Chapter 46
A woman, a girl about fifteen or sixteen years old, a young girl who is still so charming, said quack talk like "playing games" is really not shocking.

Even though Cen Xueluo's expression was condensed and serious, the bald and the others were more attracted by her pretty face.However, when these few people saw Cen Xueluo's face, their reactions were very different.

The two men who bumped into Cen Xueluo on the street were taken aback. They quickly pointed at Cen Xueluo and exclaimed, "It's you!"

The other three women, two of them were already drunk and unconscious, and the remaining one was also dizzy and couldn't open his eyes. He just lay on the sofa and kept shaking his head. It seemed that he was still ups and downs caused by the drug. .

Hua Shirt was the only one who had never seen Cen Xueluo, and he had taken drugs, so his reason was not so clear, so his reaction was the most normal. Confused, he said: "Little sister, how do you want to kick brother's game? Come, brother will have a good chat with you."

Cen Xueluo pursed her lips tightly, looking coldly at the dirty hands that the man in the floral shirt extended towards her.

The dazed bald head always felt that this young beauty looked familiar, but suddenly remembered, his eyes widened in horror and shouted: "It's you! Huazi, don't go there!"

Before he finished speaking, he saw a blur in front of his eyes. Cen Xueluo was still standing where he was, but Hua Zi had already bent down and howled in pain, hugging his outstretched right hand.The bald head was shocked to see a thin line of blood on Huazi's right wrist, the blood flowed down the slender wound, Huazi's right hand drooped weakly, as if the tendon in his hand had been severed.

Without looking at the faces of the other people, Cen Xueluo just frowned slightly, then stepped forward and slapped Huazi hard on the neck, the howling stopped abruptly, and the private room was instantly silent.

"It's really noisy." Cen Xueluo clapped her hands slowly at this moment, and said two words coldly.

The faces of the other people in the private room were colorful, but they basically maintained a state of being dumbfounded.The little girl, who seemed powerless, stunned such a strong man with her bare hands, and what was even more amazing was that she didn't know how to break Huazi's tendons.This... what the hell happened?
The bald head is more aware of Cen Xueluo's methods than the others. Last time, none of the ten brothers, including himself, were courted by Cen Xueluo. This girl must have practiced twice. Boxing for many years, is not an opponent.He tried his best to calm down, and asked as politely as possible: "Excuse me, miss, what advice do you have for coming to my little brother's place?"

Turning his eyes, Cen Xueluo slightly turned his face to look at the bald head, with a sneer on the corner of his lips that made the bald head astonished, and said slowly: "I said, I'll play."

"I don't know where my little brother offended you?" The bald head wiped his cold sweat, but his heart was as clear as a mirror. He knew that it must be Brother Jun who said he wanted to clean up the trouble caused by Mo Yifan. Thinking so, the bald head stared fiercely. Standing aside, the two looked at each other stupidly.

It doesn't matter if the bald head stares, but the two men sent by Brother Jun misunderstood the meaning of the bald head. One thought that the bald head was giving him a wink to call for help, so his eyes flashed, and he secretly moved towards the door; Slowly walked around behind Cen Xueluo, ready to sneak attack by the copycat.

"Offended?" Cen Xueluo sneered at the corner of his mouth, glanced at the two men who were secretly making small moves, and said calmly, "I asked Cheng Fei to tell the boss of your Black Tiger Gang not to trouble Mo Yifan, could it be?" Didn't he bring the words with him?"

"I have brought it, I have brought it." The bald head said repeatedly, with cold sweat streaming down his forehead, "We didn't want to trouble him..."

Before the bald man finished speaking, seeing one of the men had already walked to the door, Cen Xue raised her hand, and then there was a bang on the other side of the door, and the man near the door fell to the ground without a sound.

The young man who walked around behind Cen Xueluo's face changed in fright. He raised the iron pipe in his hand and swung it at Cen Xueluo's head.

Cen Xueluo didn't even look back, she tiptoed, her body floated out obliquely, her hand slightly raised, the hand of the young man holding the iron pipe went numb, and the iron pipe flew out of his hand.

The young man took two steps back clutching his weak right hand, sat down on the ground, looked at Cen Xueluo with a face full of horror, and shouted as if seeing a ghost: "Help, come, help—— "

With a raised hand, the private room became quiet again.

The bald head looked at the three people who fell silently on the ground, and his lips trembled in fright: "You, you killed them?"

Cen Xueluo's face was frosty, and she snorted coldly, "No trouble, so what's the matter with them? Since your brother Jun is so passionate, the little girl had no choice but to pay a visit in person."

The bald head still needs an explanation, but Cen Xueluo has lost his patience, and without giving it a chance, he bullied himself and prepared to teach the bald head a lesson.The bald head has practiced boxing. Although his body is not so flexible due to the drug, he still has the basic reaction and avoidance consciousness. He quickly lowered his body and rolled over, shouting repeatedly: "Misunderstanding, what a misunderstanding. Miss, please be merciful."

The bald head was still shouting, and he was slapped on the face instantly, only to hear Cen Xueluo say coldly: "You are the miss, and your whole family is a miss."

After finishing speaking, a pair of cold hands pinched the bald head's jaw, forcing him to open his mouth. Throwing something into the bald head's mouth, it split open instantly, and a coolness flowed straight into the bald head's stomach.

"What did you eat for me?" The bald head touched his throat, looking at Cen Xueluo in horror.

"It's just poison." Cen Xueluo said it as calmly as if he had given a bald head a piece of candy, "But it's not enough to kill you right away."

"what do you want?"

"Save your life, tell Brother Jun one last time, don't be ignorant. If you find fault again, I will go to him personally next time." Cen Xueluo stared straight at the bald head with cold eyes, her voice was not loud but full of threats .

After saying this, Cen Xueluo didn't stay any longer, glanced at the three drowsy girls beside her, and jumped out of the broken window with her toes on her toes.

The bald head watched Cen Xueluo jump out of the window, and his figure disappeared beyond the low wall, and then he shouted at the top of his voice, "Come here, come here, where are they all dead..."

Cen Xueluo tidied up her clothes, still a little worried, decided to go to Mo Yifan's house to take a look, and warned Mo Yifan that he had better live in another place, as it was no longer safe there.

"Your heart is really soft." From the space, he watched Cen Xueluo's actions silently, and commented.

"I'm just being courteous first and then polite." Cen Xueluo also knew that she wasn't cruel enough, but after all, she had never killed anyone, or even fought, and she couldn't do it if she suddenly treated human life like nothing.

Li Leng snorted: "This kind of disaster, if you don't solve it quickly, it will be a disaster sooner or later."

Cen Xueluo couldn't help sighing: "When they are really a disaster, I will definitely not show mercy."

"By that day, it will be too late." Li sneered, and then muttered in a low voice, "No wonder you have to learn the old-fashioned kung fu of acupuncture. It turns out that it is for silver needles. It is flashy."

Cen Xueluo heard Li's words clearly, but she didn't ask why the acupuncture points with silver needles were flashy, because she saw that Mo Yifan's house was wide open and the inside was in chaos.

(End of this chapter)

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