Chapter 265 Li, Wake Up

As soon as Cen Xueluo finished speaking, the sound that came out was like a stone falling into the water, creating ripples in the air out of thin air.

Cen Xueluo was taken aback, and before he had time to ask what was going on, he saw the old man fishing and the old man leaning against the old willow tree turned their heads to look at himself and the other three at the same time, the expressions on their faces could not have been more surprised. How surprised, how terrified, how terrified.

Don't panic, sir, we are not bad people!When Cen Xueluo subconsciously regarded these two old people as ordinary old people in the secular world, and was about to explain and comfort him, he saw the old man with his back leaning against the old willow tree jumping up and onto the branches of the willow tree, He tapped the willow stick that was so soft that he couldn't exert any force on it with his toe, and his body flew out like an arrow from the string.And the other old man fishing was even more exaggerated. He was still holding a fishing rod in his hand, and he had already stepped on a flying sword with radiant lights. He disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye. With a silver fish flying up and down with the fishing line.

In the distance, two old men could still hear their screams: "He's back again——"

This... This will definitely not be an old man in the secular world!Cen Xueluo stared at the small black dot that was so blurred that he couldn't see it clearly, thinking with some depression.

Kevin's expression was as disgusting as if he had eaten a fly.Since they are all peerless masters, why don't they pretend to be so frightened, the acting is too devoted!It felt like an old man who looked like he had just finished dancing in the square at night and was strolling home. He suddenly ran into a robber who robbed him, so he jumped up from the ground while exclaiming in surprise, using the lost method of flying on the grass. It's like running away after a long time of peerless lightness kung fu.

"Now, do you know why Xiao Qianzhi is not normal?" Kevin coughed lightly, adjusted his facial expression, and said to Cen Xueluo.

"Indeed. If you are surrounded by people like this, it's inevitable that you will be affected in the process of growing up." Cen Xueluo nodded in agreement.

"That's not what I meant." Kevin stretched out his finger and pointed in the direction where the old fishing man was fleeing, "That's Xiao Qianzhi's father."

It turned out to be a strong genetic factor!Cen Xueluo and Ah Can nodded in understanding, and even Qi Long blinked a little more calmly.

At the bottom of the mysterious canyon, there are a lot of genius treasures planted as rumored. There are many priceless treasures in the cultivation world, which are randomly planted in the fields like Chinese cabbage.Cen Xueluo could feel that the aura here was not only abundant, but also extremely pure. Cultivating in such an environment would not only get twice the result with half the effort, but also maintain the purity of the inner breath, and be stronger than a cultivator of the same level.

"I really want to pick all these herbs and take them away!" Cen Xueluo said with emotion as she looked at the large medicinal fields.

Kevin stood by Cen Xueluo's side, just half a head taller than Cen Xueluo, shielding Cen Xueluo from the not too hot sun, looking at the large medicine field, and echoing with sympathy: " I came here with the same thoughts as you."

Ah Can immediately rolled his eyes, and said very bluntly: "I'm afraid you not only thought about it, but also did it very thoroughly, right? Otherwise, you can scare the two old people like that just now?"

Ah Can doesn’t talk much. When he is silent, his sense of existence is so low that you will almost forget him, but when he opens his mouth, he is definitely a guy who pulls hatred. His tongue is so poisonous that you can’t wait to abolish his vocal cords. He couldn't make a sound.

That's what Kevin is thinking now through gnashing of teeth.

"It seems that you searched really hard!" Cen Xueluo couldn't help biting her lips and giggling when she thought of the reaction of the two old men.

Kevin touched his nose in embarrassment, and said to him from left to right: "Xiao Lao and Huang Lao are famous for their big mouths, and now the whole hidden world village may know that I'm back."

As soon as this sentence was finished, a large group of people flew over from a distance, old and young, a total of twenty or thirty people.Some are stepping on flying swords, some are sitting on gourds, some are holding long knives, some are holding spatulas, and some are even bare-handed, but the expressions of these people are very consistent, full of bitterness and hatred, full of defense!
"You little cunning, what are you trying to blackmail?" Mr. Huang was the old man who was resting against the old willow tree. At this time, his white beard was raised and raised as he spoke, and he was particularly happy.

"That's right, Grandpa Master, we don't have any more treasures here!" A boy who looked about fifteen or sixteen years old also blinked his big black and white eyes, and said pitifully.

Someone actually called Kevin a grandfather, so wouldn't he be a grandmother too?Cen Xueluo coughed a little because she couldn't get used to it, and held back the smile that was about to overflow the corners of her lips.

Kevin glanced around and held his forehead with a headache: "Why are you looking at me like this, I'm not a robber, okay?"

Cen Xueluo let out a chuckle: "It seems that they are really robbed by you."

Kevin shook his head, and spread his hands to everyone in the hidden world village: "I'm just here to get the things I left here before, you don't need to make such a big battle."

Everyone in the hidden world village stood there dumbfounded.

"Are you really going to take it?" Huang Lao's expression became very serious, his eyes lit up for a while, and he scanned Kevin up and down like a radar.

Xiao Qianzhi's father also put away his laughing attitude, and sighed: "It's probably not the time yet."

"It's time." Kevin replied with a smile, then looked at the other people in the hidden world village, and bowed slowly, "I'm sorry for letting you guard this place for many years."

The atmosphere froze for an instant.

Cen Xueluo stared at the expressions of everyone in the Hidden World Village, and realized that what Kevin said must be an extremely important thing, and he has troubled so many cultivators with unfathomable cultivation to guard it for him.For some reason, Cen Xueluo still vaguely felt that the atmosphere was a bit weird.

"We are so ashamed of what the lord said." Elder Xiao slowly cupped his fists and sighed, "If it wasn't the lord who sealed us here back then, I don't know how many troubles we would have caused. The demonic nature is completely exhausted now. Go, and we've come to our senses too."

"That's right." Bai Lao recalled the past, and he also sighed, "Back then we practiced the magic kung fu in order to improve our cultivation base, but we were cruel and bloodthirsty, and our relatives refused to admit it. Now we don't have the aggressive ones back then. My heart is also used to this paradise-like life, and I don’t plan to go anywhere.”

"That's right, Palace Master, we don't plan to go anywhere!" Others also catered to him.

Kevin's expression was very gratified: "Thank you for your understanding. But since everyone has successfully controlled the demons, then this restriction is not necessary! So I will take it away!"

Seeing that Kevin had made up his mind, everyone couldn't help giving way with admiration.

Cen Xueluo stretched out her hand to grab Kevin's arm, and asked in a low voice, "Is it dangerous?"

All of a sudden, everyone's eyes were focused on Cen Xueluo.

Cen Xueluo blushed immediately.What is the difference between asking yourself in a low voice and shouting out loud!These people are all cultivators!The sharp ears are like rabbits, what sounds can't you hear? !The most exaggerated thing is that it's nothing more than hearing it, but they don't know how to hide it at all, and they all look at themselves!

"The lady of the hall master is very beautiful!"

"Yes, if something happens to the Palace Master, we will definitely take good care of the Palace Master's wife!"

"Bah! You old and immortal crow's mouth! You are cursing the Palace Master! Palace Master, you can go at ease, we will definitely take care of the affairs behind us!"

Kevin looked at this group of live treasures who had been isolated from the world for a long time, and was very speechless: "It's just a demon seed, don't make it look like I'm going to die, okay?"

"Demon Seed?" Qi Long and Ah Can couldn't help calling out.

Cen Xueluo looked bewildered.

"Don't worry, I couldn't refine it back then, which doesn't mean I can't do it now." Kevin gave everyone a comforting smile, "Although my cultivation base is greatly damaged now, my state of mind is stable and my spiritual realm is relatively high. If you are strong, you will be strong, and if you are weak, you will be weak. My cultivation level is now low, but it is beneficial."

Qi Long fell silent, while Ah Can hesitated to speak, his expression became dignified.

"Kevin..." Cen Xueluo called out and closed her mouth again.It seems that Kevin has made up his mind. If he is not forced to, I believe he will not risk his life. Since he has a reason to do so, all he can do is support him with all his strength.

As if sensing what Cen Xueluo was thinking, Kevin stretched out his hand to hold Cen Xueluo's little hand, and said through voice transmission while holding her, "Don't worry, there is still time. You can gather enough herbs to save the star before we talk. If he Waking up will be very helpful for me to refine the demon seeds."

Is that right?Cen Xueluo asked silently in her heart, but bit her lip and stopped talking.Whether it is true or not, the only thing I can do right now is to save Xing Mingli!

The hidden world village has kept the room where Kevin once lived, which is very simple but very clean and tidy.

Cen Xueluo stayed in Kevin's room back then, while Kevin took Qi Long and A Can to another room.

The people in Hidden World Village are very nimble, and they have a very deep understanding of medicinal materials and genius treasures. They quickly prepared the medicinal materials that Cen Xueluo needed, and even one or two medicinal materials had better properties than what Cen Xueluo requested. .

After checking all the medicinal materials and adjusting his breath, Cen Xueluo habitually placed restrictions around the room, took out the alchemy furnace, and prepared to start alchemy.

Cen Xueluo used to go to the Zixu space for alchemy, but now, Qi Yang, Qi Kai, Mo Yifan, and even Luo Luo are all in the Zixu space, so it might be inconvenient for Cen Xueluo to go there, so he might as well just go there. The refining begins in Kevin's room.

Fortunately, the aura contained in the hidden world village is no worse than that in the Zixu space.

Li, sorry for letting you sleep for so long!Time to wake up too!Cen Xueluo was thinking silently in her heart, her beautiful face was full of seriousness and solemnity, she was staring at the alchemy furnace in her hand, with a wave of her hand, a white radiant flame ignited under the alchemy furnace.

(End of this chapter)

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