Chapter 51
"Look, this is because the control ability is weak, which leads to the loss of a lot of internal force. It's just two wind blades. Normally, with your internal strength, it's not a problem to send ten blows, but you just don't know how to practice, so take a look..." Li gloated chatter.

"Shut up!" Cen Xueluo gritted her teeth and spit out two words.

"I'm teaching you..."

"Get out! Why did you go early!"


In the dust and smoke, a figure climbed up in embarrassment, patted the dust on his clothes, and staggered away.

Finally, it was the fourth day of the drug sale, the day when the ten buyers who bought the Yangyan pills on the first day came back to give feedback on the efficacy of the medicine.Cen Xueluo stood in front of the counter energetically and prepared to welcome guests early in the morning.

Bai Fu sat on his chair, bent his arms on the table, expressionless.He didn't expect this girl to be so powerful, the second and fourth two innate third-level people couldn't do anything to her, and in the end she had to be merciful to come back.At such a young age, but with such profound attainments, the forces behind it must be extraordinary.

Bai Fu couldn't help but think of his master Bai Yishan's reprimand last night, "I tell you, that little girl is not easy, let you get close to her, it's the best if you can get something out of her, even if you can't get her out, let's help her when she's down." It's a friendship! You put away those ghostly thoughts immediately, and if something happens, I will never forgive you!"

Bai Fu's eyes darkened, and he stared gloomily at Cen Xueluo's back.Do you really want to curry favor with her?
Cen Xueluo naturally knew that Bai Fu had been staring at her, she couldn't help but pursed her lips tightly, it was impossible not to be nervous.Although she has confidence in her medicine, she doesn't know how many of the ten customers will come to give feedback, and whether someone will make trouble.This Bai Fu must want to see his jokes, hum!She straightened her back and waited quietly for the shop assistant to open the door for business.

Early in the morning, a lot of people gathered outside the door of Baijia Pharmacy. Most of them were people who came to see the excitement the day before. They were going to watch the sequel today. Some came here after hearing the rumors, waiting for the further development of the plot with great interest. .Generally speaking, everyone is extremely looking forward to the appearance of those who bought the medicine the day before. If it is really effective, it will naturally be a great news for the general public. Those who bought the medicine will definitely not give up. In short, today should be exciting!
As soon as the door of the Baijia Drug Store opened, Cen Xueluo saw the excited and expectant crowd, and couldn't help but smile wryly in his heart, this... This is simply more exaggerated than selling tickets for the premiere of a blockbuster movie.Ladies and gentlemen, do you need to be so dedicated?

Lived up to everyone's expectations, the customer who bought the medicine on the first day really came. The first one to arrive was a woman in business attire and black-rimmed glasses. The fine lines around her eyes and neck indicate that she is no longer young.

This professional woman's personality is as capable and valiant as her appearance. She walked into the pharmacy in full view, stood in front of Cen Xueluo and said straight to the point: "Doctor Cen, I bought medicine from you on the first day, and today I am here to make an appointment. Feedback from the drug effect."

As soon as these words came out, the people outside the pharmacy door stretched their necks and waited for the crowd to silence instantly. It was quieter than the classroom where the teacher was lecturing.

Cen Xueluo calmed down and smiled: "Hello. Thank you for coming. May I ask how you feel after taking the medicine for three consecutive days?"

The professional woman spoke quickly and clearly. She pushed her glasses and said, "To be honest, I have used a lot of beauty medicine, but your medicine is really amazing. It only took three days, and the detoxification effect is very obvious, and It didn't affect my appetite or energy at all, and I've always been in good spirits at work during the day, which is amazing."

Cen Xueluo couldn't help nodding slightly when she heard the professional woman say that it has detox effect. As she expected, it seems that this customer is really experienced.

"I'm going back to the company for a meeting later. In addition to giving feedback on the efficacy of the medicine and giving you a certificate, I just want to buy another bottle." The professional woman said, took out her wallet from her purse, and began to count the money. "It's not half price now, is it? Is it a thousand for a bottle? Get me another bottle, I want to give it to my sister."

The onlookers at the door have been paying attention to the development of the situation in the pharmacy. If the Baijia pharmacy hadn't stipulated that they must queue up to enter, they would have swarmed past.At this time, watching the professional woman pay for another bottle of medicine, everyone immediately exploded, and the flow of people rushed forward.Because the first three days were sold in limited quantities, and only [-] bottles were sold in total, it can be seen that Yangyan Pills are precious, if you start late today, you may not be able to buy them.

"It seems to be really effective." An old lady with a vegetable basket whispered to the person next to her.

"Ten people who buy medicines, one just came here. Wait a minute, maybe it's a trustee." This was said by a middle-aged woman who seemed quite shrewd.

Before everyone finished discussing here, a person hurriedly got out of a limousine at the corner of the street and walked quickly towards the pharmacy.Some people who have been here on the first day have already recognized that this is another person who bought medicine on the first day.

"Let's go, let's go!" Get out of the car is a short, slightly fat, fair-skinned woman, about [-] years old, said to the people gathered at the entrance of the Baijia drugstore while wiping off her sweat.

Everyone kindly made way for this slightly fat woman, and paid close attention to her entering the Baijia drugstore.

"Doctor, doctor, give me five more bottles! The pimples on my face have disappeared in just three days. Look, look, has the skin improved a lot?" The woman was obviously a little excited, and entered After entering the door, he said happily to Cen Xueluo, and pushed back his hair to show Cen Xueluo his cheeks and forehead.

Cen Xueluo glanced at it, smiled slightly and said, "It's really much better, but it's not all about beauty. The pimples on your cheeks and forehead are mainly caused by endocrine and body toxins. Now that the toxins are excreted from the body, the pimples Naturally, it will not grow. Your skin is already good, without acne, it will naturally look very good."

Even though Cen Xueluo sincerely denied the woman's exaggerated effect of the medicine, the short and fat woman was still very happy. It seemed that the acne on her face had really troubled her for a long time: "Anyway, I was the one who took the medicine. The medicine is effective. It’s not that I haven’t used it before, but even if the acne goes down for a few days, it will rise again immediately. People say that I am not youthful and the acne is still there. Okay, bring me another five bottles , I will send some to relatives and friends."

Cen Xueluo looked at this very supportive customer apologetically and said, "I'm sorry, there are only five bottles for sale today, and one bottle was sold just now, so there are only four bottles left."

"Then I'll cover everything." The short, fat woman patted her chest generously, then took out a thick stack of banknotes from her wallet, "How much?"

As soon as the people around the door heard that this latecomer was going to pay for everything, they quit immediately, and started yelling, "No, no, no, you bought everything, what should we do?"

"That's right, we've been queuing here for half a day, can't we come here for nothing?"

Cen Xueluo looked at the person at the door with a smile, thought for a while and said, "Well, it's really unreasonable to give you four bottles. You take one bottle today, and give the other three bottles to the first three guests at the door. How about it? Come back later. Buy it, and I'll give you a pulse for free to see how you can restore your slim figure, okay?"

The short and fat woman Cen Xueluo said was elated and nodded repeatedly.Back then, she was also slim and beautiful, and her return rate was more than 50.00% when she walked out, but now 5.00% is difficult. If she can lose weight successfully, then so what if she buys medicine and gives gifts later.

Just now came two customers who gave feedback on the efficacy of the medicine, and the five bottles of beauty pills that were originally pre-ordered were sold out. Other people who wanted to buy the medicine saw that they were sold out, so they could only mutter a few words bitterly, and come back in line tomorrow morning.

In this way, the reputation of Yangyan Pills can be regarded as spreading. Seeing that everyone had already left, Cen Xueluo breathed a sigh of relief, packed up his things, and prepared to leave.

Just as he was about to go out, he suddenly saw a figure running in in a panic, holding a child in his arms. If Cen Xueluo hadn't dodged quickly, he might have been bumped into him. As soon as she stood still, Then I heard the person entering the door shouting: "Doctor Bai, save my son!"

(End of this chapter)

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