The cold medicine of rebirth is poisonous

Chapter 261 Ci'an Temple!

Chapter 261 Ci'an Temple!
"Why can't I come?" Luo Luo still looked lazy, his cat eyes narrowed into a slit, and jumped onto Sidi's shoulder.

Sidi was so frightened that he trembled all over, then stabilized his body, and smiled tremblingly: "Of course... naturally I can come."

At this time, Qiao Shou and Chi Zhe also came over. After seeing Luo Luo standing on Sidi's shoulder, they greeted Luo Luo one after another, and then stood in a position far away from Sidi in a tacit understanding. An angry Sidi scolded the two for their lack of loyalty in their hearts.

Ignoring the interaction between Luo Luo and Sidi, Cen Xueluo looked around for a while, and then asked in amazement: "Is it true that the world is not coming?"

"Well. The two of them have already gone to Yunyou." Qiao Shou's voice was still soft, handsome and gentle like a rich man raised in an ivory tower, "The palace master said that he would let Jun Shaoqun and another person from Lingxiao District Join our team."

"Well, Jun Changtang said that he would give his grandson a good class, so as to save himself from embarrassment when he came to the Heroes' Meeting." Kevin couldn't help but find it very funny when he heard Jun Changtang's expression of hating iron and steel.

After hearing these words, Qiao Shou and Chi Zhe suddenly fell silent, and even Sidi, who had been talking with Luo Luo all the time, also turned pale.

Kevin knew that he had made a slip of the tongue and touched the pain of these friends, so he couldn't help comforting them: "It's okay, I have found a lot of ancient alchemy recipes, my family Luoluo is very good at medicine and alchemy, and sooner or later you will have grandchildren to teach of."

Originally, Cen Xueluo didn't understand why Qiao Shou and the others suddenly felt so depressed, but after hearing what Kevin said, he couldn't help but understand.

Xi Di just felt relieved, and looked at Cen Xueluo to say something, but found that Cen Xueluo, Qi Long, and Xiao Zijie behind them all looked at him and the others with expressions of sympathy and understanding. , couldn't help but angrily said: "Hey, what's the matter with your suddenly enlightened appearance? It's not what you think, okay?"

Luo Luo jumped from Sidi's shoulder to Qi Long's shoulder with a whoosh, the snow-white cat had a disgusted expression on his face, then turned his head to look at Qi Long affectionately and said: "Xiaolong, don't worry, I'm not Might have dumped you for a bum."

What is a guy who is neither male nor female?Sidi stared at Luo Luo with a gloomy expression on his face, but he didn't dare to move.After all, Luo Luo has already cultivated Nine Tails. In terms of strength, none of the Eight Great Demon Generals is her opponent, let alone her current body.

Qiao Shou also stared at Kevin with the corners of his mouth twitching, with an expression of wanting to jump over and strangle Kevin to death.

"If you don't explain it clearly to us, I'd rather be rebellious today than make you look good!" Chi Zhe leisurely trimmed his nails, his pretty face was full of threats.

Kevin saw that his words were misunderstood, so he realized that something was wrong, but he would not be so eager to explain clearly, after all, the reactions of Qiao Shou, Sidi and Chi Zhe were really interesting.

After laughing enough, Kevin then told Cen Xueluo about the situation of Qiao Shou and the other three.It turned out that there was a catastrophe when the Demon Palace was unified, and Sidi, Qiao Shou and Chi Zhe were seriously injured in that catastrophe. Kevin ran around asking for help, but in the end only a medicine sage gave him Kevin three pills.These three elixirs saved the life of the person Sidi said, but also made them stay at the original age forever, unable to grow, and the skills in the body were also frozen, unable to have offspring.After experiencing this accident, the three of Sidi applied to be transferred to a desert area that is very remote from the main city of the Demon Palace. The southern gate, repelling the enemies from the south of the desert area.Over the years, the three of their clansmen have branched out, but the three of them are lonely and have no successors.

Therefore, although the three of Sidi came to participate in the challenge of the Heroes Meeting, they were regarded as the grandsons of the three people, but Kevin, the insiders, knew that the three of them had no descendants at all, and they were the ones who came here.

After hearing the story of the three of them, Cen Xueluo was also very moved, looking at Xidi, Qiao Shou and Chi Zhe with slightly moist eyes, and asked, "How can I help?"

"Yes. I have already obtained an ancient elixir, and I still lack a medicinal ingredient in the mysterious canyon. This time, I will go to get the medicinal ingredient. Luoluo, you will start to help them refine the elixir." Kevin looked deeply at Cen Xueluo said with a serious tone, "Because the medicinal materials are scarce, there are only five copies, which means that during the refining process, Luoluo, you can only fail twice at most!"

The process of alchemy is extensive and profound, and the success rate of each alchemy is basically only 80.00 to [-]%. Some alchemists who have a deep understanding of alchemy have a success rate of only a meager [-]% when they practice the elixirs they are familiar with. There are countless Dan recipes that fail hundreds of times and succeed once.Now, Kevin actually asks Cen Xueluo to succeed three times out of five. What a terrifying success rate!

Hearing Kevin's words, Sidi and the others couldn't help but dim their eyes a little. In their view, this is almost an impossible task.

However, they had never seen Cen Xueluo concocting alchemy, so they naturally judged Cen Xueluo by the standard of an ordinary alchemist.As everyone knows, after Cen Xueluo practiced the medical scriptures, she could use her mind to infiltrate the pill furnace to check the progress of the pills when refining alchemy, and the control was very precise. She refined the familiar pills, and the success rate had already reached One hundred percent.As for such an unfamiliar formula, although it is impossible to succeed at the beginning, there is still hope for a 60.00% success rate.

Noticing the expressions of the three of Sidi, Cen Xueluo did not explain.After all, the elixir has not been refined yet, so in the eyes of the three of them, what they say now will be understood as comforting them, so it is better to actually refine it and give them a surprise.

During the silence, Xiao Zijie suddenly whispered, "Jun Shaoqun is here."

Following Xiao Zijie's gaze, sure enough, Jun Shaoqun, a flamboyant guy, walked through the crowd carelessly and swaggeringly, and from time to time he fired at some beauties, attracting many people's attention.

"Too high profile!" Qiao Shou frowned.

"It's okay, what I like is his high profile." Kevin smiled mysteriously.

Jun Shaoqun was flirting around coquettishly flirting with beauties when he suddenly felt a very unfriendly cold gaze staring at him. Looking up, Jun Shaoqun saw a very handsome man, but the distance between his eyebrows The guy who was a little closer stared at him without hesitation.And that guy stood among a group of people, he seemed to be the leader of that group, and the other contestants who came to participate kept some distance from this group of people, as if they were quite afraid of this group of people.

"Who is this?" Jun Shaoqun asked.

Yan Long, who was following Jun Shaoqun, took a look, and said in a low voice, "It's Mu Ye from Ci'an Temple, and it is said that he already has the cultivation base of the early stage of Jindan."

Under the guidance of his grandfather Jun Changtang, Jun Shaoqun also stepped into the early stage of Golden Core, but after all, he was assisted by rare treasures and pills, so he was basically worse than Mu Ye.

Naturally, Kevin and the others also noticed Mu Ye's hostile gaze, they couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and said with a smile: "It seems that Jun Shaoqun's high-profile is too high, making people jealous."

Cen Xueluo glanced casually like this at first, but suddenly felt something was wrong, so he couldn't help but stare intently again.

"Kevin, that guy in gray..."

Cen Xueluo only spoke half a sentence, Kevin already understood what Cen Xueluo meant, and Luo Luo also glanced over there at the same time.

"Huh?" Luo Luo looked a little surprised.

Kevin also had a serious expression, and said to Cen Xueluo, "They are from Ci'an Temple."

Ci'an Temple!Cen Xueluo's eyes burst into anger.Isn't Bai Zhi, the murderer behind the scenes who killed his mother, hiding in Ci'an Temple?He must have entered Ci'an Temple, Bai Zhi also knew about it, right?I don't know what kind of powerful person was sent to intercept and kill him.

"It's a little weird." Luo Luo sent a voice transmission to Kevin and Cen Xueluo, "His aura is very hidden. If Luo Luo hadn't reminded us, we probably wouldn't have noticed such a character. According to my observation, he also suppressed his cultivation. Because, the true cultivation base is definitely above the Nascent Soul Stage."

Sure enough, it was aimed at me!Luo Luo's words confirmed Cen Xueluo's speculation, she couldn't help but snorted coldly, and glanced sharply in the direction of Ci'an Temple.That being the case, she really wanted to see how the rookies in Ci'an Temple are superior to others!

"Xueluo!" A surprise shout suddenly came from the crowd.

This cry successfully made Cen Xueluo look over in surprise, and also successfully made Kevin's face full of black lines.

"Guan Yunqing?" Cen Xueluo also had a pleasant look on his face. This Guan Yunqing, who devoted himself to the study of elixir and was honest and simple, left a good impression on Cen Xueluo. She did not reject making such a friend at all.

"Xueluo, you're here too, that's great! I knew you would pass the final!" Guan Yunqing brought the juniors and sisters from Baicaomen to Cen Xueluo and the others, expressing his sincere support for Cen Xue. Looking happy.God knows how worried Guan Yunqing was when he first heard the news of the collapse of the main city trial secret realm of the Demon Palace. He didn't even feel happy for half a month. He could only practice desperately to make himself not so sad. Seeing that Cen Xueluo is fine now , Guan Yunqing felt happy and joyful from the bottom of his heart.

As if infected by Guan Yunqing's emotions, Cen Xueluo also showed a beautiful smile without hesitation: "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Really?" Guan Yunqing's eyes turned into stars, and he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear.

The younger brothers and younger sisters behind Guan Yunqing felt that this senior brother, who had always been ascetic, had lost his composure, and couldn't help but looked at each other, full of doubts.The four of them did not follow Guan Yunqing to the Manshan Mountains, so they naturally did not know about Cen Xueluo's deeds.

Kevin coughed very unhappily, and said, "Okay, I'm going to get ready to enter the mysterious canyon, and I'll catch up on the old days later."

(End of this chapter)

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