The cold medicine of rebirth is poisonous

Chapter 262 The Way Is Different

Chapter 262 The Way Is Different

The mysterious canyon has always been said to be the most mysterious and dangerous place in the cultivation world. It is full of treasures from heaven and earth, but it is also full of various forbidden and highly cultivated monsters.

This kind of monsters are different from the cultivators of the monster clan. They cannot be transformed into human form, they are bloodthirsty and cruel, they are not as intelligent as the cultivators of the monster clan, and they are also not recognized by the cultivators of the monster clan.However, these monsters have occupied the territory of the mysterious canyon by virtue of their physical strength and reproduced here.

It is also said that in the deepest part of the mysterious canyon, there is a group of extraordinary people who have reached the stage of transcending the catastrophe, and they are the supreme place in the realm of cultivation. If they succeed in transcending the catastrophe, they will become real gods and be attracted by the world of gods Walk.

Obviously, the latter statement is limited to legends and cannot be verified.

However, Cen Xueluo knew that in the depths of the mysterious canyon there really was a group of people with high cultivation, because the singer Xiao Qianzhi came from the mysterious canyon.

Reputable people from several sects and aristocratic families in the comprehension world were invited as guests of this heroic meeting, and among these people, a young man with a smile on his face was sitting alone. sit with him.

Cen Xueluo looked up, who could that young man with an indifferent smile be Xiao Qianzhi?Unexpectedly, he was invited as a guest.Thinking about it, no other hermit in the mysterious canyon is willing to participate in such a lively occasion, only Xiao Qianzhi loves the great world outside the mysterious canyon.

The entrance of the mysterious canyon cannot be seen with the naked eye, but was summoned by Xiao Qianzhi.After all the participants of the Heroes Meeting arrived, Xiao Qianzhi stood up and sang a lot of words that everyone couldn't understand. With a wave of his hand, a circular restriction with a little halo appeared.

Xiao Qianzhi's hand can't help but make many people's eyes shine, especially those girls who claim to be geniuses who are so arrogant on weekdays and look down on other young people of the same generation, they are even more impressed by Xiao Qianzhi's handsome white clothes. Bewildered by his image, he even admires his unfathomable cultivation and status from the mysterious canyon.Many girls looked at Xiao Qianzhi shyly and timidly, with countless red hearts floating in their eyes.

"This kid!" Kevin cursed with a low laugh, and then stretched out his hand to push Cen Xueluo's little head down.

Cen Xueluo couldn't help biting her lips and snickering, she was just curious about Xiao Qianzhi's identity, unlike those girls who looked admiring and eager to throw themselves into their arms.

Seeing that everyone was almost ready, and the girl below was almost obsessed, Xiao Qianzhi showed a smile on his handsome face, and then a burst of dazzling light burst out from his hands, hitting the round light directly. dizzy.As if something was alarmed, the circular halo shook twice like the surface of a lake, and ripples slowly spread out from the center of the light, revealing an oval entrance with water-shaped ripples.

"It's almost time, everyone, please come in! I hope everyone can get what they want in the mysterious canyon and have a good harvest!" Xiao Qianzhi didn't sing in a singing tone this time, but did it very normally and very politely. This inviting gesture, as if the hospitable host is inviting all the guests.

This is the legendary meeting of heroes!All the young contestants who finally stood out after several rounds of selection, looked at the entrance that glistened with water-shaped ripples, and couldn't help but get excited.

Cen Xueluo and the others also entered the entrance of the mysterious canyon together with the others. Just as they stepped into the water-shaped ripples, they felt a blur in front of them, and the space distorted for a moment. Afterwards, the surroundings were already a paradise filled with the fragrance of birds and flowers.

A few pure white birds fluttered their wings and looked at the group of people who suddenly broke into the mysterious canyon from a distance. They flew over with a bit of curiosity, and then avoided it from a distance, and landed on the branch covered with tender green leaves. on it, tilting its head and combing its feathers with its beak.

Unlike the cultivation world, which is always full of chills and the jungle, this place is full of peace, and even the wind is as gentle as a girl's soft hand.

"Is this the mysterious canyon?" Xiao Zijie was dumbfounded, staring around and asking in a murmur.

"If there is no transmission error, it seems to be..." Jun Shaoqun always thought that he was a person who had seen the world, and at this time, he was a little out of his head.

Cen Xueluo looked around and raised his eyebrows strangely: "Hey, why are there only two of us?"

Kevin laughed: "The entrance is randomly teleported, and each team will be sent to a different location to prevent congestion and fights."

Cen Xueluo is also very smart. As soon as Kevin said it, she understood, and took out the wooden sign she had issued before entering the mysterious canyon.A series of numbers were simply engraved on the wooden sign, and the numbers of Kevin and the others happened to be next to hers.Presumably, the team is distinguished by this string of numbers, and then teleported to a certain location in the mysterious canyon.

"This place is really suitable for living." Looking at the picturesque scenery around, Cen Xueluo sighed with emotion.

Kevin put his arms around Luoluo's shoulders, his eyes were as bright as stars, and he said softly, "We'll come here to take care of the elderly after we've dealt with everything we need to do."

Luo Luo, who had just been released from the Zixu space by Cen Xueluo, couldn't help but rolled his eyes when he heard the words: "Don't even think about throwing me the position of the poor palace master again, I have already found my own spring." After finishing speaking, the figure Once fully covered, he jumped onto Qi Long's shoulders, found a comfortable position, and lay down with his head resting on Qi Long's neck.

Qi Long's face couldn't help but darken a bit, and when he was about to make a move, he heard Luo Luo whispering softly: "Those three kids in the space have made too much progress in their cultivation, if sister is happy, I will let you go every minute." All three of them have reached the Nascent Soul stage."

Thinking of the appearance of Qi Yang and the others expecting to fight side by side with him and the others, Qi Long froze, and couldn't help but retract the hand that was about to draw the sword, and asked in a cold voice: "Really?"

"Oh, Xiaolong, when did someone lie to you?" Luo Luo winked at Qi Long, "Don't worry, I'll take care of this matter."

"Then you go and promote them now." Qi Long grabbed Luo Luo and threw it to Cen Xueluo.

"Oh, you're too cruel..." Luo Luo wanted to say a few words to tease Qi Long, but saw Qi Long's long and narrow eyes shining eagerly on his cold face.Luo Luo's heart trembled, and for the first time, he stopped talking and entered Cen Xueluo's Zixu space very obediently.

Cen Xueluo was also very happy to hear that Luo Luo could improve the cultivation of Qi Yang and the three of them, especially Mo Yifan. It would be great if Luo Luo could make Mo Yifan improve his cultivation without exploding.

After walking for a while, the group stopped in front of a three-way intersection.

"It's time to split up." Kevin said in a deep voice, looking back at Xiao Zijie and the gorilla who had been following behind him.

"What?" Xiao Zijie was startled, "Brother Kevin, are you not taking me with you?" Xiao Zijie knew that Kevin and Cen Xueluo must have many secrets that he didn't want to let him know, even the talking civet cat was not simple, And Cen Xueluo didn't know where he hid the civet cat before entering the mysterious canyon, so he brought it in by mistake.But Xiao Zijie didn't want to ask about these things, and he didn't want to know. For him, it was enough for him to stay with Kevin and Cen Xueluo with peace of mind. He knew that only in this way could he save his life and gain the greatest benefit.

The gorilla also looked at Kevin and Cen Xueluo in confusion, not understanding what he did wrong.

"The main reason for you to participate in the Heroes' Meeting is to find some treasures. After you go out, you can have a good future or improve your own cultivation, which is different from our purpose." Cen Xueluo explained to Xiao Zijie and the gorilla with a smile, looking at each other at the same time Glancing at Jun Shaoqun, who seemed to be somewhat enlightened, "Differences are different, we have other important matters, so let's separate here. You keep these pills, and you must pay attention to safety!"

After finishing speaking, Cen Xueluo took out a few more porcelain bottles and handed them to Xiao Zijie and the gorilla.

"Where's mine?" Jun Shaoqun also reached out his hand cheekily to ask for it.

Unexpectedly, he was quite self-conscious.Cen Xueluo pursed her lips and smiled, and also took out four porcelain bottles, two bottles of detoxification pills, and two bottles of qi invigorating pills, and asked Jun Shaoqun and the Lingxiao District player he brought to take them.

Seeing Jun Shaoqun and Xiao Zijie standing together with the same fate, Sidi suddenly said: "The three of us will not go, let's play with Jun Shaoqun and the others, maybe we can meet something good thing."

Sidi's words were within Kevin's expectation. To go to the depths of the mysterious canyon, it is natural that the fewer people go, the better. What's more, there are many crises in the mysterious canyon. After all, Jun Shaoqun and Xiao Zijie are still young. Things are not going well, with Qiao guarding them three, the safety factor is much greater.

As soon as Xiao Zijie and the others left, Cen Xueluo suddenly felt deserted. Xiao Zijie was a bit noisy on weekdays, but he was not used to leaving like this.

Kevin is happy to see this situation. It would be better if there is no such big light bulb as Qi Long.

"Luoluo." Kevin approached Cen Xueluo, and stretched out his arms to wrap around Luoluo's slender waist.

Facing Kevin's sudden intimacy, Cen Xueluo moved a little uncomfortably, a red cloud flew up his cheeks, and responded in a low voice: "Huh?"

Qi Long's face turned dark again, but he was a few steps behind in a sensible manner, giving the two of them some space to be alone.

"Luoluo." Kevin's handsome and charming face moved closer to Cen Xueluo, and the hot air from his breath blew on Cen Xueluo's already red ears.

When Cen Xueluo thought that Kevin was going to say something ambiguous to her, and her heart was pounding nervously, she heard Kevin ask: "If you can gather the medicinal materials Mingli needs this time, are you going to save him immediately?" Nascent Soul?"

(End of this chapter)

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