The cold medicine of rebirth is poisonous

Chapter 38 Meet the old friend again

Chapter 38 Meet the old friend again
Mo Yifan, did you hear me right?The steps that Cen Xueluo had just started stopped immediately, and her slender back froze for a moment, and then the voice that followed confirmed the fact that Mo Yifan appeared again.

"Brother? Why don't you ask...Ask him what he has done?" Facing the group's questioning, Mo Yifan wiped the blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, his eyes filled with hatred.

As soon as Mo Yifan finished speaking, he was punched hard on the shoulder and pushed on the chest a few times. He staggered and leaned his back against the wall, his right eye was slightly swollen. His eyeballs were bloodshot, but he still stared fearlessly at the dozen or so people surrounding him.

"You kid! You really don't know what's good!" The one who punched Mo Yifan was a young man about 24 or [-] years old. Nail, looking very trendy in a skinny black T-shirt and jeans.

At this moment, he withdrew his fist, chewing gum, and gestured viciously at Mo Yifan, "You have been in the Black Tiger Gang for a long time, has Brother Jun treated you badly? How the fuck are you eating inside and out? What are you looking at! You are qualified!" Did Brother Guan Jun do anything?" Seeing Mo Yifan's unconvinced eyes, the man with yellow hair and black clothes couldn't help punching Mo Yifan again.

Mo Yifan's body was shaken by the yellow hair, his teeth were bared, but his face was still stubborn: "Cheng Fei, you don't know about that, it has nothing to do with you. But you can ask him, ask Xiao Liu, my brother How did Mo Yiping die back then!"

As Mo Yifan said, he stretched out his finger and pointed at a thin-looking boy among those who beat him. The boy shrank his neck when he saw Mo Yifan pointing at him, a little flustered.

"Xiao Liu, what's the matter?" Cheng Fei tilted his head and looked at Xiao Liu suspiciously.

"Brother Fei, I..." Xiao Liu stammered in reply, his eyes rolling wildly.

"Brother Fei, Brother Jun asked you to take some of us to deal with this kid Mo Yifan. Let's just beat him up and catch him and hand him over to Brother Jun. Don't meddle in your own business, shall we?" The rather sturdy bald head cut in and said.

Cheng Fei was a little hesitant, although he was also a gangster, shouting, beating and killing all day without doing his job, but he never participated in messy things.He knew about Brother Jun's drug trafficking, and he also knew that Brother Jun was murdered, but for him, it was enough to have a place where he could eat, live and play, and he didn't want to know anything else.

Seeing Cheng Fei's hesitation, the bald head didn't say any more, and directly called his brothers to beat up Mo Yifan and take him back.

The bald head is very strong, 1.8 meters [-] tall, with a black hurdle vest wrapped in a muscular body, his fist is big, and he punches very hard, Cheng Fei watched the bald head's fist raised beside him and fiercely towards Mo Yifan's face waved towards him, he moved his fingers to stop him, but in the end he just blinked his eyes and didn't reach out. Then he saw the bald head suddenly twist his fist, and his whole arm hangs down limply.

"Ah!" Guangtou yelled, and opened his mouth ferociously, "Who is sneaking up on me!"

Mo Yifan was leaning against the wall panting, he knew that the punch he received from the bald head would probably kill him, and the bald head was an amateur boxer, one punch could break two bricks, but he was already exhausted, Three consecutive hours of running away and being chased had exhausted all his strength, maybe he was destined to confess to this point today, but he didn't expect that he still didn't avenge Mo Yiping in the end.

Just when Mo Yifan closed his eyes in despair and was about to bear the heavy punch from the bald head, he suddenly heard the bald head's roar, and then, an extremely familiar voice that he never dared to dream of came to his ears: "Sorry, I was passing by!"

"I was passing by." This sentence almost became Cen Xueluo's opening remarks. From the first time Mo Yifan saw Cen Xueluo, she coldly dropped such a sentence and turned to leave.

Following the voice, Mo Yifan raised his head and looked around, and saw Cen Xueluo squatting on the wall in a refreshing but extremely unladylike manner, with his back to the sun, the golden sunlight came out from behind his slim figure, as if his whole body was emitting light. .The familiar and delicate face was looking at him with raised eyebrows. Although his face was expressionless, Mo Yifan clearly felt the concern revealed in those clear eyes.Mo Yifan raised his head, squinted his eyes and looked at this girl who had grown a lot taller and still looked cold and warm-hearted, and showed a smile with difficulty.

The bald head was still fierce, and he glared at Cen Xueluo fiercely and shouted: "Bitch, it's okay, get out, I don't hit women!"

A group of punks looked up in surprise at the wall where there was an extra person at some point. What was even more surprising was that there was such a beautiful girl squatting on the wall. Her eyes lit up and she whistled. The others burst into laughter and started talking nonsense.

"The bald head is too unsympathetic, be careful to scare this little beauty!"

"That's right, beauty, come down and play?"

"Climbing so high, be careful not to fall, brother will feel bad!"

Hearing the smoky words of the people below, Cen Xueluo's face remained unchanged, but his eyes narrowed, with a flash of displeasure.

Cheng Fei is the only sane person here. Although he is often fierce and aggressive, he is not lustful, and has his own views of right and wrong in his heart. He looked up at the girl squatting on the wall, and then looked half Mo Yifan, who was leaning against the wall in a state of embarrassment but smiling, felt a sense of vigilance in his heart, and asked loudly, "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

Cen Xueluo tilted her head slightly, looking playful, but her cold expression could not make people see her as a cute and harmless little girl. She looked down at the yellow hair who was shouting at her, and a sneer appeared on the corner of her lips : "I said, I was passing by."

"Little beauty, don't leave when you pass by, come down, my brothers will take you to a fun place." The punks at the bottom started laughing again, making teasing words.

Cen Xueluo originally wanted to save Mo Yifan and leave, but when he heard these words, he laughed angrily, an extremely sweet smile suddenly appeared on his indifferent face, and he replied coquettishly, "Okay."

Seeing the girl's sudden change, an ominous premonition suddenly flashed in Cheng Fei's heart. He wanted to stop his brothers, but just as he opened his mouth, he saw a figure flash, a sneer came from his ear, and then his neck went numb. In an instant, his whole body was limp and weak, and his body couldn't help leaning against the wall beside him, barely standing.

What happened after that made Cheng Fei dumbfounded. A white shadow jumped from the wall and fell into the middle of his brother. The bald head aimed at the girl's foothold and was about to kick it unceremoniously. With a turn of the body, he flew up like a wild goose and raised his body, pointing his toes on the bald flying calf. Cheng Fei didn't see what happened, but he heard Mo Yifan shout: "Be careful!"

As soon as Mo Yifan finished speaking, his bald and sturdy body had already fallen on his back.

(End of this chapter)

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