The cold medicine of rebirth is poisonous

Chapter 50 The First Appearance of Dual Wind Blades

Chapter 50 The First Appearance of Dual Wind Blades

The square-faced man's foreigner's kung fu has obviously achieved a little bit, and there is a faint sound of wind when he punches, which shows that his power is extraordinary.

Seeing the fourth brother making a move, Slender Face's eyes moved slightly. Since he had already made a move, why not... A soft internal force emanated from Slender Face's palm, directly hitting Cen Xueluo's lower abdomen.

Flying lightly and slantingly to one side, Cen Xueluo lightly tapped the ground with her toes, and then her body rose three feet, her slender body spun around in the air and landed behind the fourth child, and then an embroidery needle was hard to distinguish with the naked eye. The speed flew to the slender face in place.

How can they be compared to the bald heads in those bars with their thin and long faces? With a flash of eyes, they sideways dodged Cen Xueluo's embroidery needles, and slapped Cen Xueluo on the shoulder with their palms.

At this time, Cen Xueluo was also very proficient at lightening his body. He turned sideways to avoid it, and the embroidery needle in his hand pierced the neck of his long and thin face again.

Such a vital position on the human body, with a thin and long face, naturally wouldn't let Cen Xueluo get it easily, so he quickly took two steps back, leaning on one side of his body, with his right hand on the ground, and kicked Cen Xueluo with his left leg.Seeing Cen Xueluo dodge, he propped his hands on the ground with his long and thin face, turned over and jumped up, and hit Cen Xueluo's chest with another palm wind.

After two moves, Cen Xueluo did not have the upper hand at all, and the square-faced fourth child also stopped his forward momentum, turned around and roared angrily, and threw his fist at Cen Xueluo's back again.

With the long and thin face in the front and the hammer-like fist of the square-faced man in the back, Cen Xueluo finally realized what it means to be an expert as soon as he makes a move. These two people are completely different from the people he met before. grade.

In a hurry, Cen Xueluo lowered her waist, leaned over in a little embarrassment and got out from between the two men's pincers. Her slender and slender fingers pierced straight into the wall, and her ten fingers exerted force instantly, flying up again, and her figure floated steadily. on the wall.

Seeing Cen Xueluo step back and jump onto the wall, she withdrew her long and thin face, looked at Cen Xueluo who was standing on a high place, and said, "Let me advise you one last time, little girl, to be a human being, you must know how to retreat in spite of difficulties, otherwise ..."

The voice of the thin and long face stopped suddenly, and the fist of the square-faced fourth child also stopped in the air. The two looked at Cen Xueluo on the wall in horror, and said in unison: "You, you..."

Cen Xueluo stood on the top of the wall, with his feet slightly on the ground, his arms on both sides of his body were slightly bent, and his palms were spread flat. On those two fair and slender hands, there were two blue air currents flowing back and forth. With a cold light, it looks like a solid blade.

Looking down coldly at the two surprised faces, Cen Xueluo's eyes were half-closed, she held her breath and turned her palms to push the two blue wind blades out.The wind blade left Cen Xueluo's palm, like an arrow off its string, it flashed across the air, leaving only a pale blue phantom.

"Hide!" Slender-faced face changed before he finished speaking, and he shouted sharply, and at the same time, he also stepped aside.The blue Limang brushed past the thin and long-faced body, shot into the wall beside it, and disappeared without a trace.But the thin and long face couldn't help wiping off a cold sweat, because the red brick wall where the blue light was hidden was neatly cut with a thin slit, which was as smooth and flat as a knife.

The fourth child with a square face moved a little slower, but he was also very alert. He rolled over on the spot, and the blue wind blade brushed against his back. The white flesh is exposed.

The fourth child sat on the ground, touched his back, broke out in a cold sweat, and yelled strangely: "My mother, this girl is really..."

"Fourth, bow your head!" The thin and long face yelled again, the voice was sharp, and the pupils were full of fear.

The square-faced fourth child hadn't finished speaking, he just felt a chill on his neck, and then something seemed to get into his body, he opened his mouth, but he didn't say a word, and his body fell down heavily.

"Fourth!" The thin and long face shouted in panic. He saw with his own eyes that the blue air current that the fourth brother had already dodged turned around in the air, and flew back as if controlled by someone, passing the fourth brother's body. neck.

"You..." The thin and long face seemed to have a stormy wave in his heart at this moment, this... this realm is more than one level stronger than them!I'm afraid only the boss and the direct disciples of Mr. Bai can fight.

Seeing the slender face standing still in place before attacking, with an ugly face like a dead father, Cen Xueluo withdrew his internal strength slightly, and the blue air flow disappeared into the air without a sound.

"Say, who sent you here?" Cen Xueluo asked with a cold face, staring at her long and thin face with a serious face.

With a thin and long face full of grief and indignation, she hunted wild geese all day long but was blinded by wild geese. This little girl was so cruel and merciless. It seemed that she had fallen here today.He understood that this gap in cultivation level could not be made up by desperate efforts, so he gritted his teeth with his thin and long face, and said bitterly: "Since you have already killed the fourth child, you should just take care of me too! Don't you ever kill me!" You want to get words out of my mouth!"

Cen Xueluo didn't expect this sinister, thin and long face to have such backbone, but this expression of a heroic sacrifice seems inappropriate, right?She blinked, glanced at the square-faced man lying on the ground, and shrugged: "Okay, since you don't want to say it, take your brother with you."

"What?" The thin and long face was already ready to die, but he opened his eyes in surprise, "You won't kill me?"

"Kill you?" Cen Xueluo lowered her eyes, looked at her plain hands, and shook her head slightly, "I don't want to kill people unless it is absolutely necessary."

"Huh? Could it be?" The thin and long face reacted quickly, with a touch of surprise on his face, and immediately squatted down to check the fourth child's injury.

I saw that there was indeed a bloodstain on the short neck of the fourth child, but no blood flowed out, as if it had been congealed. I reached out and touched it, but it was cold and frightening.The thin and long face turned his head, raised his face and asked, "What happened to my fourth brother?"

"It's okay, I'll wake up from a coma for a while. It's a skin trauma, and the blood didn't flow much." Cen Xueluo squatted down, looked at the long and thin face with clear eyes and explained softly, "Let's go!"

The thin and long face confirmed that the fourth child was indeed still alive, and he couldn't help but feel very happy. He stood up and threw a fist at Cen Xueluo respectfully, and said very quackly: "I, Hu Er, thank you for not killing me! If there is a chance in the future , must return!"

After finishing speaking, he nodded gratefully to Cen Xueluo, and Hu Er with the long, thin face put the unconscious square-faced man on his shoulders, turned and left.

Watching the figures of the two gradually disappear, Cen Xueluo, who was squatting on the wall, slowly supported the top of the wall with her hands. She wanted to jump off, but she didn't want to shake her body. dusty.

(End of this chapter)

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