Chapter 27

The three of Kevin hurried over when they heard this, and saw that Zheng Hao's arm seemed to be allergic, it was red, and there were many small red spots densely packed.

"It hurts, it hurts. It's hot." Zheng Hao anxiously scratched and rubbed his red arm, but it didn't work at all. The pain seemed to seep into the pores, making him scratch his heart and liver.

Although Kevin has a high level of cultivation, he still doesn't know much about medicinal herbs. He frowned in embarrassment, took out a bottle of medicine, and took out one hesitantly: "Try it and see if it works."

As soon as Kevin handed it out, Cen Xueluo snatched it away.Cen Xueluo sniffed it under her nose, then glanced at the grass on the ground that stung Zheng Hao, threw the pill back to Kevin and said, "Don't try it, it won't work."

After finishing speaking, Cen Xueluo grabbed Zheng Hao's arm and took a closer look, then lowered his head and looked around, as if he was looking for something.

When Kevin saw Cen Xueluo's appearance, he was overjoyed: "Do you know this poisonous weed?"

"Yes." Cen Xueluo searched for what she needed, and replied casually, "This is viper grass, warm in nature, but poisonous. Look at the grass next to the mushroom, the leaves are oval, and the leaves and stems are covered with Don't touch the fluffy thorns, otherwise it will be hot, red and swollen as if burned by fire."

As Cen Xueluo spoke, Zheng Hao nodded violently, looking at everyone with teary eyes, as if to say: Look, I'm not pretending, it really hurts.

Cen Xueluo walked around, suddenly his eyes lit up, he reached out to pull out a slender grass, then turned around and walked back and asked, "Who has clean water?"

Li Guoheng immediately took out a bottle of mineral water from his backpack and handed it over.

Cen Xueluo nodded, and asked again, "Who brought soap?"

Li Guoheng took out a bar of soap from his backpack again.

Zheng Hao endured the pain and shouted: "Good boy, you run a grocery store!"

Kevin slapped him with a slap: "If it wasn't for Guoheng, you would have been miserable. How dare you laugh at others! Go back and see how your grandpa treats you!"

Zheng Hao smiled wryly: "Come on, Kevin, it's hard to come out, why don't you use the old man to pressure me?"

Looking at it like this, Kevin, Zheng Hao and Li Guoheng seem to be very familiar with each other rather than meeting each other for the first time.Cen Xueluo raised her eyebrows, took mineral water and carefully rinsed Zheng Hao's right arm, then carefully applied soap on it and washed it again, then crushed the slender grass and spread it evenly on the red and swollen The place.

Zheng Hao only felt a burst of coolness coming from the originally hot arm, and he breathed out comfortably, and said with a smile: "Student, little beauty, there is something wrong."

Cen Xueluo looked at Zheng Hao coldly: "If you don't want your left hand to swell up soon, wash your hands with soap."

When Zheng Hao heard this, he immediately shut his mouth and obediently asked Li Guoheng to pour water for him and wash his hands.

Kevin smiled and saw Zheng Hao, who was usually like a monkey, being obedient at this time, and said to Cen Xueluo: "Zheng Hao and Li Guoheng are family friends with my family. This little monkey hasn't been in the house for three days since he was a child. I haven't seen him yet." When you are so obedient. By the way, Luoluo, you are really amazing, thanks to you this time."

Cen Xueluo looked at Kevin's shining starry eyes, smiling brightly like the morning sun, and turned her head a little embarrassedly: "It's nothing. There are many poisonous things on this mountain, everyone, be careful."

Zheng Hao also washed his hands at this time, and said: "Don't be afraid, you, a little doctor, are here! By the way, I haven't picked the mushrooms yet, and I have suffered such a great crime. I must pick them."

The boy's reluctance came up again. Zheng Hao carefully avoided the viper grass that made him suffer, and finally picked the white mushroom the size of a fist. He held it up happily and said, "This is our first one." Trophy! Look, how big the mushroom is! It’s enough to make a bowl of soup! It’s not in vain for the young master to suffer so much! Haha..."

Zheng Hao was laughing triumphantly, and Cen Xueluo poured a basin of cold water on it: "Hurry up and throw it away. It's a poisonous mushroom."

Zheng Hao's smug laughter stopped abruptly, and he opened his eyes wide in astonishment to look at Cen Xueluo, and then at the mushroom in his hand: "No way? Isn't it white? Doesn't it mean that the more colorful the mushroom, the more poisonous it is?" Is it stronger? Don't we usually eat this kind of white mushroom?"

Li Guoheng also looked at the mushroom carefully, and looked at Cen Xueluo in puzzlement, waiting for her answer.

Cen Xueluo motioned Zheng Hao to turn the mushroom over, pointed to the leaves on the back of the mushroom and said, "Look here, the edible mushrooms are usually fan-shaped, and the pieces are arranged regularly, while the poisonous mushrooms are in the shape of a net. "

Li Guoheng nodded knowingly, and Zheng Hao threw the trophy out like a snake and scorpion in an instant, making everyone laugh.

Kevin looked around while smiling, and said to Cen Xueluo: "Luoluo, you can gather some more herbs for treating snake scorpion grass, it seems that there should be this kind of poisonous grass in other places on this mountain, I will ask Guoheng to send some back Camp, and then tell them how to treat it, so as to save those students from suffering.”

Cen Xueluo was amazed at how thoughtful Kevin was at such a young age. Although she also knew that other students would definitely suffer if they were careless, the snake scorpion grass would not be fatal. Rinse with clean water, and the swelling will almost disappear after half a day.

Cen Xueluo told Kevin the three of them how the slender grass looked like, and the four picked a plastic bag together, and then Li Guoheng returned to the camp with the herbs, and the three waited for him to come back and then act together.

Kevin was asking Cen Xueluo about some poisonous weeds in the wild, and out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Zheng Hao secretly picking some viper grass into a plastic bag, and couldn't help shouting: "Rat, what are you doing!"

Zheng Hao was so frightened that his hands trembled, and his whole body almost fell into the grass of snakes and scorpions. He stabilized his body in shock, turned around and cursed: "Young master is scared to death! If you fall into it, you will be disfigured!"

Kevin ignored it, and asked, "Why did you pick so many snake scorpion grass? What's wrong with you?"

Zheng Hao rolled his eyes and said with a smile, "I'm taking this home as a souvenir."

Kevin snorted coldly, and gave Zheng Hao a knowing look.

Cen Xueluo bit her lip and said with a smile: "What's so rare about snake scorpion grass. There will definitely be more powerful ones in a while."

Zheng Hao's eyes lit up: "Really? Then I want to be stronger." As he spoke, he was about to throw out the snake scorpion grass in the plastic bag.

Seeing the pity, Cen Xueluo stopped and said, "Don't dump it, give me the ones you've already picked, otherwise it's a waste. I'll help you find something else later."

Taking the snake scorpion grass from Zheng Hao's hand, he made a gesture of putting it into the backpack, but Cen Xueluo actually put the bag of snake scorpion grass into the space.After finishing all this as if nothing had happened, Cen Xueluo raised his head and met Kevin's thoughtful gaze. His heart skipped a beat and he asked, "What's wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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