Chapter 49 Tracking (Second Update)
The Baijia Pharmacy was quite trustworthy, and they didn't deduct Cen Xueluo's income from selling medicines, so the profit sharing between them was settled on a daily basis.

Cen Xueluo took the money he earned in the past two days and walked around the streets, planning to buy his mother's new clothes, otherwise, once the money was handed over to her mother, she would definitely save it up and say it would be saved for her to go to high school and college. , with her mother's character, she is determined not to be willing to spend a penny for herself.

Not long after, Cen Xueluo felt something was wrong. After practicing, her six senses were strengthened a lot.

The so-called six senses refer to sight, smell, taste, hearing, touch and the sixth sense.The so-called mysterious sixth sense usually refers to some premonitions that cannot be explained by science. For practitioners, all senses are improved and thinking is clearer. According to each person's cultivation base, the accuracy of the sixth sense Also different.

At the beginning, I was quite uncomfortable. For example, when I was about to sleep or practice, I was happy to hear the crickets singing downstairs; for example, I felt more pungent than ordinary people when I smelled the bad smell in the air. Circulating, breathing air can be isolated from the outside world, and the pores can be used to breathe.After many discomforts were adjusted by herself, Cen Xueluo gradually knew when to ignore the sensitivity of a certain organ.

That feeling was like a needle stabbing his back, Cen Xuelu turned a few corners calmly, and found that he was indeed being followed.The two people who followed me were obviously more professional than ordinary punks. The ordinary-looking ones could not be seen in the crowd. They were dressed in ordinary clothes, and there was nothing worth looking at. They walked briskly and had natural expressions.

follow me?Cen Xueluo didn't know who sent these two people, but since she tried her hand at the bar that day, she was even more eager to try.The corner of her mouth twitched slightly, and Cen Xueluo gradually accelerated her pace, and after turning a few turns, she left the downtown area.

"Fourth, why is this girl not going shopping all of a sudden?" Among the two men following Cen Xueluo, the tall and thin one frowned and asked the people around him.

"Second brother, don't care if she goes shopping or not, maybe she's going home, and we just found out where her home is." Another man of medium build with short hair and a square face grinned in response.In his eyes, it is overkill for Bai Fu to send his two brothers to follow a young girl, just follow along casually, find out the origin of this girl and go back to do business.

Looking at the relaxed and thin face of the fourth child, he always felt a little uneasy in his heart, but he still followed closely behind Cen Xueluo as if nothing had happened.

Turning around, Cen Xueluo's figure suddenly disappeared in a pile of dilapidated bungalows intertwined with alleys.

"Huh? Where did this girl go?" The fourth child looked around and muttered in a low voice.

The thin and long face lowered his head to look carefully at the footprints on the ground. This place is relatively remote and belongs to the area that is about to be demolished. Most of the residents have already moved out, so the girl's footprints should be left on the dirt.

"Second brother, which way are you going?" The fourth child urged anxiously, "It's been a long time, and the girl's house is about to arrive, so hurry up and go back to work, I want to take a bath and get a massage!"

How could the old four's flamboyant guts be hidden from the thin and long face, he cast a gloomy look at the fourth brother, and warned in a low voice: "Since Brother Bai Fu asked us two brothers to come, there must be something special about this girl. cheer me up. I think it's a little strange that this girl disappeared."

Hearing this, the fourth child calmed down and looked down at the ground carefully. Although it was full of dust and there were some uneven old footprints, there was not a single new footprint!The fourth child was taken aback, raised his head and asked, "Second Brother, didn't we follow the wrong path?"

"Do you think our brothers will make such a low-level mistake?" The thin and long face gave the fourth brother a sideways look, and he was also secretly suspicious. How could this girl disappear out of thin air? Could it be that she has practiced lightness kung fu?After thinking about it, the thin and long face immediately made a decision, "Fourth brother, you go back and report a letter, and I'll stay here and look for it. I'm afraid this girl really has something behind her!"

The two of them were about to split up when they suddenly heard a "puchi" chuckle, and then the clean and neat Cen Xueluo flew in front of them, looked at them with a smile on his lips and asked, "You said someone with a history?" Is it me?"

Both the thin face and the fourth child took a step back in surprise, looking at Cen Xueluo who seemed to be falling from the sky, their eyes were full of surprise, but there was nothing strange about it.

"You really have some kung fu." Seeing Cen Xueluo appearing, the fourth child grinned, then nodded and commented.

The thin and long face obviously had a lot more serious thoughts. His eyes flickered, and he asked gloomyly: "Since you're gone, why bother to show up again? Could it be that we two brothers are going to be left behind?"

Cen Xueluo was about to speak, when Li's voice suddenly sounded: "Be careful, these two people have also practiced before."

"Oh? What's your level?" When Cen Xueluo heard Li's words, he wasn't afraid at all, but a little excited.

"Well, Xiantian is around level three, just for beginners, but the tall one is practicing feminine kung fu, and the short one is practicing outsider kung fu. One-on-one, you can practice your double wind blades. Be careful." Although Cen Xueluo's internal strength was far stronger than the two of them, he had no combat experience after all, so Li asked Cen Xueluo wordlessly, with a hint of concern.

Cen Xueluo squinted at the two people in front of her, tilted her head, a little playful and cute, but what she said made them half-deadly angry: "Keep you guys alone? Can you use them as coolies?"

The fourth child's expression changed at that moment, but he resisted not to speak, and just stared at Cen Xueluo viciously.With a gloomy face and a thin and long face, he laughed a few times dryly: "Little girl, it's better to leave yourself a little retreat when you talk!"

"What's the way to retreat?" Cen Xueluo's eyes gradually turned cold. Although there was still a smile on his lips, the icy aura exuding from his body was even stronger. "Is asking you to follow me to my door a way to retreat? Who is it?" sent you here?"

"Do you think we'll talk about it?" Slender-skinned and said with a nonchalant smile, "We don't have any malice towards you, why don't we take half of the road to the sky, and let's leave it at that today..."

According to the general rules of the arena, if you don't want to hurt your kindness, someone who uses a knife or a gun, with a thin and long face, is considered a soft gesture, but Cen Xueluo doesn't understand it at all, and doesn't accept this at all.

"Okay, why don't you go, I'll follow you to find out who wants to check on me!" Cen Xueluo moved her fingers slightly, and took out a long and thin embroidery needle to play with.

"Toast, don't eat fine wine!" The square-faced man couldn't bear it anymore, he drank violently, and punched Cen Xueluo.

(End of this chapter)

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