The cold medicine of rebirth is poisonous

Chapter 264 Mysterious Canyon Bottom

Chapter 264 Mysterious Canyon Bottom
Yes, no matter what purpose Li has, I will save him.Just for him to take me through rebirth, just for him to take me on the path of cultivation, just for him to save myself several times...

Cen Xueluo's eyes gradually became firmer, and with a thought, the parchment recording the killing move appeared in his hands.Facing the wind, she smiled slightly at the hot-eyed Ah Can: "If you want it, you can get it yourself!"

"It's natural to take it, but it has a different meaning from before." Ah Can sighed, "Originally, the mission I received was to kill you here, but now there is no need for a life-and-death struggle. There are sheepskin scrolls, which must have been taught to you by the pavilion master himself, so it has a certain relationship with my pavilion."

Cen Xueluo was about to ask what pavilion and who the owner of the pavilion was, when he heard Mu Ye, who was fighting with Kevin over there, shout loudly: "Ah Can, what are you writing on? Could it be that Senior Sister Bai and Elder Lu ordered you to forget?" Yet?"

"Of course not." A smile appeared on the corner of Ah Can's lips, but his eyes shone brightly, and he slightly bowed to Cen Xueluo, "Sorry, let me take care of the housework first, shall we continue talking?"

As soon as the last words were spoken, Ah Can, who was facing Cen Xueluo far away, had disappeared in place, leaving only an afterimage.

So fast!Cen Xueluo's pupils shrank, and she hurriedly turned around to look.

Qi Long's moves were always very sharp, but at this time the two Ci'an Temple disciples obviously had coordinated martial arts skills, so Qi Long who had reached the Nascent Soul Stage couldn't get rid of them for a while.

Mu Ye and the Ci'an Temple disciple also cooperated tacitly. Kevin performed with ease, but he didn't know whether it was because of the suppression of his cultivation or other reasons, and he couldn't collide with Mu Ye and the Ci'an Temple disciple.

However, this deadlock was broken by Ah Can who suddenly turned against him.

Ah Can's shot quite fits the three words - fast, ruthless, and accurate!

Ci'an Temple already belongs to a rather ancient sect in the field of comprehension, with a profound heritage.Among them, the martial arts that the disciples of the sect cooperate with each other have gone through thousands of years of repeated deliberation, and the cooperation is seamless and complements each other.

Qi Long and Kevin couldn't break through for a while, but Ah Can's sword passed between Mu Ye and another Ci'an Temple disciple, and separated Mu Ye from that Ci'an Temple disciple.

At first glance, this sword wasn't very aggressive, and it didn't have any threatening effect on Mu Ye and that disciple.But this sword completely broke up the cooperative martial arts between Mu Ye and that disciple.

As soon as this gap was revealed, Kevin stepped in directly, and knocked the surprised disciple of Ci'an Temple unconscious with a knife in his hand.And Mu Ye's angry face was distorted, and he yelled at Ah Can: "Ah Can! What are you doing? Are you going to betray the teacher?"

"Master's school?" Ah Can sneered disdainfully, "My teacher's school is Wuying Pavilion, which has nothing to do with Ci'an Temple!"

Mu Ye was obviously not Ah Can's opponent, but it was just one move that decided the victory.After Ah Can finished speaking the last word, his sword pierced through Mu Ye's throat.

For a person like Ah Can, since he has revealed his biggest secret, he will definitely not leave a life for those who participated in the Heroes' Meeting in Ci'an Temple this time.

The two disciples of Ci'an Temple that Qi Long was facing were also very panicked. As soon as Ah Can flew past, they wanted to run in a very tacit understanding. Unfortunately, in terms of speed, Ah Can seemed to be better, and quickly killed the two. People are also resolved.

Kevin and Qi Long still hadn't realized it, they flew over and stood beside Cen Xueluo, a little confused.

Ah Canzhe came back, and after finishing off the Ci'an Temple disciple who knocked Kevin unconscious, he carefully inspected the four corpses that had no signs of life, and then took out the storage bags on the four corpses very skillfully. After getting out, he used one of the storage bags to put the four corpses in, and finally blasted the ground into a deep hole with his inner breath, and buried the storage bag in it.

The whole process was done in one go, Cen Xueluo and her little friends were shocked...

"This... this is how many house robberies you have done to be so proficient!" Cen Xueluo murmured.

A flash of light flashed in Kevin's mind, he stared at A Can and asked, "Wuying Pavilion?"

Ah Can clapped his hands, put away his sword, and returned to his ordinary, harmless appearance, and said flatly, "Yes. I belong to Wuying Pavilion."

"Then why are you with the people from Ci'an Temple?" Kevin asked strangely.

Ah Can didn't seem to like to explain too much, so he glanced at Cen Xueluo before replying, "For a volume of martial arts."

"It's the parchment scroll Li gave me, which records the seven ultimate moves." Cen Xueluo added.

"Li? You mean Master Mingli?" Ah Can suddenly became agitated, and two blushes appeared on his face that had been completely blank for a long time, and he shouted nervously.

"Do you know Mingli?" Cen Xueluo raised her eyebrows and looked at the excited Ah Can, and asked very cautiously.

Kevin smiled wryly: "If I'm not mistaken, that Wuying Pavilion is a sect formed by Mingli at will. It not only has a complete intelligence organization, but also cultivated many killers, right?"

"You all know Lord Mingli?" Ah Can calmed down a little, but his cheeks were still flushed. He coughed and said calmly, "That's right, our Wuying Pavilion was established by Lord Mingli. In the field of comprehension back then, intelligence information was also one of the best, but since Master Mingli disappeared, Wuying Pavilion has been surrounded by many sects and those who claim to be righteous, and many precious materials have been burned. The volume of killing moves was originally It is the most classic inherited martial skill for training assassins in the Wuying Pavilion, who knew it would be lost."

Having said this, Ah Can's face was a little gloomy and regretful.For him, revitalizing Wuying Pavilion is his greatest wish.

In fact, not only Ah Can, but also countless orphans adopted by Mingli back then, are now well-known masters, and they have also inherited the habits of Mingli back then, and adopted countless gifted orphans to train them, It has become the successor force of Wuying Pavilion.

"It seems that Mingli not only founded the Wuying Pavilion, but also some other sects." After Kevin finished speaking, he stared at Ah Can's reaction, wanting to see if he knew how powerful Mingli was. .

Ah Can helplessly spread his hands and shrugged his shoulders: "I know that Master Mingli will definitely not be limited to the development of Wuying Pavilion, but I was adopted by Wuying Pavilion since I was a child, and I taught it all by myself, regardless of Master Mingli. How about other forces, it is my responsibility to revive Wuying Pavilion!"

"I know. But, I think that if you want to make an ultimate move, you must get Mingli's consent." Cen Xueluo pondered for a while and said.

"Master Mingli? Can you contact Master Mingli?" Ah Can's eyes became wild again, and his body trembled with excitement.

"Yes." After Cen Xueluo answered, she paused, "But not now. We still have things to do, so you have to wait. I promise, I will give you an answer within three months."

"No problem!" Ah Can replied briskly, his originally gloomy face became a little brighter, "I have been waiting in Ci'an Temple for 15 years, is there still such a short time? Three, can I follow you?" ? I promise with the reputation of the Wuying Pavilion that I will never have any ill intentions for you, and I will help you as much as possible during this time."

Even though Ah Can is cruel, he is still a man, everything is on the bright side, he is upright, not at all like the kind of killer who hides in the dark and will stab you at any time.

Of course, these were all Cen Xueluo's secret thoughts.If Cen Xueluo knew that when Ah Can was eight years old, he had already buried himself in the jungle with a dagger and poison for half a month, and then forcibly assassinated a cultivator whose cultivation level was one level higher than his own, wouldn't he know? Would Cen Xueluo feel that her three views were about to be destroyed?

Mysterious Canyon, according to the name, it can be known that the most mysterious place here must be a Grand Canyon.This canyon is formed naturally. The cliffs on both sides are as high as tens of thousands of meters. The bottom of the canyon is unfathomable and white clouds are floating.Legend has it that Xiao Qianzhi came out of this valley. Some people say that there are a lot of treasures planted at the bottom of the canyon. If you are lucky enough to get one, your cultivation will surely break through the Nascent Soul stage. Some people say that there are a lot of treasures inside. , are handed down by the masters who were astounding the world back then. Once obtained, the future is unlimited, but no matter how outrageous the rumors are, after so many years, no one knows what the bottom of the canyon is like, because if you go down and think None of those who sought wealth and wealth came back alive.Over time, this canyon has been stained with a touch of mystery.

At this time, the sun is just right, the spring is bright, there are colorful flowers at the bottom of the canyon, and a few butterflies are flying happily, a scene full of vitality.

An old man with gray hair and beard was wearing a bamboo hat and a loose gown, sitting leisurely on the ground with his back against an old willow tree, his eyes closed as if he was in deep sleep.

And not far from the old willow tree, there is a lake that is crystal clear, and there are silver fishes swimming in the lake.An old man, also wearing a bamboo hat and coir raincoat, was fishing leisurely with a fishing rod in one hand, and a volume of books in the other hand, reading with gusto.

This is what Cen Xueluo saw when Kevin led Cen Xueluo, Qi Long, and A Can into the bottom of the mysterious canyon through the secret passage.

"Is this the bottom of the mysterious canyon? Did Xiao Qianzhi go out from here?" Cen Xueluo looked dazzled.When I first entered the mysterious canyon, I already felt that the mysterious canyon was like a paradise, but I didn't know that the most beautiful place was at the bottom of the mysterious canyon!What a leisurely, good place to cultivate sentiment!

(End of this chapter)

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