The cold medicine of rebirth is poisonous

Chapter 39 It's Not Scientific

Chapter 39 It's Not Scientific
Thanks to the village girl for her great encouragement, Ruochu will continue to work hard~~ In order to express the excitement in my heart, I will add a chapter today~ The second chapter will be delivered on time at [-] pm

After only one meeting, an amateur boxer was knocked down by this seemingly slender and weak girl. Immediately afterwards, the surrounding gangsters swarmed up, obliterating the girl's figure, but they didn't want to scream one after another, and finally fell to the ground. , All fell into a coma.

There were a total of twelve silver needles in Cen Xueluo's hands. Except for the two on the bald head, each of the others had used up one of them. He clapped his hands, turned his head, and saw Cheng Fei and the same Mo Yifan was stunned, Cen Xueluo smiled and asked, "Your name is Cheng Fei, right?"

Cheng Fei nodded, couldn't help swallowing, and couldn't help but look at the brothers who were lying on the ground without life or death again, his eyes were full of horror: "What's going on? How did you do it?"

"That's how it was done!" Cen Xueluo shrugged, not intending to explain Cheng Fei's confusion.

Cheng Fei looked at Cen Xueluo's thin and slender body, his face turned red and then pale, and suddenly said a word: "Impossible! Impossible! This is unscientific!"

The corner of Cen Xueluo's mouth twitched, and he looked at Cheng Fei with a strange kind of science are you talking about with me like a triad?Let me tell you about the relationship between pressure and flow velocity, do you understand?If I were Sister Science, I wouldn't travel back!Cen Xueluo cursed inwardly, rolled his eyes, and fell on the face of Mo Yifan who had been staring at him, and asked, "He punched you just now, do you want to hit you back?"

The corner of Mo Yifan's mouth twitched, his eyes swept over the people lying on the ground, and he really wanted to ask how Cen Xueluo did it?But Cheng Fei had already said his lines, and he could tell that Cen Xueluo didn't want to answer this question.Turning his head and glanced at Cheng Fei who was leaning weakly against the wall, Mo Yifan shook his head bitterly: "Forget it, he is still a loyal person. It's not his fault."

"Can I still go?" Cen Xueluo asked softly, looking at Mo Yifan's torn T-shirt and bruised face.

Mo Yifan nodded, moved a bit, immediately took a painful breath, gritted his teeth to hold back, and then took two steps slowly.

Seeing that Cen Xueluo and Mo Yifan were about to leave, Cheng Fei, who was limp on the wall, finally reacted, struggled a bit and shouted, "Hey, what should we do when you leave?"

Cen Xueluo looked back at Cheng Fei who was sweating profusely, and seemed to remember something, turned around and said seriously: "It's okay to let you go, but you must promise me two things."

Seeing Cheng Fei nodding, Cen Xueluo stretched out his finger: "First, don't tell what happened today, including what you saw later; second, don't trouble Mo Yifan in the future!"

Hearing Cen Xueluo's request, Cheng Fei looked at Mo Yifan with a look of embarrassment on his face.

Mo Yifan pondered for a while, and tried to persuade him: "I still know Cheng Fei, he is a man who keeps his word, but whether he wants to trouble me or not doesn't matter, it depends on whether Brother Jun is willing..." Speaking of Brother Jun, a flash of hatred flashed in Mo Yifan's eyes, and he spit out the name through gritted teeth.

Observing Mo Yifan's reaction and thinking of what he said before, Cen Xueluo's heart skipped a beat. It seemed that Mo Yiping's death was not that simple, and probably had something to do with this brother Jun.

"Okay, you just need to make sure that you don't cause trouble for Mo Yifan. As for Brother Jun, we have our own solutions." Cen Xueluo raised his eyes to stare at Cheng Fei, and said in a cold voice.

Cheng Fei nodded solemnly, and then he saw Cen Xueluo walking between the unconscious brothers lying on the ground, bending down and touching each of them, before walking in front of him, Stretching out his hand, a cold feeling brushed past his neck, and he felt a slight pain in his neck, and then all the strength in his body seemed to return.

Stretching his wrist, Cheng Fei looked at Cen Xueluo in amazement. In his opinion, what happened today was as miraculous as making a movie. Could it be the legendary acupressure?I have met an expert!After thinking for a while, Cheng Fei shouted to the backs of Cen Xueluo and Mo Yifan: "I guess Brother Jun won't let it go, you have to be careful!"

The sun is still hanging steadily in the sky, ignoring the people on the ground sweating and continuing to glow and heat. The path is sparsely populated, passing a small poplar forest, feeling the freshness of the trees under the shade, which gives a cool feeling.

Mo Yifan stopped under a tall poplar tree, then leaned his back against the trunk of the poplar tree, and didn't intend to leave anymore.

Cen Xueluo turned her head and looked around, turned her head and saw Mo Yifan's eyes were lowered and his lips were tightly pursed, and he couldn't help but ask, "Aren't you leaving?"

Mo Yifan's eyelids moved, but he was still looking at the ground. The corners of his lips twitched but he took a painful breath: "Let's go? Where are you going?"

Cen Xueluo opened her lips, but finally closed them tightly, because she suddenly realized that she couldn't make any suggestions at all, it was impossible to ask him to go to her house for a sit down, right?I don’t have the money to treat guests when I go to a restaurant. Could it be that I can sit in the cool air, drink tea, and talk about my life ideals in the space I left?
One of the two was silent and depressed, while the other was indifferent and not good at talking, so they stood under the tree without saying a word for half an hour at a time.

Occasionally, one or two pedestrians pass by on the small road. If you look at it, you will think it is a quarrel between young couples. There is also an old woman with a vegetable basket walking by, smiling and persuading: "It's a hot day, don't stay here if you have any awkwardness." Hold on, what if you suffer from heat stroke?"

Cen Xueluo and Mo Yifan were embarrassed for a while, and finally Mo Yifan looked up at the bright red sun in the sky, sighed and said, "Go to my house and sit down."

Cen Xueluo hadn't been to Mo Yifan's house for a long time. After Mo Yiping's accident, Cen Xueluo had been there a few times, but the doors were locked, the dust was dense, and weeds even grew out of the cracks in the door. After that, Cen Xueluo never went there again. She even thought that the dilapidated old house had already been demolished.

Facts have proved that this piece of house that could collapse at any time is full of vitality, and its sturdiness is beyond Cen Xueluo's imagination. Except that the walls are more colorful, there are almost no major changes in the past two years.

Mo Yifan took out a key and tried to insert it into the rust-covered keyhole. After a few times, he managed to insert half of it in but couldn't twist it. Mo Yifan put the key away with a wry smile and sighed. Looking at the wooden door, he took two steps back.

When Cen Xueluo was considering whether to break the lock with internal force, Mo Yifan suddenly took a deep breath, raised his foot and kicked it violently, a burst of dust floated from the old wooden board, and then The wooden door creaked open with a rusty iron lock.

Mo Yifan waved his hand, waited for the dust to disperse, silently looked at the weeds all over the yard, then turned his head to look at Cen Xueluo seriously and said: "Here, since my brother left, I have never been back .”

Cen Xueluo nodded silently, expressing her understanding of Mo Yifan's feelings.Probably because he is afraid of seeing things and thinking about others, such an angelic boy is actually like this...

Mo Yifan took another look at the house that had been left unoccupied for a long time, his eyes were distant and full of nostalgia, through the half-covered paper shell on the window, he seemed to see Mo Yiping smiling brightly at himself again and saying, "Brother, come back!" up".Gritting his teeth, he suddenly turned around and knelt down in front of Cen Xueluo, staring straight into Cen Xueluo's eyes with a pair of black eyes and said, "Please, teach me kung fu and avenge my brother!"

(End of this chapter)

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