Chapter 263 A Can
Kevin's sudden question made Cen Xueluo silent.

Cen Xueluo lowered her head slightly, half of her face was covered by the hair hanging from her temples, and her eyes, as clear and bright as spring water, were also covered by the drooping eyelids, making it impossible for Kevin to catch the emotion in her eyes.

"Luoluo." Kevin called out in a panic. He suddenly regretted why he brought up that guy Mingli in such a good atmosphere. After a while, Qi Long's light bulb retreated a little, leaving some of the world between himself and Luoluo. In the solitary space, but I desperately mentioned the guy who had been fighting with me for hundreds of years, completely destroying the good atmosphere.

The butterfly-like eyelashes blinked slightly, and the corners of Cen Xueluo's mouth suddenly curled up slightly, and then the arc became wider and wider.

"Are you laughing?" Kevin seemed to realize something, turned his face awkwardly, and his ears were slightly red.

Cen Xueluo chuckled, "I'm sorry, Kevin, you look so cute when you're jealous and worried. Haha." Since entering the main city of the Demon Palace, Kevin has always been that mature, steady, unfathomable, Seeing that he still cared about him so much, with a strong jealousy and care, Cen Xueluo couldn't help being in a good mood.

Kevin said with a straight face, "You haven't answered my question yet." Although he was a little embarrassed by Cen Xueluo's laugh, he still wanted to know Cen Xueluo's answer very much.

Cen Xueluo stopped her smile and became serious: "Kevin, I must save Mingli."

Kevin sighed, and seemed a little helpless and lost: "I know, in fact, I'm just selfishly hoping that you don't put resuscitating him first."

"Since our relationship is already so stable, I think this matter can be ranked first." Cen Xueluo blinked, with a narrow expression on her delicate and beautiful face.

Hearing this, Kevin couldn't help wrapping his arms around Cen Xueluo's waist, and kissed her flamboyant cheek deeply. At the end, he didn't forget to turn his head and give Qi Long a demonstrative look.

The veins on Qi Long's forehead popped up again, and he communicated with Cen Xueluo: Your man is getting more and more stingy.

Cen Xueluo pursed her lips and smiled without saying a word.In her opinion, maybe she owed the friendship of too many people. Although she couldn't repay them in equal value, these people also occupy a very important position in her heart like relatives, which made Kevin a little neglected. feeling.However, even so, whether Mingli or Qilong, I really can't be ruthless and cold towards them.

Kevin didn't know what was going on in Cen Xueluo's mind. He turned his head and kissed Cen Xueluo's forehead lightly, sighing secretly in his heart.Forget it, as long as I'm the only man Luoluo approves of.

After clearing up his mood, Kevin was just about to use this hard-won time together to sublimate his relationship, but a team of people appeared in front of him and Luoluo.Seeing the team, Kevin's face turned dark.

"It's him." Cen Xueluo said in a low voice, without any hint of surprise in her tone.

Among the group of people, the gray-clothed man standing at the back was the man Luo Luo said had concealed his aura and suppressed his cultivation, and the leader was the handsome Mu Ye with a slightly gloomy brow.Ci'an Temple!Cen Xueluo recited these three words silently in his heart, and looked at the team in front of him who blocked him, with a chill in his eyes.

It was certain that the other party had come prepared, it was not a random encounter at all, and he should have been searching for his trace.It seems that Bai Zhi must also know that she has entered the realm of comprehension, and she doesn't know what status she has in Ci'an Temple, so she can send a team of young talents who participated in the Heroes' Association to use for her, and there is actually a hidden person in this team. A master above the Nascent Soul stage.

Qi Long originally followed far behind, but at this moment his very vigilant figure flashed and flew to Cen Xueluo's side, standing on both sides of Cen Xueluo with Kevin on the left and right.

"Oh, why are there only three of you left? Is this the betrayal of relatives?" Mu Ye looked left and right, and gloated from a distance, "It seems that your teammates also found that you are unreliable. But, like this That's good, it will save us a lot of trouble."

As he said that, the other three young men beside Mu Ye also laughed contemptuously, and one of them, a fit guy, even clasped his hands, knuckles knuckles.

Qi Long didn't say anything, he drew his long sword and pointed it at Mu Ye and the others.

Five against three, Mu Ye sized up Kevin, Qi Long and Cen Xueluo, hesitating how to allocate them better, the man in gray suddenly stepped forward and said in a deep voice, "That girl, leave it to me."

Mu Ye seemed a little reluctant, but he didn't dare to provoke the gray-clothed man, so he nodded with displeasure: "Ah Can, I'll leave it to you."

This gray-clothed man actually has a very low sense of presence. If he keeps silent, he will be easily overlooked, and he will even be regarded as the follower of Mu Ye and others by default.But Cen Xueluo knew that the most dangerous person in this group was the man in gray.

Seeing Mu Ye's expression, Cen Xueluo understood even more that their target was indeed herself, so this man named Ah Can directly targeted herself and did not allow other people to make mistakes.

Facing the somewhat unfathomable Ah Can, Cen Xueluo was full of fighting spirit and eager to try.

Stretching out his slender hand, the blue lightsaber shone with a blue light, causing a buzzing sound in the air, and waves of air rushed towards A Can.

Ah Can reacted very quickly, pointing his toes, his body had already risen into the air and retreated. He was 200 meters away in the blink of an eye, and at the same time a long sword appeared in his hand.When the long sword as black as ink was swung, it seemed as if the surrounding sky dimmed.

"Sword of Killing Heaven." Kevin blurted out, and couldn't help sending a sound transmission to Luoluo, "The sword is highly poisonous, and its aura is very strange, so don't touch it."

How can you play without touching?Cen Xueluo's heart was full of fighting spirit, and it was impossible to just blindly avoid it. As for the poison of the Heaven Slaughter Sword, she really wanted to know whether it was the poison she had prepared, or the poison on the sword.

"Sunset Sword Dance!" Ah Can shouted in a low voice.With the flickering of his figure, the black Heaven Slaughter Sword was like a huge brush, swiping ink in the sky, drawing chapters of his own in this mysterious canyon like a paradise of peach blossoms.

I didn't expect that the moves of Ah Can, who had a very low sense of existence, would be so poetic and picturesque, but there are murderous intentions everywhere in this elegant and handsome picture like a landscape painting.Cen Xueluo's crescent eyebrows stretched out, she didn't look nervous at all, and very casually tapped the blue light sword at the place with the most ink in the landscape painting in front of her.

There is a touch of blue light in the ink, as if welcoming the first light in the darkness, revealing a little bit of blue sky.Immediately afterwards, the landscape painting suddenly became brighter, and all the dark and heavy colors were fragmented, leaving behind the pure blue like a clear sky.

"Ultimate move." Ah Can seemed a little surprised. After closing his posture, he stood with his sword in his hand and looked at Cen Xueluo from a distance, but he didn't make another move.

Cen Xueluo's seemingly random strike just now was indeed one of the ultimate moves that he had learned on the parchment scroll, but A Can recognized it all of a sudden.

"Yes." Cen Xueluo readily admitted.She is also very curious about the origin of this parchment scroll, after all, the sword intent contained in this ultimate move is indeed profound and back to basics.It is as if a person who has understood the sword intent to the extreme finally realized it and changed all the complicated moves into seven simple moves. However, if he wants to integrate these seven moves, he needs to know thousands of changes.It seems simple, but it is difficult.

"This is the martial skill that all cultivators who use swords dream of." Ah Can's eyes burst out with eager light, like a star chaser seeing his idol, and there was still strong emotion in his eyes.Such fiery eyes ignited Ah Can's ordinary appearance, and made people feel that this person added a bit of manliness.

Cen Xueluo blinked, but did not speak.It can be seen that Ah Can is a person who pursues martial arts, otherwise he would not have such a cultivation base at such a young age.

Ah Can was silent for a while, then looked straight at Cen Xueluo and asked, "The parchment of the ultimate move is wrapped around you?"

Cen Xueluo was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "That's right. Anyway, we will inevitably fight, if you want, you can defeat me!"

"Haha." Ah Can suddenly laughed, and glanced at Mu Ye and the others who were far away from him and Cen Xueluo. The original fierce murderous aura faded a bit, "Although a battle is inevitable, the meaning is different."

Cen Xueluo looked at A Can suspiciously. The change in his breath had not been hidden from Cen Xueluo, which made Cen Xueluo wonder how this ultimate move would affect his fight with A Can.

"The condition for me to join Ci'an Temple is to learn ultimate moves." After Ah Can absorbed his murderous aura, he became ordinary again, as if there was nothing special about him, "But I have been in Ci'an Temple for five years. Apart from helping them with their missions, they didn't touch any advanced martial arts at all. Now I suddenly understand that they don't have the ultimate martial arts at all."

"Maybe they also have a pair of parchments." Cen Xueluo said.

A Can glanced at Cen Xueluo: "There is only one pair of parchment scrolls, which cannot be imitated or copied."

He didn't expect that the martial skill that Li handed over to him was so powerful, and it was even the top martial skill that sword-wielding cultivators could only dream of.For a moment, Cen Xueluo didn't know how to evaluate this talent.It is said that he has ulterior motives, but he has saved himself countless times, and even gave him the treasure that many people dream of, but he has ulterior motives in saying that he is good to himself.Li, what kind of person are you?However, no matter who you are, my promise to you will be fulfilled!

(End of this chapter)

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