountain was covered with fallen pine needles, pine cones and dead branches. The speed of the four people going up the mountain was extremely slow. In about a minute, Zheng Hao's thin and small body couldn't hold it anymore. He looked around while panting, and suddenly his eyes lit up and he ran to the side and shouted: "Look, there are mushrooms!" Go mushroom picking.

Hearing the sound, Cen Xueluo glanced at it, turned his face, and shouted, "Don't move."

But it was too late, Zheng Hao stretched his hand straight towards the white mushroom, swept his arm across the blades of grass, and immediately jumped up with his arms folded as if bitten by a snake: "Ah, it hurts so much!"

(End of this chapter)

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