Chapter 47
Mo Yifan's house was empty, the dilapidated wooden doors were wide open, and even the door of the humble house inside was also open.

Cen Xueluo was startled, and walked in quickly, only to find that the weeds in the yard had been trampled crookedly, and the dust in the house was covered with messy footprints.

Oops!Could it be that Mo Yifan has already been captured by Brother Jun's men?Cen Xueluo yelled secretly, and couldn't help but look back and forth in the room, trying to find some clues.

The room was very messy, the low wooden stool with a broken leg was overturned on the ground, and the paper shell that had been thrown on the ground was also turned over in a mess, with a few muddy footprints on it.

Cen Xueluo's internal energy floated on the extracorporeal circulation, and she turned a blind eye to the dust flying in the air. She just carefully observed every object in the room. Suddenly her eyes lit up, and she saw a book quietly placed on the window sill, and walked away happily. Going over, touched the cover of the book, then pursed his lips and smiled.

Li was puzzled and asked, "What are you so silly about?"

"I'm happy that Mo Yifan's disappearance was not kidnapped by Brother Jun." Cen Xueluo was in a good mood, so he replied with a smile.

"Didn't you get kidnapped?" Li's voice was surprised, "How do you know you weren't kidnapped?"

If you don't talk about people, you are afraid of getting along with each other. At first Cen Xueluo felt that Li was such a mysterious and powerful person, but now he felt that this guy was very quiet except when he was retreating, and he was extremely gossip at other times.

Cen Xueluo rolled her eyes, and said bluntly, "Guess for yourself." After speaking, she briskly hummed and left Mo Yifan's house.

When he got home, he realized that Bai had been busy all day, but in the end he still hadn't bought new clothes for his mother. Looking at his mother Hao Yuemei's washed-up white old clothes, Cen Xueluo's nose felt a little sore.

"Mom—" With a long and coquettish voice, Cen Xueluo hugged her mother from behind, and rubbed her face against her back vigorously.

"Luoluo, don't make trouble. Go sit and wait, the meal will be ready soon." Hao Yuemei raised her arm, turned her head to Cen Xueluo dotingly and said.

"Mom, it's time for you to add some new clothes." Cen Xueluo tugged on her mother's skirt, refusing to leave.

Hao Yuemei glanced at Cen Xueluo in surprise, then drove Cen Xueluo out of the kitchen, and said, "Mom has clothes to wear, so there's no need to buy new ones. You just need to prepare well for your high school."

Poor parents in the world!It is obvious that he is reluctant to eat and wear, but he stubbornly refuses to admit it.With slightly wet eyes, Cen Xueluo took out the 5000 yuan he earned today from the space, and then pulled back his mother who had already turned to wash the vegetables, with a sweet smile on her delicate face: "Mom, I'm going to pay you today! The money you make from selling medicine!"

Hao Yuemei didn't take Cen Xueluo's part-time job seriously at first, she thought that Cen Xueluo was just a novelty for a while, but she didn't want her daughter to suddenly spend so much money, she was a little dumbfounded, looked at the thick stack of money, Looking at the daughter who was grinning at her teeth, she couldn't help but took a deep breath and asked, "You made this, so much money by selling medicine?"

"Yes." Seeing her mother's reaction, Cen Xueluo was a little happy, stuffed all 5000 yuan into her mother's arms, wrinkled her nose proudly and said, "Mom, the beauty pill I made is not an ordinary medicine. It's all sold out!"

"Oh my god, how much did you sell?" Hao Yuemei's hands trembled in surprise, fearing that the money would be lost, she quickly clasped it tightly with her arms.

"Not much." Cen Xueluo shook her hands, "Ten bottles. Five hundred a bottle!"

"A bottle of five hundred?" Hao Yuemei's eyes widened, she looked at Cen Xueluo like an alien, and while putting down the vegetables to pack up the money in her arms, she asked, "Luoluo, why is your medicine so expensive? Anyone buy it?"

Cen Xueluo smiled and took her mother's arm, letting her sit down on the sofa in the living room, and then explained: "Mom, you underestimate women's desire for beauty. Besides, what I sell is not medicine, but technology! My The formula has been passed down from generation to generation, and its historical value is more than five hundred, it cannot be measured by money!"

Cen Xueluo didn't dare to tell her mother that the ingredients in this medicine were all very valuable, and selling five hundred was already a friendly price. If it wasn't for his lack of fame, someone would be willing to sell this medicine for ten thousand bottles. .Cen Xueluo explained to Hao Yuemei from the perspectives of historical value, science and technology, etc. Hao Yuemei, who was fooling around, was also in a daze. She sorted out the money, held it tightly with her hands, and said cheerfully: "So this formula is so valuable. Luoluo, you are really a face to your mother. But don't work too hard to make money selling medicine, and delay your studies? Otherwise, you teach mother, and mother will do it?"

Hearing this, Cen Xueluo hurriedly stopped her mother's whimsical thoughts with a face of cold sweat, and racked her brains to explain: "Mom, I practiced this medicine in other people's pharmacies. We are a cooperative relationship. There are thousands of traditional Chinese medicines. Ten thousand, can you tell them apart? I promise I won’t delay my studies, can’t I? I’m just busy working during the holidays.”

It was hard to talk about it until he persuaded his mother who insisted on learning to refine medicine to share her pressure. Cen Xueluo felt that this was more tiring than practicing a hundred bottles of pills.Returning to her bedroom, closing the door, Cen Xueluo turned off the fluorescent lamp, sat quietly in the dark for a while, and then went into the space to refine some beauty pills.

After a sleepless night, he continued to practice until early in the morning, and finally refined another fifteen bottles of beauty pills. Cen Xueluo felt that the speed of his refining medicine was accelerating, and his grasp of the heat and the dosage of medicinal materials became more precise. Even his internal strength seemed to have increased a lot. .After adjusting his breath, he waved his hand and sent out a wind blade. Cen Xueluo watched the slightly transparent and bluish light flashing away in the purple space, feeling that something was not right.

After thinking for a while, Cen Xueluo said to the purple mist floating in front of him in the space, "Li, does refining medicine help the growth of internal strength? I feel that I have improved a lot, but why didn't the wind blade A little progress?"

After a while, a cold hum came from the purple mist, and then there was no more movement.

Cen Xueluo couldn't help being surprised, not understanding Li's reaction, and humbly asked for advice: "What's wrong? Is there something wrong with me? I feel that the power of the wind blade is not strong, and it is not as good as the effect of acupuncture with an embroidery needle. "

"Acupoint acupuncture with embroidery needles?" Li sneered, and the purple mist kept rolling, as if mocking Cen Xueluo, "It's a flashy thing! This ability is just superficial."

No matter how dull this time, Cen Xueluo found that there was something wrong with Li's attitude, and he couldn't help asking strangely: "Why is it so flashy? Then how can I improve? Do you have any objections to me?"

After being silent for a while, he uttered a sentence that made Cen Xueluo vomit blood: "Tell me what you found in that crappy house during the day, and how you knew that kid wasn't kidnapped, and I'll tell you how to practice!"

(End of this chapter)

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